52 research outputs found
Since visual modelling languages are getting more and more
popular, the automatic
generation of the program code on the basis of high-level models is an
issue. This article discusses implementation possibilities of statecharts,
the graphical notation for describing state-based event-driven behaviour in the
Unified Modelling Language (UML). The first part of the article outlines
common approaches published in the literature and identifies their weaknesses.
In the second part an implementation pattern is proposed that is capable of
efficiently instantiating most of the statechart features. The pattern
developed by us poses low hardware requirements therefore applicable even in
embedded systems
A Medves-vidék eróziós mikro-, mezo és makroformái, különös tekintettel a homokkőszurdokok fejlődésére = Erosional micro-, meso- and macroforms of the Medves Area with special respect to the development of the sandstone gorges
Kutatásaink során megállapítottuk, hogy a Medves-vidék kistáj eróziós folyamatait alapvetően négy tényező határozza meg: a változatos földtani felépítés, a számottevő szerkezeti feldaraboltság, az erős neotektonikai folyamatok és az antropogén hatások. A négy tényezőből legfontosabbnak a kőzetfelépítést találtuk. A kistáj két uralkodó kőzetéből, homokkőből és riolittufából felépülő térszíneken végeztünk részletes vizsgálatokat. Vizsgálataink szerint a homokkőtérszínek eróziós folyamatait alapvetően meghatározza a kőzet cementáltsága és karbonáttartalma, valamint tektonikai helyzete. Jellemeztük a kőzetfelszínen megfigyelhető sajátos aprózódási és mállási folyamatokat is. Mérésekkel követtük homokkő-szurdokvölgyek völgyfejlődését, amelynek nyomán igazolva látjuk a geomorfológiai küszöbelméletet. Riolittufa-feltárások részletes elemzése során számos új kis- és mikroformát írtunk le és jellemeztük ezek kialakulásának folyamatát. | According to our research, it was proved that the erosional processes of the Medves Area landscape unit are determined by four factors: variegated geological setup, considerable tectonic dissection, strong neotectonics and anthropogenic effects. However, from these four factors the surface constituent rocks play most important role. Detailed investigations were made on sandstones and rhyolite tuffs, which are the two dominant rock-types of the area. In accordance with the investigations, erosional processes of the sandstone areas are determined by the cementation and the carbonate content of the rocks, and the tectonic situation, as well. Also specific weathering and disintegration processes were observed. There were made measurements for gully development. According to these measurements, the geomorphic threshold theory seems to be verified. Analyzing some exposures on rhyolite tuff several meso- and microforms have been described and the processes of their formation were clarified
Investigating the Poor Match among Different Precessing Gravitational Waveforms
The sixfold direct detection of gravitational waves opened the era of gravitational wave astronomy. All of these gravitational waves were emitted by black hole or neutron star binaries. The determination of the parameters characterizing compact binaries requires the accurate knowledge of waveforms. Three different waveforms (Spin Dominated, SpinTaylorT4 and Spinning Effective One Body fitted to Numerical Relativity, SEOBNR) are considered in the spin-aligned and precessing cases, in the parameter ranges where the larger spin dominates over the orbital angular momentum. The degeneracy in the parameter space of each waveform is analyzed, then the matches among the waveforms are investigated. Our results show that in the spin-aligned case only the inspiral Spin-dominated and SpinTaylorT4 waveforms agree well with each other. The highest matches of these with SEOBNR are at different parameters as compared to where SEOBNR shows the best match with itself, reflecting SEOBNR being full inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform, with coefficients fitted to numerical relativity, rather than arising from post-Newtonian (PN) calculations. In the precessing case, the matches between the pairs of all waveforms are significantly lower. We identify possible causes of this in (1) the implementation of the angular dynamics carried out at different levels of accuracy for different waveforms; (2) differences in the inclusiveness of the merger process and in the PN coefficients of the inspiral waveforms (Spin-Dominated, SpinTaylorT4) and the full SEOBNR waveform
Önellenőrzés és futásidejű verifikáció számítógépes programokban = Self-checking and run-time verification in computer programs
A kutatás eredménye egy olyan, futásidejű hibadetektálásra alkalmas módszerkészlet kidolgozása számítógépes programokhoz, amely formálisan megalapozott és illeszkedik a modell alapú tervezési folyamathoz. A futásidejű verifikáció matematikai alapja egy általunk definiált, UML állapottérképekhez illesztett temporális logikai nyelv (SC-LTL) valamint az ehhez kidolgozott gyors és kis erőforrásigényű ellenőrzési algoritmus. Az ellenőrzést megvalósító forráskód részletek (assertions) generálására automatikus kódgenerátort fejlesztettünk. A módszerkészlet alapján a futásidejű verifikáció két szinten végezhető el: (1) A fejlesztés korai fázisaiban (a követelményanalízis után) a tervező a program biztonságos működéséhez tartozó követelményeket formalizálja az SC-LTL temporális logika segítségével. Ezeket futásidőben a programba illesztett kódrészletek segítségével ellenőrizzük. Így a későbbi fejlesztési fázisokban előforduló tervezési hibák következményei is kimutathatók. (2) A fejlesztés előrehaladtával rendelkezésre álló részletes viselkedési modell mint referencia alapján történik a program állapot- és akciószekvenciáinak teljes ellenőrzése, a modellből szintén automatikusan generált, futásidejű monitorozást biztosító úgynevezett watchdog kód segítségével. Ennek célja elsősorban az implementációs hibák és a működési hibák (tranziens hardver hibák) felderítése. A hibadetektálás módszerkészletét kiegészítettük a hibakezelés modellezésére és verifikációjára szolgáló eljárásokkal. | The main result of the research is the elaboration of a set of methods that can be applied for the run-time verification of computer programs. These methods are formally proven and fit well to the model based software development process. The mathematical basis of run-time verification is our temporal logic language (SC-LTL) that is based on UML statechart diagrams, and the corresponding fast and low resource-demanding checker algorithm. To derive the assertions (i.e., the program code snippets that implement the checking), we have developed an automatic source code generator. On the basis of this set of methods, run-time checking of program execution is supported at two levels: (1) In the early phases of development the designer can formalize the program safety and liveness requirements using SC-LTL. These requirements are checked in run-time by the automatically generated assertions. This way design errors introduced in later design phases can also be detected. (2) The full checking of the state- and action sequences of program execution is based on a detailed design model constructed in the last development phases. The run-time monitoring is performed by a so-called watchdog code that is generated from the fully elaborated statechart model automatically. This is able to detect both implementation and operational errors. To complete the error detection framework, we proposed a statechart based method for the modeling and verification of run-time exception handling
Amenity complexity and urban locations of socio-economic mixing
Cities host diverse people and their mixing is the engine of prosperity. In
turn, segregation and inequalities are common features of most cities and
locations that enable the meeting of people with different socio-economic
status are key for urban inclusion. In this study, we adopt the concept of
economic complexity to quantify the ability of locations -- on the level of
neighborhoods and amenities -- to attract diverse visitors from various
socio-economic backgrounds across the city. We construct the measures of
neighborhood complexity and amenity complexity based on the local portfolio of
diverse and non-ubiquitous amenities in Budapest, Hungary. Socio-economic
mixing at visited third places is investigated by tracing the daily mobility of
individuals and by characterizing their status by the real-estate price of
their home locations. Results suggest that measures of ubiquity and diversity
of amenities do not, but neighborhood complexity and amenity complexity are
correlated with the urban centrality of locations. Urban centrality is a strong
predictor of socio-economic mixing, but both neighborhood complexity and
amenity complexity add further explanatory power to our models. Our work
combines urban mobility data with economic complexity thinking to show that the
diversity of non-ubiquitous amenities, central locations, and the potentials
for socio-economic mixing are interrelated
Investigation of size distribution and spectral responses of diesel engine emitted carbonaceous particulate using multi waveleng photoacoustic spectroscopy (4λ-PAS) and single mobility particle sizer (SMPS)
This work discuss some results of the extended measurement campaign focussing the in-situ microphysical characterisation of the emitted diesel particulates of different fuel types at diferent operational condition of diesel engine. For measureemnt of the spectral repsonses and the size distribution of the diesel emission customised multi wavelength photoacoustic spectrometer and single commercially single mobility particle sizer were uesd. Basee on the size distribution data we experimentally demonstarte that at idle the emitted aerosol assembly have bimodal distribution in all type of fuel and working point of engine. We also demonstarte that the spectral responses of the diesel aerosol is characterisits for the type of fuel and the operational condition of engine. Using posterior temperature treatement we manifest that especially at idle the volatile fraction of the emitted aerosol can dominantly removed above 150C temeperature. Finally, we also experimentalla demonstarted that the biodiesel content of the diesel fuel even in its relatively small blending even in a relatively small (<7%) mixing ratio can significantly modify the climate and health relevant microphysical feature of the diesel emission
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