57,679 research outputs found

    Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains - a Positive Analysis

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    Trade liberalization is no Pareto-improvement . there are winners (high-skilled) and losers (low-skilled). To compensate the losers the government is assumed to introduce unemployment benefits (UB). These benefits are financed by either a wage tax, a payroll tax, or a profit tax. Using a Melitz -type model of international trade with unionized labour markets and heterogeneous workers we show that: (i) UB .financed by a wage tax reduce aggregate employment but increase welfare measured by per capita output. (ii) UB financed by a payroll tax reduce aggregate employment and welfare. If UB exceeds a well-de.ned threshold, the trade gains will be completely destroyed. (iii) UB financed by a profit tax reduce the unemployment rate of the low-skilled, but also reduces welfare. The threshold for the level of UB, where the trade gains are destroyed by the redistribution scheme, is higher compared to the case of a payroll tax.trade liberalization, heterogeneous firms, trade unions,skill-specific unemployment, unemployment benefits, taxes

    Do companies reduce CSR disclosures during recessions?

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    Purpose: We investigate trends in prevalence and volume of CSR disclosure by the top 50 New Zealand listed companies from 2005 to 2010, i.e. from before until after the initial impact of the global financial crisis (GFC). Design/methodology/approach: We examine the annual reports of each of the companies between the years 2005 and 2010, as well as company websites for standalone CSR reports. We count the number of pages of any social and environmental disclosures in annual reports and in standalone reports for each year and use this data to assess whether overall trends can be discerned. We compare CSR disclosure trends with changes in business confidence. Findings: Our results reveal a general upward trend in CSR disclosures over the six-year period. The number of companies disclosing in their annual reports and standalone reports increased from 2005 to 2007. However, during the initial drop in business confidence in 2008 (brought on by the GFC), CSR disclosures in annual reports and standalone reports remained consistent overall with 2007. Companies operating within industries more prone to public scrutiny or those industries more sensitive to the social and environmental impacts of corporate operations actually increased their CSR disclosures, whereas other companies decreased their disclosure for an overall constant level. The upward trend resumed in 2009, but when business confidence again suffered in 2010, overall annual report CSR disclosures decreased, whereas overall standalone report disclosure continued the upward trend. In sum, during times of reduced business confidence, companies in non-environmentally-sensitive and non-socially-sensitive industries appear to buck the overall trend towards increased CSR disclosures. Originality: Many studies conclude that there is an upward trend in CSR disclosures over time. Other studies examine the impact of particular events on disclosure. However, we are not aware of any study that examines the impact of the initial phase of the GFC on the overall upward trend in CSR disclosures, i.e. whether companies subjugate CSR in favour of more pressing business priorities during times of reduced business confidence

    Are Hispanics Discriminated Against in the US Criminal Justice System?

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    Recent publications have contributed to increase the perception among Hispanics of an unfair and unequal treatment of this community by the US Criminal Justice System. One of the major concerns was the claim that Hispanics are incarcerated before conviction nearly twice as often as Whites. Unfair treatment perception by the population reduces legitimacy of police and government, and thus, it is imperative to analyze these uninvestigated allegations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to address said allegations of discrimination against Hispanics and analyze with updated and reliable statistics whether Hispanics are incarcerated before conviction more often than Whites. There has been much research exploring the effects of race and ethnicity in the US criminal justice system, however most of it is focused on African Americans but not Hispanics although it is the largest and fastest growing minority in the United States. The present study is based on data collected in the Annual Survey of Jails, 2014 prepared by the Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, US Department of Justice. Starting in 2010, the Bureau of Justice Statistics improved the Annual Survey of Jails survey instruments to address certain topics, among others, the number of inmates that are unsentenced. Therefore this allows for the first time to obtain such information with reliable data and not based on a sample survey estimation. From the regression analysis of the data of this study, it resulted that the model accounted for 77% of the explanation of the relationship between the possibility of being incarcerated without conviction in a US jail and the fact of being Hispanic. However, this relationship was not statistically significant when controlling for age and gender. The Level of confidence in this study was 95%.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Global hyperbolicity of renormalization for C^r unimodal mappings

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    In this paper we extend M. Lyubich's recent results on the global hyperbolicity of renormalization of quadratic-like germs to the space of C^r unimodal maps with quadratic critical point. We show that in this space the bounded-type limit sets of the renormalization operator have an invariant hyperbolic structure provided r ge 2+ alpha with alpha close to one. As an intermediate step between Lyubich's results and ours, we prove that the renormalization operator is hyperbolic in a Banach space of real analytic maps. We construct the local stable manifolds and prove that they form a continuous lamination whose leaves are C^1 codimension one, Banach submanifolds of the ambient space, and whose holonomy is C^{1+\beta} for some beta >0. We also prove that the global stable sets are C^1 immersed (codimension one) submanifolds as well, provided r ge 3+ alpha with alpha close to one. As a corollary, we deduce that in generic, one-parameter families of C^r unimodal maps, the set of parameters corresponding to infinitely renormalizable maps of bounded combinatorial type is a Cantor set with Hausdorff dimension less than one.Comment: 94 pages, published versio

    International Trade and Unemployment - the Worker-Selection Effect

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    This paper analyzes how trade liberalization influences the unemployment rate of workers with different abilities. We refine the Melitz (2003) framework to account for trade unions and heterogeneous workers, who differ with respect to their abilities. Our main ?findings are: (i) high ability workers profit from trade liberalization in terms of higher wages and higher employment; (ii) the least efficient workers loose their job and switch to long-term unemployment (worker-selection effect); (iii) if a country is endowed with a large fraction of low-skilled workers, trade liberalization leads to a rise in aggregate unemployment. In this case, trade liberalization may harm a countrys welfare.trade liberalization, trade unions, skill-specific unemployment

    Development and standardization of a protocol for sperm cryopreservation of two important commercial oyster species

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de CiĂȘncias e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015Aquaculture activities have a huge contribution for the world food production and their development is extremely necessary to answer to the lack of resources, especially to the demand for seafood. Bivalve production, especially Crassostrea angulata (Portuguese oyster) has been practiced from long ago, and although its production suffered several constraints, in recent years it has been increasing the interests in recovering production and in preserving nature populations. In this sense, new research needs to guarantee an efficient and economically viable production, contributing to a relatively new environmental concern: wild population restoration. Nowadays, pure wild populations of Crassostrea angulata are rare to find due to multiple factors that affected this oyster industry. Cryopreservation technology could promote alternative techniques to contribute for the resource management efficiency of the Portuguese oyster and associated economic activity. In this sense, standardization of procedures is important for Crassostrea genus. At the present there are no cryopreservation reports on Crassostrea angulata sperm, and therefore, one of the objectives of this work is to design a cryopreservation protocol for this species, testing the more adequate cryoprotectant solution, its ideal concentration, different freezing rates and types of containers. In parallel, this stablished protocol was applied in Crassostrea gigas and compared to other previously published for this species. Analysis of motility, viability, agglutination and fertilizations were used as guides for the establishment of the protocol in C. angulata. Moreover, ATP content, DNA fragmentation and lipid peroxidation were done in order to standardize the same protocol for both species. Movement analysis were assessed by CASA system, viability through common staining techniques and flow cytometer, agglutination was quantified according to the scale developed by Dong et al., (2007), ATP content determined by bioluminescence, Comet assay was performed to quantify the DNA fragmentation and lipid peroxidation determined spectrophotometrically by measuring the absorbance of the malondialdehyde (MDA). Significant differences were observed (p<0.05) for lipid peroxidation and fertilization trials whereas ATP content and fragmentation of DNA of the cryopreserved samples did not differ significantly from the control. In C. gigas, the same analysis were performed and did not reveal post-thaw quality differences in the samples cryopreserved with 10% DMSO. The established protocol revealed to be effective and with a low degree of cellular damage on C. angulata sperm and, at the same time, viable to apply in other species, such as Crassostrea gigas
