17 research outputs found

    Social Worldviews and Personal Beliefs as Risk Factors for Radicalization: A Comparison Between Muslims and non-Muslims Living in Poland

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    This paper contributes to the understanding of the radicalization process. Muslim and non-Muslim residents of Poland were compared on their pro-terrorist attitudes toward sacrifice and non-sacrifice terrorism. We observed that acceptance of sacrifice terrorism and non-sacrifice terrorism are distinct but overlapping attitudes. These attitudes are explained by a separate configuration of social worldviews and personal beliefs. We found acceptance of non-sacrifice terrorism to be predicted by individual belief in a hostile world and the perception of low social support, whereas acceptance of sacrifice terrorism is determined by religious fundamentalism and authoritarianism. The separate beliefs underlying these two forms of pro-terrorist attitudes may indicate their different psychological functions. Acceptance of sacrifice terrorism serves as a defense of religion and culture, whereas acceptance of non-sacrifice terrorism serves to release personal frustration. This distinction may be used in terrorism prevention programs and/or de-radicalization programs. We also found that the risk of radicalization increases with the socio-cultural isolation of Muslims, decreases with age, and is particularly high for males

    Morphological and environmental aspects of biological diversity, using Trama troglodytes (Hemiptera, Aphididae) as an example

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    tekst w j. pol. i ang.Celem pracy było określenie morfologicznych adaptacji T. troglodytes do żerowania na korzeniach Asteraceae z zastosowaniem elektronowej mikroskopii skaningowej

    Ideological Inconsistencies on the Left and Right as a Product of Coherence of Preferences for Values. The Case of Poland

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    The terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ cannot describe two extremes of a single ideological dimension. Instead, a bi-dimensional model including socio-cultural and socio-economic facets of leftism/rightism is postulated. Several studies conducted in the USA and Western Europe show a relative coherence of left-wing and right-wing orientation regarding both dimensions, whereas very diverse patterns can be found in the countries of Eastern Europe. In Poland cultural and economic leftism-rightism seem to be clearly negatively related. The general hypothesis in this paper claims that such ideological inconsistency is a product of coherence at the level of preferences for values, i.e. covariance within individualistic (Openness to change and Self-enhancement) as well as within collectivist values (Conservation and Self-transcendence). Based on a survey study (N = 750) conducted on a representative sample of Poles, it was shown that preferences for values made up two distinct dimensions: Openness to change vs Conservation, and Self-enhancement vs Self-transcendence. They are positively related but have fundamentally different relationships with political self-identification and ideology

    The Polish Version of the Scale Measuring Work-Family Conflict: Analysis of Psychometric Characteristics

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    Artykuł przedstawia polską adaptację skali do pomiaru konfliktu Praca-Dom (WFC) i Dom-Praca (FWC) autorstwa Dawn Carlson i współpracowników (2000). Praca koncentruje się na trzech aspektach psychometrycznych właściwości narzędzia: rzetelności, trafności czynnikowej i trafności teoretycznej. W części empirycznej wykorzystano dane z badania przeprowadzonego na grupie 261 osób pracujących na stanowiskach kierowniczych różnego szczebla. Analizy korelacyjne wskazują, że zarówno wskaźniki globalne, jak i podskale mierzące różne formy konfliktu, posiadają zadawalającą rzetelność wewnętrzną. Rezultaty konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej pokazują z kolei, że model Carlson, w porównaniu do szeregu alternatywnych modeli, odznacza się największą trafnością czynnikową. Pomimo pewnych mankamentów globalne wymiary WFC i FWC oraz ich subwymiary posiadają szereg zewnętrznych ko-relatów, których wzorzec wskazuje na dość wysoką trafność teoretyczną narzędzia

    Adult attachment styles and negativistic beliefs about the social world: The role of self-image and other-image

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    This article is concerned with the relationship between adult attachment styles and generalized negativistic social beliefs (i.e. pessimistic expectations concerning human nature and interpersonal relations). Two general dimensions of attachment styles, avoidance and anxiety, are considered to be manifestations of an individual’s image of other people and of the self, respectively. We suggest that both dimensions may be a substantial basis for formulating negative beliefs about the social world. Firstly, we believe that a high level of negativistic social beliefs can be positively predicted by the growth of avoidance (negative image of others) and anxiety (negative image of self). Secondly, we formulate an expected interaction effect. Although the nature of such an interaction is ambiguous, it may be argued as having a synergistic as well as antagonistic pattern. These hypotheses were tested and supported (in favor of an antagonistic pattern of interaction in the case of the second hypothesis) on a representative sample of adult Poles (N = 853)

    The Polish Version of the Scale Measuring Work-Family Conflict: Analysis of Psychometric Characteristics

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    Artykuł przedstawia polską adaptację skali do pomiaru konfliktu Praca-Dom (WFC) i Dom-Praca (FWC) autorstwa Dawn Carlson i współpracowników (2000). Praca koncentruje się na trzech aspektach psychometrycznych właściwości narzędzia: rzetelności, trafności czynnikowej i trafności teoretycznej. W części empirycznej wykorzystano dane z badania przeprowadzonego na grupie 261 osób pracujących na stanowiskach kierowniczych różnego szczebla. Analizy korelacyjne wskazują, że zarówno wskaźniki globalne, jak i podskale mierzące różne formy konfliktu, posiadają zadawalającą rzetelność wewnętrzną. Rezultaty konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej pokazują z kolei, że model Carlson, w porównaniu do szeregu alternatywnych modeli, odznacza się największą trafnością czynnikową. Pomimo pewnych mankamentów globalne wymiary WFC i FWC oraz ich subwymiary posiadają szereg zewnętrznych ko-relatów, których wzorzec wskazuje na dość wysoką trafność teoretyczną narzędzia

    Under or Out of Government Control? The Effects of Individual Mental Health and Political Views on the Attribution of Responsibility for COVID-19 Incidence Rates

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    The paper shows the role of mental health and political views in attributing responsibility for COVID-19 incidence rates to the government and factors beyond government control. Authors' hypotheses draw on the classic and new versions of attribution theories, on literature from political psychology about the process of blaming the government for natural catastrophes, and also on local socio-political specifics (political polarization). The empirical data used in the article come from the survey carried out on-line via a professional research panel at the turn of May and June 2020, after about three months of lockdown, and during the presidential election campaign. The research sample included 850 Polish adults (aged 18 to 84) fully diversified in terms of gender, age, and education (the sample was representative for the Polish population in terms of respondents' place of residence and the country's region). To measure attribution of responsibility, the authors developed an 8-item instrument. Half of the instrument’s items indicate government and state institutions' responsibility and half describe circumstances not related to the government. The results showed that the respondents tended to attribute more responsibility for COVID-19 effects to the government than other ("non-government") factors. In explaining the government's responsibility, political views and party preferences play an incomparably more significant role than mental health symptoms. The authors interpret these results as the effect of attitudinal and affective political polarization of Polish society

    Coaxial Laser Wire Deposition of AISI 316L steel - research on influence of processing parameters

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    Laser cladding technology is a well-established process, commonly used for deposition of improved-property coatings, repair of machine parts and additive manufacturing. Currently, in terms of application of laser cladding, the method based on powder deposition is much more common, as the use of an adapted nozzle allows the coaxial and direction-independent feeding of additional material into the weld pool. However, laser cladding with powder also has some significant drawbacks, e.g., limited powder feeding and melting efficiency, lower productivity and the resulting dust that poses a health risk to operators. The solution to these limitations is the use of additional material in the form of wire. To maintain the ability to coaxially feed the wire to the laser beam interaction point, a specialized cladding head is necessary. In mentioned system the laser beam, while being passed through the optical system, is divided into three separate beams that are focused on the substrate on the working point of the head. In this study, the COAXwire cladding head was integrated into the robot station and laser cladding process was carried out to determine the influence of the processing parameters on the deposition results. The parameters of the cladding system were identified, including the measurement of laser beam caustic. The experimental trials were carried out using AISI 316L wire deposited on S420MC substrate. The effect of the processing parameters on the geometry of the clad was determined with particular emphasis on the wire feeding