14 research outputs found

    On (j,k)(j,k)-symmetrical functions

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    summary:n the present paper the authors study some families of functions from a complex linear space XX into a complex linear space YY. They introduce the notion of (j,k)(j,k)-symmetrical function (k=2,3,k=2,3,\dots; j=0,1,,k1j=0,1,\dots,k-1) which is a generalization of the notions of even, odd and kk-symmetrical functions. They generalize the well know result that each function defined on a symmetrical subset UU of XX can be uniquely represented as the sum of an even function and an odd function

    On strongly starlikeness of order α in several complex variables

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    In this paper we introduce the concept of strongly starlikeness of order α > 0, for holomorphic mappings defined on the unit ball of Cn. We obtain the distorsion and the covering theorems for strongly starlike mappings of order α ∈ (0,1] and we give a connection between strongly starlikeness and spirallikeness in Cn

    Starlike mappings of order alpha on the unit ball in complex Banach spaces

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    In this paper, we will give the growth theorem of starlike mappings of order α on the unit ball B in complex Banach spaces. We also give an analytic sufficient condition for a locally biholomorphic mapping on B to be a starlike mapping of order α

    Applications of the Hadamard product in geometric function theory

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    summary:Let \Cal A denote the set of functions FF holomorphic in the unit disc, normalized clasically: F(0)=0,F(0)=1F(0)=0, F'(0)=1, whereas A\subset \Cal A is an arbitrarily fixed subset. In this paper various properties of the classes Aα,αC{1,12,}A_\alpha, \alpha \in C \{-1,-\frac{1}{2},\ldots\}, of functions of the form f=Fkαf=F*k_\alpha are studied, where F.AF\in .A, kα(z)=k(z,α)=z+11+αz2++11+(n1)αzn+k_\alpha(z)=k(z,\alpha)=z+\frac{1}{1+\alpha}z^2+\ldots + \frac{1}{1+(n-1)\alpha}z^n+\ldots, and FkαF*k_\alpha denotes the Hadamard product of the functions FF and kαk_\alpha. Some special cases of the set AA were considered by other authors (see, for example, [15],[6],[3])

    Some Results of Fekete-Szegö Type. Results for Some Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables

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    This paper is devoted to a generalization of the well-known Fekete-Szegö type coefficients problem for holomorphic functions of a complex variable onto holomorphic functions of several variables. The considerations concern three families of such functions f, which are bounded, having positive real part and which Temljakov transform Lf has positive real part, respectively. The main result arise some sharp estimates of the Minkowski balance of a combination of 2-homogeneous and the square of 1-homogeneous polynomials occurred in power series expansion of functions from aforementioned families

    Distortion theorems for biholomorphic convex mappings in Cn

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    AbstractIn the paper the problem of sharp lower estimation for ‖Df(z)‖ in the class of normalized biholomorphic mappings f between the open unit ball Bn and convex domains in Cn has been considered

    Starlikeness with respect to a boundary point and Julia's theorem in Cn

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    AbstractIn the paper necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundary starlikeness of holomorphic mappings in Cn are given. In the proof an n-dimensional version of Julia's theorem is used