3,525 research outputs found

    Micropropagação de jaborandi a partir de segmento nodal e apical.

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    Trabalhos e palestras apresentados no 40º. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura; 2º Congresso Ibero-Americamo sobre Utilização de Plástico na Agricultura; 1º Simpósio Latino-Americano de Produção de Plantas Medicinais, Aromáticas e Condimentares

    Hippo pathway effectors control cardiac progenitor cell fate by acting as dynamic sensors of substrate mechanics and nanostructure

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    Stem cell responsiveness to extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and mechanical cues has been the subject of a number of investigations so far, yet the molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell mechano-biology still need full clarification. Here we demonstrate that the paralog proteins YAP and TAZ exert a crucial role in adult cardiac progenitor cell mechano-sensing and fate decision. Cardiac progenitors respond to dynamic modifications in substrate rigidity and nanopattern by promptly changing YAP/TAZ intracellular localization. We identify a novel activity of YAP and TAZ in the regulation of tubulogenesis in 3D environments and highlight a role for YAP/TAZ in cardiac progenitor proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, we show that YAP/TAZ expression is triggered in the heart cells located at the infarct border zone. Our results suggest a fundamental role for the YAP/TAZ axis in the response of resident progenitor cells to the modifications in microenvironment nanostructure and mechanics, thereby contributing to the maintenance of myocardial homeostasis in the adult heart. These proteins are indicated as potential targets to control cardiac progenitor cell fate by materials design

    Neonatal Apex Resection Triggers Cardiomyocyte Proliferation, Neovascularization and Functional Recovery Despite Local Fibrosis

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    So far, opposing outcomes have been reported following neonatal apex resection in mice, questioning the validity of this injury model to investigate regenerative mechanisms. We performed a systematic evaluation, up to 180 days after surgery, of the pathophysiological events activated upon apex resection. In response to cardiac injury, we observed increased cardiomyocyte proliferation in remote and apex regions, neovascularization, and local fibrosis. In adulthood, resected hearts remain consistently shorter and display permanent fibrotic tissue deposition in the center of the resection plane, indicating limited apex regrowth. However, thickening of the left ventricle wall, explained by an upsurge in cardiomyocyte proliferation during the initial response to injury, compensated cardiomyocyte loss and supported normal systolic function. Thus, apex resection triggers both regenerative and reparative mechanisms, endorsing this injury model for studies aimed at promoting cardiomyocyte proliferation and/or downplaying fibrosis. In this article, Nascimento and colleagues demonstrate that neonatal apex resection stimulates cardiomyocyte proliferation and permanent scarring in the apex. Newly formed cardiomyocytes compensate muscle loss by resection, and resected hearts recover functional competence in adulthood. These findings endorse this model for studies aiming to block cardiac fibrosis and/or favoring CM proliferation

    Isolado proteico obtido de subproduto do processamento da castanha de caju.

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    A amêndoa da castanha de caju é o produto com maior valor econômico do cajueiro, rica em proteínas e ácidos graxos poli-insaturados. Entre os subprodutos do beneficiamento da castanha estão as amêndoas quebradas, de onde se extrai o óleo comestível, resultando em uma farinha desengordurada. Neste trabalho descrevem-se as características do isolado proteico da amêndoa da castanha de caju, obtido a partir da farinha desengordurada, por solubilização das proteínas em condições alcalinas e posterior precipitação ácida. O isolado obtido apresentou 86,2% de proteínas e rendimento em massa de 19,0%, tendo carboidratos, lipídeos e cinzas como componentes minoritários. Quanto às características tecnológicas, o isolado apresentou capacidade de absorção de água de 1,74 mL/g, capacidade de absorção de óleo de 0,90 mL/g, capacidade de formação de espuma de 10%e baixa solubilidade em meio aquoso. Proteínas com esse perfil são indicadas para uso em alimentos semissólidos como iogurtes, sólidos como embutidos cárneos ou mesmo alimentos nos quais se exige aeração, como mousses. The cashew nut kernel is the product with the highest economic value of the cashew tree, rich in proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.Among the by-products of nut processing are broken kernels, from whichedible oil is extracted, resulting in a defatted flour. This work describes the characteristics of a protein isolate from cashew nut kernel, obtained from defatted flour, by solubilization of proteins in alkaline conditions and subsequentacid precipitation. The isolate obtained showed 86.2% protein and mass yield of 19.0%, with carbohydrates, lipids and ashes as minor components. As forthe technological characteristics, the isolate had water absorption capacity of 1.74 mL/g, oil absorption capacity of 0.90 mL/g, foaming capacity of 10% and low solubility in aqueous medium. Proteins with this profile are suitable for use in semi-solid foods such as yogurts, solids such as meat sausages or even those foods requiring aeration, such as mousses

    Argonaute Autoantibodies as Biomarkers in Autoimmune Neurologic Diseases

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify and characterize autoantibodies (Abs) as novel biomarkers for an autoimmune context in patients with central and peripheral neurologic diseases. METHODS: Two distinct approaches (immunoprecipitation/mass spectrometry-based proteomics and protein microarrays) and patients' sera and CSF were used. The specificity of the identified target was confirmed by cell-based assay (CBA) in 856 control samples. RESULTS: Using the 2 methods as well as sera and CSF of patients with central and peripheral neurologic involvement, we identified Abs against the family of Argonaute proteins (mainly AGO1 and AGO2), which were already reported in systemic autoimmunity. AGO-Abs were mostly of immunoglobulin G 1 subclass and conformation dependent. Using CBA, AGO-Abs were detected in 21 patients with a high suspicion of autoimmune neurologic diseases (71.4% were women; median age 57 years) and only in 4/856 (0.5%) controls analyzed by CBA (1 diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer and the other 3 with Sjögren syndrome). Among the 21 neurologic patients identified, the main clinical presentations were sensory neuronopathy (8/21, 38.1%) and limbic encephalitis (6/21, 28.6%). Fourteen patients (66.7%) had autoimmune comorbidities and/or co-occurring Abs, whereas AGO-Abs were the only autoimmune biomarker for the remaining 7/21 (33.3%). Thirteen (61.9%) patients were treated with immunotherapy; 8/13 (61.5%) improved, and 3/13 (23.1%) remained stable, suggesting an efficacy of these treatments. CONCLUSIONS: AGO-Abs might be potential biomarkers of autoimmunity in patients with central and peripheral nonparaneoplastic neurologic diseases. In 7 patients, AGO-Abs were the only biomarkers; thus, their identification may be useful to suspect the autoimmune character of the neurologic disorder. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that AGO-Abs are more frequent in patients with autoimmune neurologic diseases than controls

    Obtaining cashew kernel protein concentrate from nut processing by-product and its use to formulate vegetal burger.

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    Broken kernels are among the by-products of processing cashew nuts which have less commercial value. The present work aimed to obtain a cashew kernel protein concentrate from broken kernels, and then characterize it as well as using it in a vegetable burger formulation. The concentrate was obtained by isoelectric precipitation at four different pHs and subsequent drying. Higher yield was 58.6% of proteins (pH 4.0 and 4.5). The concentrate showed Water Absorption Capacity (WAC) of 1.85 mL/g and Oil Absorption Capacity (OAC) of 1.06 mL/g, as well as low solubility in aqueous medium and low foaming capacity. The concentrate was used in vegetable burger production as a substitute for soybean protein. The burgers were submitted to sensory evaluation and obtained an average of 6.6 on a nine-point scale, thus being within the acceptance zone. Regarding the purchase intent, 60% of the judges would probably or would certainly buy the product. Therefore, the cashew kernel protein concentrate can be used as a protein ingredient for food formulation. Producing cashew kernel protein concentrate allows the use of broken kernels generated in the cashew nut industrial process.Obtenção e uso de concentrado proteico de amêndoa de caju a partir de subproduto do processamento da castanha para formulação de hamburguer vegetal