54 research outputs found

    Amyloid-like aggregates sequester numerous metastable proteins with essential cellular functions

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    Protein aggregation is linked with neurodegeneration and numerous other diseases by mechanisms that are not well understood. Here, we have analyzed the gain-of-function toxicity of artificial β sheet proteins that were designed to form amyloid-like fibrils. Using quantitative proteomics, we found that the toxicity of these proteins in human cells correlates with the capacity of their aggregates to promote aberrant protein interactions and to deregulate the cytosolic stress response. The endogenous proteins that are sequestered by the aggregates share distinct physicochemical properties: They are relatively large in size and significantly enriched in predicted unstructured regions, features that are strongly linked with multifunctionality. Many of the interacting proteins occupy essential hub positions in cellular protein networks, with key roles in chromatin organization, transcription, translation, maintenance of cell architecture and protein quality control. We suggest that amyloidogenic aggregation targets a metastable subproteome, thereby causing multifactorial toxicity and, eventually, the collapse of essential cellular functions. PaperFlick: © 2011 Elsevier Inc

    Eteokles in Spain? On Brecht’s Mein Bruder war ein Flieger

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    One of Bertolt Brecht’s most famous poems, Mein Bruder war ein Flieger, is often invoked as a manifesto for pacifist ideals, but some essential questions (who is the lyric I? what is the literal meaning of the poem?) have hardly received any attention. By evoking the poem’s nature as a Kinderlied, the context of its first publication, and its relationship with Brecht’s play Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar, this article tentatively identifies the source of its final pointe in a famous passage of Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes, thereby suggesting—on the basis of textual comparisons—an example of far-reaching, ideological Antikerezeption in Brecht’s oeuvre, working all the way down to his Kalendergeschichten and to his Antigone

    Die Loreley, Germania und Die Wacht am Rhein

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    Mehr als 65 Jahre lang setzte sich der Schriftsteller und Literaturkritiker Rudolf Gottschall (1823-1909) mit Heine auseinander - in Aufsätzen, Rezensionen, Literaturgeschichtsbüchern und sogar in Gedichten. Gottschall war mit Heine persönlich bekannt: er hatte ihn 1851 in Paris besucht und ging in seinen Memoiren davon aus, daß Heine "günstig über [ihn] dachte". Auch wenn Gottschall von Heines 'Charakter' mitunter enttäuscht war, so blieb er doch stets ein großer Verehrer von Heines 'Talent'. Daran änderte sich auch nichts, als aus dem liberalen Oppositionellen der 1840er Jahre ein Geheimer Hofrat mit Adelstitel geworden war, der Hymnen auf den deutschen Kaiser verfasste. Der alte Gottschall nahm Heine sogar gegen Angriffe von rechts in Schutz

    Predictors of overall satisfaction of cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy

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    Martina Becker-Schiebe,1,2 Uwe Pinkert,1 Tahera Ahmad,1 Christof Schäfer,3 Wolfgang Hoffmann,1 Heiko Franz4 1Department of Radiotherapy and Radio-Oncology, Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig gGmbH, Braunschweig, 2Radiation Oncology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, 3Radiation Oncology Straubing, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, 4Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany Background: Reporting the experiences and satisfaction of patients, as well as their quality of care scores is an emerging recommendation in health care systems. Many aspects of patients’ experience determine their overall satisfaction. The aim of this evaluation was to define the main factors contributing to the satisfaction of patients undergoing radiotherapy in an outpatient setting. Patients and methods: A total of 1,710 patients with a histologically proven cancer, who were treated in our department between 2012 and 2014, were recruited for this prospective evaluation. At the end of therapy, each patient was asked to grade the skills and the care provided by radiation therapists, physicians, and physician’s assistants, as well as the overall satisfaction during therapy. Statistical analysis was performed to determine which parameters had the greatest influence on overall satisfaction. Results: Overall satisfaction with the provided care was high with a mean satisfaction score of 1.4. Significant correlations were found between overall satisfaction and each of the following survey items: courtesy, protection of privacy, professional skills and care provided by the radiation therapists and physicians, accuracy of provided information, and cleanliness. Linear regression analysis demonstrated that courteous behavior and the protection of privacy were the strongest predictors for overall satisfaction (P<0.001), followed by care and skills of physicians and radiation therapists. Patients suffering from head and neck cancer expressed lower overall satisfaction. Conclusion: Based on our prospectively acquired data, we were able to identify and confirm key factors for patient satisfaction in an outpatient radiooncological cancer center. From these results, we conclude that patients want most importantly to be treated with courtesy, protection of privacy and care. Keywords: patient satisfaction, radiotherapy, informatio
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