181 research outputs found

    Bioaktivni sastojci kozjeg mlijeka

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    A well balanced diet of modern population includes an increased consumption of products from goat’s milk, which has composition different from the commonly used cow milk. Goat’s milk is characterized by better digestibility, higher buffer capacity than cow’s milk and a lower content of αs1-casein which is responsible for causing allergic reactions. Goat’s milk also contains more free amino acids than cow’s milk. The advantage of goat’s milk is its approximately 30 % higher magnesium content, high selenium content and glutathione peroxidase enzyme, which means that goat’s milk has greater antioxidant properties than cow’s milk.Uravnotežena prehrana suvremenih potrošača sve češće podrazumijeva i povećanu konzumaciju proizvoda od kozjeg mlijeka koje se svojim sastavom znatno razlikuje od kravljeg. Kozje mlijeko karakteriziraju bolja probavljivost, veći puferski kapacitet u odnosu na kravlje mlijeko te niži udjel αs1-kazeina kojeg se smatra odgovornim za brojne alergijske reakcije. Osim toga, kozje mlijeko u usporedbi s kravljim sadrži i znatno veće količine slobodnih aminokiselina. Neke od ostalih prednosti kozjeg mlijeka nad kravljim su oko 30 % više magnezija, visoke koncentracije selena i enzima glutation-peroksidaze koji pridonose većem antioksidacijskom kapacitetu

    Zawał komory prawej w praktyce ratownika medycznego

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    Choroby układu krążenia a w szczególności ostre zespoły wieńcowe są bezpośrednimi stanami zagrożenia życia, z którymi Ratownicy będą spotykali się na co dzień. Złożoność przypadku zawału komory prawej nierzadko stanowi problem zarówno w diagnostyce jak i leczeniu. Praca ta przedstawia istotę zawału, jego rozpoznanie, etapy ewolucji, działania ratownicze jak i stosowaną farmakoterapię.Cardiovascular diseases, in particular acute coronary syndromes, are a direct threat to life with which rescuers will meet on a daily basis. The complexity of the case of right ventricular infarction is often a problem in both diagnosis and treatment. This work presents the essence of the infarction, its diagnosis, stages of evolution, rescue operations, as well as applied pharmacotherapy

    Działalność Iberoamerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia ds. Szkolnictwa Wyższego na Odległość (AIESAD) – zarys problematyki

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    This article presents selected aspects of the Ibero-American Association for Higher Distance Education (AIESAD). For over thirty years, the organization has been vigorously working on the development of open and distance education in the Ibero-American region. Among the initiatives undertaken by AIESAD, periodically organized scientific conferences, publishing and the implementation of multilateral research projects deserve a particular attention. At the moment, this association is the largest within Ibero-American organizations whose activity is focused on the development of the aforementioned model of education.Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje wybrane aspekty działalności Iberoamerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia ds. Szkolnictwa Wyższego na Odległość (AIESAD). Od ponad trzydziestu lat organizacja ta energicznie działa na rzecz rozwoju edukacji otwartej i kształcenia na odległość w regionie iberoamerykańskim. Wśród inicjatyw podejmowanych przez AIESAD na szczególną uwagę zasługują cyklicznie organizowane konferencje, działalność wydawnicza oraz realizacja wielostronnych projektów naukowych. W chwili obecnej stowarzyszenie to jest największą iberoamerykańską organizacją, której aktywność ukierunkowana jest na rozwój wspomnianego wcześniej modelu kształcenia

    Wikis and Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool

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    Abstract Wikis are a very versatile and easy-to-use tool that is finding increasing applications in teaching and learning. This paper will illustrate how teaching academics can join the wiki revolution. First. it will introduce the common wikis and then focus on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, which has become one of the most popular Internet sites and offers unique opportunities for teachers and learners. It will describe how wikis and Wikipedia are used as a teaching tool and how to develop them further. Wikipedia can be used for various assignments: for example, students can be asked to reference an unreferenced article or create a completely new one. In doing so, students will see that writing an article is not a 'tedious assignment' but an activity that millions do 'for fun'. By submitting their work to Wikipedia students will see their work benefiting -and being improved upon -by the entire world

    Vibration effect on the anthropo-technical systems reliability

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    Man operates many different types of technical objects (one of which are motor vehicles). In most cases, these are anthropo-technical systems (A-T S) taking into account the essential components of the process of exploitation: man – the operator, the technical object – hardware and software, and the environment - external and internal. One of the important features of exploitation is reliability. It is specified method for assessing the reliability of the system A-T S. Many factors determine reliability. Selecting necessary to take into account factors was possible after analyzing literature and environmental monitoring and a set of representative factors make the man (behavior), the system (ready to use) and threats (vibration, sun, water, etc.). Given the above, indicators have been developed (probability) for the identification of system reliability. In the next planned to use these indicators in the research of the real environmental conditions. The authors engaged in this topic, because in the literature found no studies which take into account so many variables

    Dynamic model of a harmonic drive in a toothed gear transmission system

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    The present paper discusses certain aspects of dynamic modeling of the harmonic drive. In particular, a new original dynamic model of a harmonic drive has been proposed for a power transmission system. The model takes account of nonlinear changes in stiffness, as well as damping. The proposed model of a harmonic drive in the power transmission system is investigated in the Matlab-Simulink environment. Utilization of the identified, developed dynamic model will allow to expand the knowledge about torsional vibration which are present in power transmission systems equipped with harmonic drive as well as it will contribute to a reduction of expenses connected with performing costly experimental tests