16 research outputs found

    O harmonijny rozwój człowieka. Myśl pedagogiczna Profesora Andrzeja Jaczewskiego

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Andrzej Jaczewski, Profesor Honorowy Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie, uczony, który we wrześniu b.r. ukończy 90. rok życia, to najstarszy i jeden z nielicznych obecnie autorytetów naukowych w dziedzinie badań nad rozwojem seksualnym dzieci i młodzieży. Jego działalność sytuuje się na pograniczu nauk medycznych i pedagogicznych."(...

    Selected aspects of the forest recreational function in view of its users

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    The results of a survey conducted in several Promotional Forest Complexes (PFC) in the Śląskie and Podlaskie regions, as well as the urban forests in Łódź and Warsaw, indicate that visitor preferences vary among forest sites. Those forests where visitors prefer to rest should be located in forests designated for recreation, and include elements of recreational infrastructure. Depending on characteristics of the forest in question (seaside, lakeside, or mountains), respondents preferred forest located near to the water's edge, whereas in mountainous areas they selected open places (roads and openings). Urban residents more commonly chose sites deep within the forest, while hikers selected forest edges. The desired recreational infrastructure, included garbage cans and hiking trails as the most important elements among city dwellers, while hikers pointed to rest areas and information boards. The respondents consistently agreed on the type of recreational activities conducted in forests as well as on type of elements which determine the attractiveness of forests for rest and recreation. Independently of site characteristics and the research location, the most common activities for respondents were hiking and riding bicycle; and attractive elements were silence and calm as well as cleanliness of the forests. The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used to evaluate respondents' Willingness to Pay (WTP) for intensification of selected public forest functions and forest management, including recreational functions. The number of respondents who declared a hypothetical monetary amount or WTP>0 depended on the place where research was conducted (forest or respondent's home); forest area covered by financing (forests in general or local forests where respondents reside); the type of question used to obtain the information on WTP; as well as the scope of financing (all public forest functions or just a recreational function). The average WTP declared per household per year varied from 41 PLN in 2002 to 150 PLN in 2006 for selected forest areas. The average overall state statistics for WTP was 52 PLN (non-timber forest functions in municipality) and 41 PLN (recreational management of forests in municipality). The respondents also underlined that the goods and services provided should be co-financed from both state and local budgets, and that such financing should go directly to the organizations conducting forest management

    Aspects of using wood biomass for energy production

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    Basic assumptions for forest management and nature conservation from axiological, legal, and economic perspective

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    The subject matters of this article are mutual relationships between nature conservation and forest management, considered from the axiological and legal point, as well as the economic and social conditions of forest management

    Funkcje lasu i zagrożenia abiotyczne w lasach prywatnych: wnioski z empirycznej analizy opinii interesariuszy

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    The study aimed to recognise the preferences of various stakeholder groups representing three regions of Poland towards the most important forest ecosystem services and to determine the threats to performing these functions resulting from the occurrence of extreme weather phenomena. The study was based on surveys conducted in 2019 among various stakeholders in three regions of Poland. The respondents assigned a point weight value to each of the seven indicated forest functions and reported the occurrence of extreme weather events causing damage to forests owned or supervised by them. The survey results indicate that for all stakeholders, the most important function of the forest is timber production. However, respondents from the southern region paid more attention to water protection through forests than respondents from other regions.Celem artykułu jest określenie preferencji różnych grup interesariuszy reprezentujących trzy regiony Polski wobec najważniejszych leśnych usług ekosystemowych oraz określenie zagrożeń dla pełnienia tych funkcji wynikających z występowania ekstremalnych zjawisk pogodowych. Opinie zostały zebrane w badaniach ankietowych przeprowadzonych w 2019 r. Respondenci przypisali wartość wagową każdej z siedmiu wymienionych funkcji lasu oraz zgłaszali występowanie ekstremalnych zjawisk pogodowych powodujących szkody w lasach będących ich własnością lub przez nich nadzorowanych. Wyniki oceny istotności funkcji wskazują, że dla przedstawicieli wszystkich grup interesariuszy najważniejszą funkcją lasu była produkcja drewna. Respondenci z regionu południowego przykładali większą wagę do ochrony wód przez lasy, niż respondenci z innych regionów

    Unveiling the Essential Role of Green Spaces during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

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    The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the essential role of urban and rural green spaces for societies coping with global public health crisis. During this particular time, a significant body of research was devoted to human–nature relationships, as well as the use and importance of green spaces, both from the management and visitors’ perspectives, along with the vital role of nature in human health and wellbeing. Furthermore, the pandemic experience induced new paradigms in spatial and urban planning, along with the management of forest and protected areas seeing the crucial role of green spaces in shaping long-term socio-environmental resilience and sustainability. Thus, after the official end of the pandemic, our study aimed to provide a systematic review of the international research related to green spaces within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on those published between 2020 and 2023. The literature search within SCOPUS and Web of Science databases was conducted on 16 May 2023. A dataset of 161 articles was analyzed using a two-stage analysis. In the first stage, screening based on the title, abstract, and keywords was carried out. In the second stage, a detailed full text analysis was carried out, resulting in a final dataset of 66 articles related to the scope of this review. This article gives an in-depth methodological and conceptual overview, also referring to the applied research and management context related to green spaces in urban and rural environments. It concludes with lessons learned and poses open questions for future research related to green space planning and management. The literature review shows that institutions managing green spaces in cities and forests are facing new challenges. These include pursuing sustainable management policies in cities, ensuring equitable access to urban green space and community participation in the decision-making process, adapting suburban forest management to social expectations, and the recreational development of forest areas taking into account social needs and ecosystem sustainability

    Who applies for afforestation subsidies? Analysis of the age of beneficiaries of the Rural Development Program from 2004-2018

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    In Poland, the afforestation rate is slowing down from year to year. An analysis of the demographic structure of land owners suitable for afforestation may contribute to a better recognition of trends and needs in order to increase the effectiveness of National Programme for the Augmentation of Forest Cover implementation, and thus increase interest in RDP activities. The aim of the study was to verify whether interest in afforestation among farmers is the same across the country in different age groups. The data presented in the publication come from the resources of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR). The data covered the years 2004–2018 and were sorted by: voivodships (16), age group of beneficiaries of subsidies (4 groups), year of submitting the application (15 years) and the number of applications submitted. Beneficiaries were divided into four age groups: up to 30 years old, 31–40 years old, 41–60 and older than 60 years. Interest in afforestation changed in the period after Poland’s accession to the European Union. In recent years, there has been a significant decrease in the number of applications for afforestation subsidies submitted. There are also significant differences between the voivodships in the number of applications submitted. Farmers from eastern and southern Poland are more active in submitting applications for afforestation, and will reduce the so-called Recovered Territories in the western, northern and north-eastern part of Poland. Most afforestation in the entire analysed period is carried out by farmers aged 41–60 years. In the initial period, more applications were submitted by farmers of age over 60 years. In recent years, however, young farmers, that is, up to 40 years, are more interested in afforestation, than other groups. To increase interest in afforestation, more support should be directed to young farmers who, as part of farm specialization, may receive additional incentives for afforestation of land that is less useful to them