126 research outputs found

    Note on the number of edges in families with linear union-complexity

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    We give a simple argument showing that the number of edges in the intersection graph GG of a family of nn sets in the plane with a linear union-complexity is O(ω(G)n)O(\omega(G)n). In particular, we prove χ(G)col(G)<19ω(G)\chi(G)\leq \text{col}(G)< 19\omega(G) for intersection graph GG of a family of pseudo-discs, which improves a previous bound.Comment: background and related work is now more complete; presentation improve

    An on-line competitive algorithm for coloring bipartite graphs without long induced paths

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    The existence of an on-line competitive algorithm for coloring bipartite graphs remains a tantalizing open problem. So far there are only partial positive results for bipartite graphs with certain small forbidden graphs as induced subgraphs. We propose a new on-line competitive coloring algorithm for P9P_9-free bipartite graphs

    Planar posets have dimension at most linear in their height

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    We prove that every planar poset PP of height hh has dimension at most 192h+96192h + 96. This improves on previous exponential bounds and is best possible up to a constant factor. We complement this result with a construction of planar posets of height hh and dimension at least (4/3)h2(4/3)h-2.Comment: v2: Minor change

    Towards on-line Ohba's conjecture

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    The on-line choice number of a graph is a variation of the choice number defined through a two person game. It is at least as large as the choice number for all graphs and is strictly larger for some graphs. In particular, there are graphs GG with V(G)=2χ(G)+1|V(G)| = 2 \chi(G)+1 whose on-line choice numbers are larger than their chromatic numbers, in contrast to a recently confirmed conjecture of Ohba that every graph GG with V(G)2χ(G)+1|V(G)| \le 2 \chi(G)+1 has its choice number equal its chromatic number. Nevertheless, an on-line version of Ohba conjecture was proposed in [P. Huang, T. Wong and X. Zhu, Application of polynomial method to on-line colouring of graphs, European J. Combin., 2011]: Every graph GG with V(G)2χ(G)|V(G)| \le 2 \chi(G) has its on-line choice number equal its chromatic number. This paper confirms the on-line version of Ohba conjecture for graphs GG with independence number at most 3. We also study list colouring of complete multipartite graphs K3kK_{3\star k} with all parts of size 3. We prove that the on-line choice number of K3kK_{3 \star k} is at most 3/2k3/2k, and present an alternate proof of Kierstead's result that its choice number is (4k1)/3\lceil (4k-1)/3 \rceil. For general graphs GG, we prove that if V(G)χ(G)+χ(G)|V(G)| \le \chi(G)+\sqrt{\chi(G)} then its on-line choice number equals chromatic number.Comment: new abstract and introductio

    Boolean dimension and tree-width

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    The dimension is a key measure of complexity of partially ordered sets. Small dimension allows succinct encoding. Indeed if PP has dimension dd, then to know whether xyx \leq y in PP it is enough to check whether xyx\leq y in each of the dd linear extensions of a witnessing realizer. Focusing on the encoding aspect Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and Pudl\'{a}k defined a more expressive version of dimension. A poset PP has boolean dimension at most dd if it is possible to decide whether xyx \leq y in PP by looking at the relative position of xx and yy in only dd permutations of the elements of PP. We prove that posets with cover graphs of bounded tree-width have bounded boolean dimension. This stays in contrast with the fact that there are posets with cover graphs of tree-width three and arbitrarily large dimension. This result might be a step towards a resolution of the long-standing open problem: Do planar posets have bounded boolean dimension?Comment: one more reference added; paper revised along the suggestion of three reviewer

    Boolean Dimension, Components and Blocks

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    We investigate the behavior of Boolean dimension with respect to components and blocks. To put our results in context, we note that for Dushnik-Miller dimension, we have that if dim(C)d\dim(C)\le d for every component CC of a poset PP, then dim(P)max{2,d}\dim(P)\le \max\{2,d\}; also if dim(B)d\dim(B)\le d for every block BB of a poset PP, then dim(P)d+2\dim(P)\le d+2. By way of constrast, local dimension is well behaved with respect to components, but not for blocks: if ldim(C)d\text{ldim}(C)\le d for every component CC of a poset PP, then ldim(P)d+2\text{ldim}(P)\le d+2; however, for every d4d\ge 4, there exists a poset PP with ldim(P)=d\text{ldim}(P)=d and dim(B)3\dim(B)\le 3 for every block BB of PP. In this paper we show that Boolean dimension behaves like Dushnik-Miller dimension with respect to both components and blocks: if bdim(C)d\text{bdim}(C)\le d for every component CC of PP, then bdim(P)2+d+42d\text{bdim}(P)\le 2+d+4\cdot2^d; also if bdim(B)d\text{bdim}(B)\le d for every block of PP, then bdim(P)19+d+182d\text{bdim}(P)\le 19+d+18\cdot 2^d.Comment: 12 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1712.0609

    A note on concurrent graph sharing games

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    In the concurrent graph sharing game, two players, called First and Second, share the vertices of a connected graph with positive vertex-weights summing up to 11 as follows. The game begins with First taking any vertex. In each proceeding round, the player with the smaller sum of collected weights so far chooses a non-taken vertex adjacent to a vertex which has been taken, i.e., the set of all taken vertices remains connected and one new vertex is taken in every round. (It is assumed that no two subsets of vertices have the same sum of weights.) One can imagine the players consume their taken vertex over a time proportional to its weight, before choosing a next vertex. In this note we show that First has a strategy to guarantee vertices of weight at least 1/31/3 regardless of the graph and how it is weighted. This is best-possible already when the graph is a cycle. Moreover, if the graph is a tree First can guarantee vertices of weight at least 1/21/2, which is clearly best-possible.Comment: expanded introduction and conclusion

    Pathwidth and nonrepetitive list coloring

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    A vertex coloring of a graph is nonrepetitive if there is no path in the graph whose first half receives the same sequence of colors as the second half. While every tree can be nonrepetitively colored with a bounded number of colors (4 colors is enough), Fiorenzi, Ochem, Ossona de Mendez, and Zhu recently showed that this does not extend to the list version of the problem, that is, for every 1\ell \geq 1 there is a tree that is not nonrepetitively \ell-choosable. In this paper we prove the following positive result, which complements the result of Fiorenzi et al.: There exists a function ff such that every tree of pathwidth kk is nonrepetitively f(k)f(k)-choosable. We also show that such a property is specific to trees by constructing a family of pathwidth-2 graphs that are not nonrepetitively \ell-choosable for any fixed \ell.Comment: v2: Minor changes made following helpful comments by the referee

    Coloring intersection graphs of arc-connected sets in the plane

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    A family of sets in the plane is simple if the intersection of its any subfamily is arc-connected, and it is pierced by a line LL if the intersection of its any member with LL is a nonempty segment. It is proved that the intersection graphs of simple families of compact arc-connected sets in the plane pierced by a common line have chromatic number bounded by a function of their clique number.Comment: Minor changes + some additional references not included in the journal versio