63 research outputs found

    Guidelines of the Italian Society of Videosurgery in Infancy (SIVI) for the minimally invasive treatment of fetal and neonatal ovarian cysts

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    In the last three decades, fetal ovarian cysts were diagnosed more frequently, due to technological improvement and the increasing use of prenatal screening ultrasound. Nonetheless, treatment uncertainties are still present, either prenatally or postnatally. Recently, significant innovations on diagnosis and treatment have been proposed and a more conservative, minimally invasive approach may be offered to the Pediatrician or the Surgeon who face with this condition during prenatal or neonatal age. (...

    Multi-disciplinary insights from the First European Forum on Visceral Myopathy 2022 Meeting

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    Visceral myopathy is a rare, life-threatening disease linked to identified genetic mutations in 60% of cases. Mostly due to the dearth of knowledge regarding its pathogenesis, effective treatments are lacking. The disease is most commonly diagnosed in children with recurrent or persistent disabling episodes of functional intestinal obstruction, which can be life threatening, often requiring long-term parenteral or specialized enteral nutritional support. Although these interventions are undisputedly life-saving as they allow affected individuals to avoid malnutrition and related complications, they also seriously compromise their quality of life and can carry the risk of sepsis and thrombosis. Animal models for visceral myopathy, which could be crucial for advancing the scientific knowledge of this condition, are scarce. Clearly, a collaborative network is needed to develop research plans to clarify genotype–phenotype correlations and unravel molecular mechanisms to provide targeted therapeutic strategies. This paper represents a summary report of the first ‘European Forum on Visceral Myopathy’. This forum was attended by an international interdisciplinary working group that met to better understand visceral myopathy and foster interaction among scientists actively involved in the field and clinicians who specialize in care of people with visceral myopathy

    Cone-like resection, fistulectomy and mucosal rectal sleeve partial endorectal pull-through in paediatric Crohn's disease with perianal complex fistula

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    Background: Perianal abscesses and fistulae have been reported in approximately 15% of patients with paediatric Crohn's disease and they are associated with poor quality of life. Several surgical techniques were proposed for the treatment of perianal Crohn's disease, characterized by an elevated incidence of failure, incontinence, and relapse.Aim of our study was to present the technical details and results of our surgical technique in case of recurrent, persistent, complex perianal ano-rectal destroying Crohn's disease not responding to medical treatment. Methods: Data of patients who underwent surgical treatment (cone-like resection, fistulectomy, sphincter reconstruction, endorectal advancement sleeve flaps like in Soave endorectal pull-through) for complicated high-level trans, inter or suprasphincteric fistulae between January 2009 and June 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: 20 surgical procedures were performed in 11 patients (males 72.7%) with transsphincteric (n= 5), intersphincteric (n= 4) and suprasphincteric (n= 2) fistulae. Three patients needed a second treatment. Two patients needed more than 2 surgeries and one temporary colostomy. No patient presented anal incontinence at 15 months' median follow-up. Conclusions: Although several procedures may be required to obtain a complete remission of perianal lesions, in our series the proposed surgical technique seemed effective and safe, preserving anal continence in all treated cases and reducing the need of faecal diversion

    Intrasphincteric BoTox injections in Hirschsprung's disease: indications and outcome in 64 procedures over a ten-year period

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    Intrasphincteric Botulinum toxin (BoTox) injection for symptomatic postoperative anal achalasia in Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) has found wide application in the last twenty years. The aim of this study is to describe effectiveness and functional outcome of a series of patients treated over a 10-year period

    A provisional experience with robot-assisted Soave procedure for older children with hirschsprung disease: Back to the future?

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    Hirschsprung disease is a congenital disease characterized by intestinal aganglionosis of various extents. Most patients are younger than 1 year of age. Though, a minority of cases can be older or even adult. Older the patient the more difficult and prolonged is the endorectal dissection required for the pull-through procedure. Longer surgery leads to longer anal dilatation and trauma with subsequent higher likelihood of continence impairment. The article aims at describing the first case series of robot-assisted Soave procedure, which was adopted as an alternative minimally invasive approach to older patients with Hirschsprung disease. The technical principles are represented by intraoperative seromuscolar leveling biopsies, intracorporeal endorectal cranial dissection, and endorectal pull-through with colo-anal anastomosis. The authors report three procedures that were carried on without complication with a limited requirement for anal dilatation and trauma, given the reduced need for endorectal caudal dissection. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. The robotic approach should be considered as an alternative minimally invasive approach for older children or adults with Hirschsprung disease

    Minimally invasive surgery for paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: Personal experience and literature review

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    reserved9noThe incidence of paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) has dramatically increased in the last 20 years. Although first reported in mid 1970s', diagnostic laparoscopy has started to be routinely adopted in paediatric surgical practice since late 1990s'. Minimally invasive surgery was first limited to diagnostic purposes. After 2002 it was also applied to the radical treatment of PIBD, either Crohn's disease (CD) or Ulcerative colitis. During the last decade minimally invasive approaches to PIBD have gained popularity and have recently became the "gold standard" for the treatment of such invalidating and troublesome chronic diseases. The authors describe and track the historical evolution of minimally invasive surgery for PIBD and address all available opportunities, including most recent advancements such as robotic surgery, single port approaches and minimally invasive treatment of perianal fistulising CD. A systematic review of all series of PIBD treated with minimally invasive approaches published so far is provided in order to determine the incidence and type of patients' complications reported up to present days. The authors also describe their experience with minimally invasive surgery for PIBD and will report the results of 104 laparoscopic procedures performed in a series of 61 patients between January 2006 and December 2014.mixedPini-Prato, Alessio; Faticato, Maria Grazia; Barabino, Arrigo; Arrigo, Serena; Gandullia, Paolo; Mazzola, Cinzia; Disma, Nicola; Montobbio, Giovanni; Mattioli, GirolamoPINI PRATO, Alessio; Faticato, MARIA GRAZIA; Barabino, Arrigo; Arrigo, Serena; Gandullia, Paolo; Mazzola, Cinzia; Disma, NICOLA MASSIMO; Montobbio, Giovanni; Mattioli, Girolam

    Autologous fat grafting in the treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency: Clinical outcomes and treatment tolerability survey in a case series of 21 patients

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    Introduction: Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is the inability to close the velopharyngeal sphincter during phonation and/or feeding. VPI is clinically characterised by hypernasal speech and nasal regurgitation. In cases of severe VPI, pharyngoplasty is recommended. Cases of mild-to-moderate VPI can be treated with fat grafting of the posterior pharyngeal wall in addition to speech therapy. The lipofilling can also be useful after pharyngoplasty to improve the outcomes. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one patients (14 males and 7 females), ages 4–23 affected by mild-to-moderate VPI and treated with lipofilling were included in this retrospective study. The mean injected fat volume was 7.95 cc (median 6 cc, min 4 cc, max 20 cc and range 16 cc). The follow-up ranged from 6 to 60 months. The pre- and post-operative Borel–Maisonny scores were compared using Wilcoxon test. Moreover, we performed a telephone survey with the aim to assess the parental perception on child's speech and quality of life after the surgical treatment. Results: Despite the small sample size, in this case series, we observed a statistically significant Borel–Maisonny score improvement and a parental satisfaction rate of about 85%. Conclusions: The augmentation of the posterior pharyngeal wall in addition to speech therapy improved the Borel–Maisonny score and the intelligibility of this case series of patients affected by mild-to-moderate VPI. In these patients, evaluated in a multidisciplinary approach, this technique allowed us to avoid major surgical procedures that would modify the anatomy of the velopharyngeal port. However, prospective comparative studies or randomised controlled trials could be useful to compare fat grafting with velopharyngoplasty techniques, with the aim to clarify indications and to define a specific treatment protocol

    European Paediatric Surgeons' Association Survey on the Management of Pediatric Appendicitis

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    Aim To define patterns in the management of pediatric appendicitis. Methods A total of 169 delegates from 42 (24 European) countries completed a validated survey administered at the EUPSA 2017 annual congress. Results In the work-up of children with suspected acute appendicitis, most surgeons rely on full blood count (92%), C-reactive protein (82%), and abdominal ultrasonography (76%), but rarely on computed tomography scans or magnetic resonance imaging. In suspected simple appendicitis, most surgeons (76%) do not perform appendectomy at night in clinically stable patients and start antibiotic preoperatively (64%), but only 15% offer antibiotic therapy alone (no appendectomy). In suspected perforated appendicitis, 96% start antibiotic preoperatively, and 92% perform an appendectomy. Presence of phlegmon/abscess is the main contraindication to immediate surgery. In case of appendix mass, most responders (75%) favor a conservative approach and perform interval appendectomy always (56%) or in selected cases (38%) between 2 and 6 months from the first episode (81%). Children with large intraperitoneal abscesses are managed by percutaneous drainage (59% responders) and by surgery (37% responders). Laparoscopy is the preferred surgical approach for both simple (89%) and perforated appendicitis (81%). Most surgeons send the appendix for histology (96%) and pus for microbiology, if present (78%). At the end of the operation, 58% irrigate the abdominal cavity only if contaminated using saline solution (93%). In selected cases, 52% leave a drain in situ. Conclusion Some aspects of appendicitis management lack consensus, particularly appendix mass and intraperitoneal abscess. Evidence-based guidelines should be developed, which may help standardize care and improve clinical outcomes
