753 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk. Kantor Cabang Manado

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    . This study aims to determine the effect of compensation to employee performance State Savings Bank, Tbk Manado. This research uses descriptive quantitative approach with tools simple correlation and regression analysis, to test the level of relationship and influence that occurs between the variable compensation with employee performance. Results indicate compensation linked to employee performance as evidenced by the coefficient of determination of 0.619. The performance of the employees affected by the compensation of 61.9%, and there are 38.1% is determined by other factors. We hope this research can be used as a reference in subsequent research by developing a variety of other variables related to human resources management

    Pengaruh Audit Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Pada PT. Sanggar Laut Manado

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    . In Running an enterprise activity need to make an assessment (evaluation) of the implementation of programs that have been developed human resources in achieving overall corporate objectives to ensure that the functions of the human resources (HR) has been running and contributing to better achievement in the company\u27s success. Therefore, companies require an audit to assess whether the management of the programs and activities of the HR function is in conformity with the effort in achieving corporate goals. This study aims to determine, describe and explain the Influence of Human Resource Audit on Employee Performance at PT. Sanggar Laut Manado. Variables examined in this study are the Human Resource Audit as Independent Variables and Employee Performance as a Dependent Variable. In this study involving all employees who are 40 employees as respondents. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained from the questionnaires and interviews. For Audit Human Resources on Employee Performance, the author uses descriptive quantitative method, Spearman rank correlation, coefficient of determination analysis, and test results is done manually and using SPSS. Based on the statistical analysis of the results are as follows: Hypothesis Testing results indicate that the Human Resource Audit influence on employee performance. of these findings it can be concluded that the study results were declared "Human Resource Audit Significant effect on Employee Performance at PT. Sanggar Laut Manado "acceptable

    Influência do tempo, temperatura e umidade na qualidade das amostras de citometria de fluxo de bananeira.

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    A banana é uma das frutas mais consumidas no mundo, possui alto valor nutritivo e socioeconômico, pois mobiliza um grande contingente de mão-de-obra, permite retorno rápido ao produtor e é geradora de divisas (Ganga, 2002). Em 2008 o Brasil era o quarto maior produtor mundial de banana, produzindo mais de 7 milhões de toneladas de frutos por ano, em uma área de 513 mil hectares (FAO, 2010). Embora exista um número expressivo de variedades de banana no Brasil, quando se considera preferência dos consumidores, produtividade, tolerância a pragas, porte adequado, resistência à seca e ao frio, restam poucas variedades com potencial agronômico para utilização comercial. Estratégias alternativas de melhoramento genético da bananeira, fundamentadas na duplicação de cromossomos tem a função de gerar híbridos com características desejáveis pelo programa de melhoramento genético da cultura (Vakili, 1967; Stover e Buddenhagen, 1986).pdf 186

    Durabilidade das amostras de folhas de bananeira para análises em citometria de fluxo.

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    A citometria de fluxo é uma técnica que permite a quantificação de DNA de um grande número de amostra de forma rápida e prática. Entretanto, vários fatores podem interferir nos valores das estimativas do conteúdo de DNA das amostras e, consequentemente, na confiabilidade dos resultados. Dole?el et al. (2007) relataram que a existência de variação do conteúdo de DNA pode ser explicada por erros instrumentais ou metodológicos, interferência dos componentes citosólicos com os corantes de DNA, diferenças entre laboratórios e ou heterogeneidade taxonômica do material em estudo. Na literatura consultada é relatado que as análises para quantificar o conteúdo de DNA deve ser feita em material fresco e amostras recém-preparadas, contudo nem sempre é possível avaliar um grande número de amostras frescas e /ou recém-preparadas. Assim, uma das alternativas para contornar esse problema é o armazenamento das mesmas.pdf 138

    Influence of freezing temperatures prior to freeze‐drying on viability of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria isolated from wine

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    Aims: To determine the effect of three different freezing temperatures on post-freeze-drying survival rates of wine yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB). To know if a similar freeze-drying protocol can be used for both micro- organisms. Methods and Results: Cells from liquid culture media were recovered and concentrated in appropriate lyoprotectants. Aliquots of each strain were frozen at 20, 80 and 196°C before vacuum drying. Viable cell counts were done before freezing and after freeze-drying. Survival rates were calculated. Freezing temperatures differently affected yeast and bacteria survival. The highest survival rates were obtained at 20 and 80°C for yeasts, but at 196° C for LAB. Major differences in survival rates were recorded among freeze-dried yeasts, but were less drastic for LAB. Yeasts Pichia membranifaciens, Starmerella bacillaris and Metschnikowia pulcherrima, and LAB Lactobacillus paracasei, Pediococcus parvulus and Lactobacillus mali, were the most tolerant species to freeze-drying, regardless of freezing temperature. Conclusions: Yeast and LAB survival rates differed for each tested freezing temperature. For yeasts, 20°C ensured the highest post-freeze-drying viability and 196°C for LAB. Significance and Impact of the Study: Freezing temperature to freeze-dry cells is a crucial factor for ensuring good wine yeast and LAB survival. These results are important for appropriately preserving micro-organisms and for improving starter production processes