40 research outputs found
Krónikus, nem bakteriális, multicentrikus osteomyelitis a mandibulában
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis is a sterile inflammatory osteitis that most commonly develops in the long bones, but it can occur in any bone. Mandibular lesions are found in 1.5-3% of disease foci in patients and it is poorly characterized in the maxillofacial surgery literature due to the use of inconsistent terminology. The purpose of this study was to present the clinical experience of chronic nonbacterial multicentric osteomyelitis and a collection of research and information of the disease. This is a retrospective study of 2 cases with mandibular lesions radiographically consistent with osteomyelitis without infection. Medical records were reviewed for history, clinical features, imaging and pathology. The study included 2 patients (2 females, age of 17 and 43 years). Both reported mandibular pain and swelling, radiographic finding of multifocal intraosseal inflammatory lesions. Computed tomography scans typically showed expansion of the affected mandible with sclerosis of the medullary space, small foci of poorly defined lytic destruction with lamellated periosteal reaction. Both patients showed a long ineffective antibiotic therapy and recurrent flare-ups of inflammation. After the proper course of treatment (nonsteroid and steroid therapy), a long painless period was reached. Chronic multicentric nonbacterial osteomyelitis has been reported to be uncommon in the mandible, but it may be more common with correct diagnosis, typified by recurrent pain and swelling with characteristic pathologic and radiologic features. The current treatment modalities include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids
A szellemi fogyatékosok fogászati-szájsebészeti ellátásának múltja, jelene és remélt jövője Magyarországon
Bevezetés: A szellemi fogyatékosok fogászati ellátása egyre
nagyobb kihívások elé állítja az egészségügyet. Magyarországon mintegy 100 000
olyan értelmi fogyatékos van, akik speciális ellátásra szorulnak.
Célkitűzés: Retrospektív vizsgálatunk célja, hogy
nemzetközi összehasonlításban összefoglaljuk a Semmelweis Egyetem (SE) Arc-,
Állcsont-, Szájsebészeti és Fogászati Klinikájának Rehabilitációs Osztályán az
utóbbi 5 évben ellátott szellemi fogyatékos betegek demográfiai adatait, a
beteganyag összetételét és a terápiás eredményeket. Módszer: A
súlyos értelmi fogyatékosok fogászati ellátása csak altatásban lehetséges. A SE
Arc-, Állcsont-, Szájsebészeti és Fogászati Klinikáján az utóbbi 5 évben 1717
felnőtt értelmi fogyatékos beteget kezeltek altatásban. (Enyhe, közepes, súlyos
értelmi fogyatékosokat, Down-kórosakat, autistákat, epilepsziás és
pánikbetegeket.) Eredmények: A legfontosabb eredmény, hogy úgy
tűnik, az akut fogászati, szájsebészeti ellátás csaknem megoldott. Az ezeket a
betegeket segítő alapítványokkal, szervezetekkel jó kapcsolatrendszer alakult
ki. Megmutatkozott viszont az az óriási szükséglet, amely az értelmi fogyatékos
betegek prevenciójával, gondozásával kapcsolatos.
Következtetés: Magyarországon még nem született olyan
felmérés, amely ezeknek a betegeknek a fogászati ellátási szükségleteit
objektíve felmérte volna. Nemzetközi viszonylatban viszont több ilyen közlemény
ismert. Ezek alapján megállapítható, hogy mind a cariesfrekvencia, mind a
parodontalis betegségek előfordulása növekszik a korral és a retardáltság
mértékével. A szájhigiéné nem kielégítő, a betegek, illetve gondozóik nem kapnak
kielégítő információt, csak nagyon kevesen vesznek részt megfelelő képzésben,
nem motiváltak a szájüregi egészség megőrzésében. A fogászati ellátás – az akut
esetek kivételével – nem kielégítő. A kezelésben a prevenció érdekében szorosan
együtt kell működni az erre szakosodott civil szervezetekkel, alapítványokkal,
gyógypedagógusokkal, pszichiáterekkel. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(35): 1380–1386.
Introduction: Dental care for mentally disabled people poses a
growing challenge for healthcare. In Hungary, the number of mentally disabled
people needing special dental care is ca. 100 000.
Aim: The aim of our retrospective analysis is to provide a
summary of the demographic data and the treatment outcomes of patients with
mental disorders treated at the Department of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
of the Semmelweis University in the past five years. Method:
Dental care for patients with a severe level of mental disability can be carried
out in general anaesthesia only. At Semmelweis University, in the Oral and
Maxillofacial Department, 1717 mentally disabled adults received dental care
during the past five years. (Patients included people with a mild, medium or
severe level of mental disability, patients with Down’s syndrome, autism,
epilepsy or panic disorder.) Results: The single biggest
achievement seems to be the fact that the issue of acute dental care and oral
surgery has basically been settled. A workable relationship has been forged with
foundations and organizations dealing with the problems of these patients. It
has been realized, however, that in the case of mentally disabled patients there
is an enormous need for prevention and ongoing care.
Conclusions: Up to now no survey has been carried out in
Hungary with the aim of objectively revealing the dental care needs of these
patients. Internationally, however, several surveys have been published. It can
be stated on the basis of these that both caries frequency and the presence of
parodontal diseases increase in correlation with age and the level of
disability. Oral hygiene is insufficient, patients or their caretakers do not
get proper information, only a few of them receive adequate training and they
are not motivated to keep up oral health. Dental care, except for tending acute
cases, is not satisfactory. For the sake of prevention, cooperation is needed
with non-governmental organizations, foundations, special education teachers and
psychiatrists specialized in this field. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(35):
Nitrogén-monoxid, neuropeptidek és más nem-adrenerg, nem-cholinerg átvivőanyagok szerepe zsigeri funkciókban, gyógyszeres befolyásolásuk ép és gyulladásos körülmények közt = Role of nitric oxide, neuropeptides and other non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic mediators in visceral functions; their modulation by drugs under normal and inflammatory conditions
A vállalt munka fő céljai: Izolált szervi kísérletekben megismerni a zsigerek mozgásválaszainak mechanizmusait, az állatokon kapott eredményeket humán preparátumokkal összevetve. Szenzoros és más eredetű nem-adrenerg, nem-kolinerg (NANC) transzmitterek azonosítása (funkcionális vizsgálatok és a transzmitter-felszabadulás mérése). Kóros zsigeri működések modellezése. (Egyes irányokban komplett, másokban tájékozódó kísérletek). Közölt eredmények: Új humán adatok közlése mellett összefoglaltuk a kapszaicin zsigeri hatásaival, transzmittereivel kapcsolatos jelentősebb eredményeket. Alappal fölvetettük annak lehetőségét, hogy emberben?és bizonyos állatfajokban is?az NO szenzoros transzmitter (Barthó et al. 2004?Eur J Pharmac; Benkó et al. 2005?Life Sci). Mind állati, mind (világelsőként) humán GI preparátumokban bizonyítottuk az ATP közvetítő szerepét NANC válaszokban (Undi et al. 2005?Bas Clin Pharmac; 2006?Brain Res Bull; Benkó et al 2006?NS Arch Pharmac, 2007?Neurosci). Nem találtunk bizonyítékot VIP szerepére emberi bél kapszaicinnel kiváltott gátló válaszában, a CO szerepére perisztaltikus reflexben (kongresszusi közlés), ill a CO szerepére a NANC gátló válaszban állati és humán GI preparátumokon (ld. fenti közlemények). Közlésre vár: P-anyag és CGRP-IR felszabadulás bélből; szenzoros izgató mustárolaj és H2S hatásmechanizmusa; a passzív szenzibilizáció/antigén-expozíció hatásainak elemzése állati és emberi GI és légúti simaizomzaton stb. | Aims of the project Experiments on isolated tissues for elucidating the mechanisms behind some evoked movements of viscera of animals and man. Identifying sensory and other non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) transmitters. Measuring neurotransmitter release. Modelling pathophysiological processes of viscera. (Planned were complete series of experiments in some and pilot experiments in other directions.) Published results Review, containing original results, on visceral effects of capsaicin and the transmitters thereof. Providing indirect evidence that NO is a sensory neurotransmitter (Bartho et al. 2004?Eur J Pharmac; Benko et al. 2005?Life Sci). Proving the presence of purinergic innervation of human (Undi et al. 2006?Brain Res Bull; Benko et al. 2007?Neurosci) and rat intestine (Benko et al. 2006?NS Arch Pharmac). No evidence for a mediating role of VIP in the inhibitory effect of capsaicin in the human gut, a role of CO in the peristaltic reflex (congress presentations) or in the evoked NANC relaxation in animal or human GI preparations (papers as above). To be published Release of substance P- or CGRP-like IR from the gut; mechanisms of action of the sensory stimulants mustard oil and H2S; effects of passive sensitization/antigen exposure on GI and respiratory smooth muscles of animals and man, etc
Cell-penetrating peptide exploited syndecans
AbstractCell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are short peptides capable of translocating across the plasma membrane of live cells and transporting conjugated compounds intracellularly. Fifteen years after discovering the first model cationic CPPs, penetratin and TAT, CPP internalization is still challenging many questions. Particularly it has been unknown whether CPPs enter the cells with or without mediation of a specific surface receptor. Here we report that syndecan-4, the universally expressed isoform of the syndecan family of transmembrane proteoglycans, binds and mediates transport of the three most frequently utilized cationic CPPs (penetratin, octaarginine and TAT) into the cells. Quantitative uptake studies and mutational analyses demonstrate that attachment of the cationic CPPs is mediated by specific interactions between the heparan sulfate chains of syndecan-4 and the CPPs. Protein kinase C alpha is also heavily involved in the uptake mechanism. The collected data give the first direct evidence on the receptor-mediated uptake of cationic CPPs and may replace the long-thought, but already contradicted membrane penetration hypothesis. Thus our study might give an answer for a decade long debate and foster the development of rationalized, syndecan-4 targeted novel delivery technologies
Rövid élettartamú elemorganikus vegyületek elméleti és spektroszkópiai vizsgálata = Theoretical and Spectroscopical Study of Short lived Organometallic Compounds
Kutatási programunk három fő tématerületet foglalt magában. Ezek a következők: 1.Főcsoportbeli elemeket tartalmazó ill ezekkel az elemekkel szubsztituált gyűrűk szerkezetének, fluxionalitásának és aromaticitásának vizsgálata. 2.N=S=N-S fragmentumokat tartalmazó vegyületek szerkezetvizsgálata. 3.Alacsony koordinációs számú foszfororganikus vegyületek reaktivitásának vizsgálata. A közös e témákban az, hogy erősen reaktív, instabilis anyagokról van szó. Munkánk egyik célja éppen annak a kérdésnek a megvizsgálása volt, hogy hogyan lehet e származékokat stabilissá tenni. Munkánkat külföldi kutatócsoportokkal közösen végeztük. A külföldi csoportok fő feladata a vegyületek előállítása volt. Eredményeinket 24 közleményben publikáltuk, ezek összesített impakt indexe 66,88, átlagos impakt indexe 2,79. | Three main project points were investigated in the recent research project: 1.The structure, fluxionality and aromaticity of ring structures included and substituted with main group elements, 2.Structural study of compounds containing N=S=N-S fragments and 3.Reactivity of low-coordinater organophosphorus compounds. These compounds are highly reactive, short lived derivatives. The common aim of this project was to study the question of stabilizability. During the project we collaborated with foreign research groups. The main task of these groups was the synthesis. The results were published in 24 publications. The sum of the impact index is 66.88, the average impact index is 2.79
Effect of melatonin on the severity of l-arginine-induced experimental acute pancreatitis in rats
AIM: To determine the effect of melatonin pre- and post-treatment on the severity
of L-arginine (L-Arg) -induced experimental pancreatitis in rats. METHODS: Male
Wistar rats (25) were divided into five groups. Those in group A received two
injections of 3.2g/kg body weight L-Arg i.p. at an interval of 1h. In group MA,
the rats were treated with 50 mg/kg body weight melatonin i.p. 30 min prior to
L-Arg administration. In group AM, the rats received the same dose of melatonin
1h after L-Arg was given. In group M, a single dose of melatonin was administered
as described previously. In group C the control animals received physiological
saline injections i.p. All rats were exsanguinated 24 h after the second L-Arg
injection. RESULTS: L-Arg administration caused severe necrotizing pancreatitis
confirmed by the significant elevations in the serum amylase level, the
pancreatic weight/body weight ratio (pw/bw), the pancreatic IL-6 content and the
myeloperoxidase activity, relative to the control values. Elevation of the serum
amylase level was significantly reduced in rats given melatonin following L-Arg
compared to rats injected with L-Arg only. The activities of the pancreatic
antioxidant enzymes (Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) and catalase (CAT))
were significantly increased 24 h after pancreatitis induction. Melatonin given
in advance of L-Arg significantly reduced the pancreatic CAT activity relative to
that in the rats treated with L-Arg alone. In the liver, L-Arg significantly
increased the lipid peroxidation level, and the glutathione peroxidase and
Cu/Zn-SOD activities, whereas the Mn-SOD activity was reduced as compared to the
control rats. Melatonin pre-treatment prevented these changes. CONCLUSION:
Melatonin is an antioxidant that is able to counteract some of the L-Arg-induced
changes during acute pancreatitis, and may therefore be helpful in the supportive
therapy of patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis
Self-Assembling Injectable Hydrogel for Controlled Drug Delivery of Antimuscular Atrophy Drug Tilorone
A two-component injectable hydrogel was suitably prepared for the encapsulation and prolonged release of tilorone which is an antimuscular atrophy drug. The rapid (7–45 s, depending on the polymer concentration) in situ solidifications of the hydrogel were evoked by the evolving Schiff-base bonds between the aldehyde groups of modified PVA (4-formyl benzoate PVA, PVA-CHO, 5.9 mol% functionalization degree) and the amino groups of 3-mercaptopropionate chitosan (CHIT-SH). The successful modification of the initial polymers was confirmed by both FTIR and NMR measurements; moreover, a new peak appeared in the FTIR spectrum of the 10% w/v PVA-CHO/CHIT-SH hydrogel at 1647 cm−1, indicating the formation of a Schiff base (–CH=N–) and confirming the interaction between the NH2 groups of CHIT–SH and the CHO groups of PVA-CHO for the formation of the dynamic hydrogel. The reaction between the NH2 and CHO groups of the modified biopolymers resulted in a significant increase in the hydrogel’s viscosity which was more than one thousand times greater (9800 mPa·s) than that of the used polymer solutions, which have a viscosity of only 4.6 and 5.8 mPa·s, respectively. Furthermore, the initial chitosan was modified with mercaptopropionic acid (thiol content = 201.85 ± 12 µmol/g) to increase the mucoadhesive properties of the hydrogel. The thiolated chitosan showed a significant increase (~600 mN/mm) in adhesion to the pig intestinal membrane compared to the initial one (~300 mN/mm). The in vitro release of tilorone from the hydrogel was controlled with the crosslinking density/concentration of the hydrogel; the 10% w/v PVA-CHO/CHIT-SH hydrogel had the slowest releasing (21.7 h−1/2) rate, while the 2% w/v PVA-CHO/CHIT-SH hydrogel had the fastest releasing rate (34.6 h−1/2). Due to the characteristics of these hydrogels, their future uses include tissue regeneration scaffolds, wound dressings for skin injuries, and injectable or in situ forming drug delivery systems. Eventually, we hope that the developed hydrogel will be useful in the local treatment of muscle atrophy, such as laryngotracheal atrophy
Shotgun Analysis of Gut Microbiota with Body Composition and Lipid Characteristics in Crohn’s Disease
Alterations to intestinal microbiota are assumed to occur in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This study aims to analyze the association of fecal microbiota composition, body composition, and lipid characteristics in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). In our cross-sectional study, patients with CD were enrolled and blood and fecal samples were collected. Clinical and endoscopic disease activity and body composition were assessed and laboratory tests were made. Fecal bacterial composition was analyzed using the shotgun method. Microbiota alterations based on obesity, lipid parameters, and disease characteristics were analyzed. In this study, 27 patients with CD were analyzed, of which 37.0% were obese based on visceral fat area (VFA). Beta diversities were higher in non-obese patients (p < 0.001), but relative abundances did not differ. C. innocuum had a higher abundance at a high cholesterol level than Bacillota (p = 0.001, p = 0.0034). Adlercreutzia, B. longum, and Blautia alterations were correlated with triglyceride levels. Higher Clostridia (p = 0.009) and B. schinkii (p = 0.032) and lower Lactobacillus (p = 0.035) were connected to high VFA. Disease activity was coupled with dysbiotic elements. Microbiota alterations in obesity highlight the importance of gut microbiota in diseases with a similar inflammatory background and project therapeutic options