21 research outputs found

    Innovation without design ? The dynamics of role making and the gradual emergence of the collective designer

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    International audienceThis paper explores innovation and social behaviourist theory in relation to sustainable urban projects in the highly institutionalized public sector (towns). Using empirical data from France, we examine the dynamics of a design process in which unexpected practices generated innovative urban design. We show how the fact that the design process did not follow the standard phases of planning meant that the actors redefined themselves in relation to one another. We point out how the absence of urban design plans during a precise phase of an innovative design process drew the actors into a movement of collective action, which presupposed the acquisition of a new identity. Ultimately, our objective is to combine social behaviourist theory and innovation theory and to facilitate innovative design in urban projects

    Standards and innovation in emerging fields: Pushing breakthrough innovation or enrolling actors? An analysis of eco-district standards in France and Denmark

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    International audienceStandards and norms are central objects for institutional studies. However, their role in innovation and the creation of novelty remain unclear, in particular in new / emerging fields. Accordingly, this paper investigates the relationship between standard setting and innovation, in the context of emerging organizational fields. We consider standardization in emerging fields as a socio-technical process, which must simultaneously promote a certain degree of innovation and enroll actors in order to succeed. We apply this perspective to compare standardization processes in the field of eco-districts, both in France and Denmark. Our analysis reveals different tensions, tradeoffs and priorities, among standards, between enrolment priorities, and the need to push forward technical innovation. We discuss how the two issues of constraints and enrollment can be articulated and combined


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    International audienceJudging from the number of communities and cities striving or claiming to be sustainable and how often eco-development is invoked as the means for urban regeneration, it appears that sustainable and eco-development have become "the leading paradigm within urban development" (Whitehead 2003). But what is it that is driving these urban transformations? Clearly, there are many probable answers to this complex question and in what follows we will focus on one particular catalyst of change - urban design competitions. Considered as field changing events (Lampel & Meyer 2008, Anand and Jones 2008), urban design competitions are understudied mechanisms for bringing about field level changes. This paper examines how urban design competitions can bring about changes within two types of fields - professional fields and local geographical fields. The context for our study is urban regeneration in two cities in France and Denmark, both of which have been suffering from industrial decline and have invested in establishing "eco-districts". Based on these two case studies we explore how the different parties involved in these urban development projects have developed innovative design templates and practices that can instantiate field level changes

    Institutionalization Through Experimentation

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    Judging from the number of communities and cities striving or claiming to be sustainable and how often eco-development is invoked as the means for urban regeneration, it appears that sustainable and eco-development have become “the leading paradigm within urban development” (Whitehead 2003). But what is it that is driving these urban transformations? Clearly, there are many probable answers to this complex question and in what follows we will focus on one particular catalyst of change – urban design competitions. Considered as field changing events (Lampel & Meyer 2008, Anand and Jones 2008), urban design competitions are understudied mechanisms for bringing about field level changes. This paper examines how urban design competitions can bring about changes within two types of fields – professional fields and local geographical fields. The context for our study is urban regeneration in two cities in France and Denmark, both of which have been suffering from industrial decline and have invested in establishing “eco-districts”. Based on these two case studies we explore how the different parties involved in these urban development projects have developed innovative design templates and practices that can instantiate field level changes


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    International audienceThe construction sector is often characterized as a reactive sector, as lagging behind other sectors of the economy, notably industry, when it comes to innovation; as mechanically responding to external (client) needs and implementing innovations that originate elsewhere (Winch 1998, Harty 2008). The sector is often presented as un-dynamic and un-innovative and as precluding novel design practices and tools, an orientation that seems to flow from its rigid routines, professional boundaries, division of labor, national legislation, established performance measures, and fixed ideas about best practices. Accordingly, building projects in the construction sector tend to reflect objectives and institutionalized practices other than those related to innovation and sustainability

    Introduction : Urbanisme durable et gestion

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    A. LA DYNAMIQUE ENTRE OBJET, COLLECTIF ET OUTILS Que peut-il y avoir de commun entre les disciplines et les pratiques de l’urbanisme et de la gestion ? Certes, les deux traitent de la dynamique des raisonnements et des rationalisations de la conception, où la coopération inter-organisations, la création de connaissances et la prise en compte d’une constellation d’enjeux sont à l’œuvre lors des processus de création d’un objet – souvent un « objet fini, absolu » pour la gestion, toujours un « ..

    Conclusion : L’émergence de collectifs de conception d’objets évolutifs

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    A. POINT DE DÉPART ET LIMITES La recherche présentée part d’une problématique actuelle relevant d’un questionnement ancien. Alors que la ville apparaît comme un levier pour la durabilité de la planète, les nouveaux objets qui la composent pointent la complexité non uniquement de la gouvernance de ce corps vivant mais également de la conception de ses sous-ensembles, comme les projets urbains. La discipline de l’urbanisme apparaît en proie à des difficultés de formalisation et de modélisation ..

    RĂ©cit des cas

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    Les trois cas qui seront présentés maintenant, à savoir les ÉcoQuartiers Grand Large et Humanicité et l’écocampus de l’ENSTA, présentent tous les trois un processus de conception amont révélateur de pratiques inédites. Nous serons peut-être étonnés par le fait que dans ces trois cas, et principalement dans les deux ÉcoQuartiers, l’utilisation d’outils d’ingénierie (simulation, calculs, analyses) arrive bien plus tard dans le processus, bien après le programme, car les réponses aux incertitude..

    Innovation and sustainable Urbanism : New model of project management

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    Les études urbaines (Urban Studies) et organisationnelles (Organization Studies) sur la ville durable ont focalisé leur attention sur la question de la gouvernance, en particulier sur la participation des citoyens et des stakeholders. Très peu de travaux ont étudié, en revanche, la naissance des projets urbains durables sous l'angle de la conception et de son pilotage. La conception de la ville durable ou de morceaux de ville (les quartiers durables) pose pourtant des questions multiples. La première touche à la naissance et à l'évolution de nouveaux objets de conception associés à de nouvelles fonctions (mixité sociale, mixité fonctionnelle, fonctions écologiques et écosystémiques). Tracer la transformation successive des objets intermédiaires de conception (programme, plans masse, réception du quartier ou des bâtiments, vie en marche) qui jalonnent et cristallisent ce processus de création collective dans le cadre de projets innovants constitue un premier objectif de la thèse. Ce travail permet de mettre en évidence les ruptures et les discontinuités dans les processus de conception qui tiennent aux différentes modélisations de ces objets. La deuxième question est relative aux instruments et aux langages (ingénieriques, comme l'écoconception, économiques et juridiques) qui constituent des supports cognitifs pour l'action des concepteurs. Ainsi nous caractérisons les nouveaux instruments et langages mobilisés dans le cadre de ces projets urbains innovants et analysons la façon dont ils permettent de doter les concepteurs de nouvelles capacités de conception. Enfin, nous abordons la question des conditions d'une cohésion au sein des collectifs d'acteurs engagés dans les projets urbains durables. L'émiettement et l'hétérogénéité des acteurs des projets urbains rendent, en effet, cette recherche de cohésion particulièrement difficile à obtenir. Dans cette perspective, nous avons identifié des situations innovantes où émerge un rôle collectif de conception qui dépasse les intérêts et les identités professionnelles particuliers des acteurs. Cette découverte ouvre un nouveau champ d'interaction à l'interface entre Organization Studies, Urban Studies et le Pragmatism.Experiments on sustainable city or neighborhood accompanied by the search for new modes of design, governance, management and plan-ning of the city. The thesis proposes to study the emergence of an innovation based on so-called 'sustainable' from the tools and instruments which will equip participants to manage these new situations. Four types of instrumentation are considered in the thesis: legal (contracts between the parties); Economic and Financial (financial engineering development projects / ACG), governance and management (repositories, project management and process) design and evaluation performance of the district or area con-sidered (these tools and templates that can be quantitative and qualitative). This systematic analysis has not yet been carried out in the literature. It is therefore a theoretical issue. It is also an empirical issue because design patterns are planning to conceive, a synoptic view is a key issue for actors, public or private, who wish to contribute to this new integrative function. For this, the thesis is based on two approaches: - A historical perspective of the logic of development to show the changes brought about by sustainability issues and challenges of this new feature; - An empirical analysis and comparative depth of experience innova-tive in France and abroad. Our goal is to answer two research questions: What are the instruments, collective reasoning and collective experiments that support in-novantes current in terms of sustainable management? What are the attributes of the function of sustainable (parallel with the 'innovation function')

    Innovation et éco-conception à l'échelle urbaine : émergence et modèles de pilotage pour un aménagement durable

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    Experiments on sustainable city or neighborhood accompanied by the search for new modes of design, governance, management and plan-ning of the city. The thesis proposes to study the emergence of an innovation based on so-called 'sustainable' from the tools and instruments which will equip participants to manage these new situations. Four types of instrumentation are considered in the thesis: legal (contracts between the parties); Economic and Financial (financial engineering development projects / ACG), governance and management (repositories, project management and process) design and evaluation performance of the district or area con-sidered (these tools and templates that can be quantitative and qualitative). This systematic analysis has not yet been carried out in the literature. It is therefore a theoretical issue. It is also an empirical issue because design patterns are planning to conceive, a synoptic view is a key issue for actors, public or private, who wish to contribute to this new integrative function. For this, the thesis is based on two approaches: - A historical perspective of the logic of development to show the changes brought about by sustainability issues and challenges of this new feature; - An empirical analysis and comparative depth of experience innova-tive in France and abroad. Our goal is to answer two research questions: What are the instruments, collective reasoning and collective experiments that support in-novantes current in terms of sustainable management? What are the attributes of the function of sustainable (parallel with the 'innovation function')?Les études urbaines (Urban Studies) et organisationnelles (Organization Studies) sur la ville durable ont focalisé leur attention sur la question de la gouvernance, en particulier sur la participation des citoyens et des stakeholders. Très peu de travaux ont étudié, en revanche, la naissance des projets urbains durables sous l'angle de la conception et de son pilotage. La conception de la ville durable ou de morceaux de ville (les quartiers durables) pose pourtant des questions multiples. La première touche à la naissance et à l'évolution de nouveaux objets de conception associés à de nouvelles fonctions (mixité sociale, mixité fonctionnelle, fonctions écologiques et écosystémiques). Tracer la transformation successive des objets intermédiaires de conception (programme, plans masse, réception du quartier ou des bâtiments, vie en marche) qui jalonnent et cristallisent ce processus de création collective dans le cadre de projets innovants constitue un premier objectif de la thèse. Ce travail permet de mettre en évidence les ruptures et les discontinuités dans les processus de conception qui tiennent aux différentes modélisations de ces objets. La deuxième question est relative aux instruments et aux langages (ingénieriques, comme l'écoconception, économiques et juridiques) qui constituent des supports cognitifs pour l'action des concepteurs. Ainsi nous caractérisons les nouveaux instruments et langages mobilisés dans le cadre de ces projets urbains innovants et analysons la façon dont ils permettent de doter les concepteurs de nouvelles capacités de conception. Enfin, nous abordons la question des conditions d'une cohésion au sein des collectifs d'acteurs engagés dans les projets urbains durables. L'émiettement et l'hétérogénéité des acteurs des projets urbains rendent, en effet, cette recherche de cohésion particulièrement difficile à obtenir. Dans cette perspective, nous avons identifié des situations innovantes où émerge un rôle collectif de conception qui dépasse les intérêts et les identités professionnelles particuliers des acteurs. Cette découverte ouvre un nouveau champ d'interaction à l'interface entre Organization Studies, Urban Studies et le Pragmatism