5,626 research outputs found

    Alterações renais funcionais em caprinos submetidos a infusão intravenosa de hemolisado.

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    Resumo: 0 presente estudo foi realizado em 32 caprinos, adultos, Sem Raça Definida (SRD), sendo 16 machos e 16 fêmeas, com propósito de constatar a existência de alteraçoes funcionais renais em caprinos submetidos à aplicaçào intravenosa de hemolisado, através de quantificação dos níveis séricos de uréia e creatinina. Constituiram-se 4 grupos, cada um composto de 8 animais, dos quais 5 foram submetidos a infusao de hemolisado e 3 permaneceram como controle. Nos animais os grupos l, II e III retiraram-se volumes sangüíneos respectivamente a 5, 10 e 15 ml/kg de peso corpóreo. Cada animal do grupo hemólise recebeu, por via intravenosa lenta, após ruptura mecânica das hemacias por congelamento, o hemolisado em igual volume ao sangue retirado. Os animais controle receberam, também por via intravenosa lenta, soluçao satine fisiológica a 0,87% em igual volume ao do sangue retirado. No grupo IV, realizou-se a sangria de 10 ml/kg de peso, e a reposição do hemolisado se fez na dose de 2,5 ml/kg de peso vivo, corn intervalos de 48 haras. Os resultados encontrados nas diferentes dosagens administradas, permitiram concluir que, ao nível tubular, houve alteraçoes funcionais, demonstradas pela exame de urina (glicosúria, hemoglobinúria e tendência e isostenúria) e que, ao nível glomerular, não houve alterações de fluxo nem de função que pudessem ser identificadas através da determinação dos níveis de uréia e creatinina sérica

    GHIGLS: HI mapping at intermediate Galactic latitude using the Green Bank Telescope

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    This paper introduces the data cubes from GHIGLS, deep Green Bank Telescope surveys of the 21-cm line emission of HI in 37 targeted fields at intermediate Galactic latitude. The GHIGLS fields together cover over 1000 square degrees at 9.55' spatial resolution. The HI spectra have an effective velocity resolution about 1.0 km/s and cover at least -450 < v < +250 km/s. GHIGLS highlights that even at intermediate Galactic latitude the interstellar medium is very complex. Spatial structure of the HI is quantified through power spectra of maps of the column density, NHI. For our featured representative field, centered on the North Ecliptic Pole, the scaling exponents in power-law representations of the power spectra of NHI maps for low, intermediate, and high velocity gas components (LVC, IVC, and HVC) are -2.86 +/- 0.04, -2.69 +/- 0.04, and -2.59 +/- 0.07, respectively. After Gaussian decomposition of the line profiles, NHI maps were also made corresponding to the narrow-line and broad-line components in the LVC range; for the narrow-line map the exponent is -1.9 +/- 0.1, reflecting more small scale structure in the cold neutral medium (CNM). There is evidence that filamentary structure in the HI CNM is oriented parallel to the Galactic magnetic field. The power spectrum analysis also offers insight into the various contributions to uncertainty in the data. The effect of 21-cm line opacity on the GHIGLS NHI maps is estimated.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 2015 July 16. 32 pages, 21 figures (Fig. 10 new). Minor revisions from review, particularly Section 8 and Appendix C; results unchanged. Additional surveys added and made available; new Appendix B. Added descriptions of available FITS files and links to four illustrative movies on enhanced GHIGLS archive (www.cita.utoronto.ca/GHIGLS/

    Towards Multi-class Object Detection in Unconstrained Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Automatic multi-class object detection in remote sensing images in unconstrained scenarios is of high interest for several applications including traffic monitoring and disaster management. The huge variation in object scale, orientation, category, and complex backgrounds, as well as the different camera sensors pose great challenges for current algorithms. In this work, we propose a new method consisting of a novel joint image cascade and feature pyramid network with multi-size convolution kernels to extract multi-scale strong and weak semantic features. These features are fed into rotation-based region proposal and region of interest networks to produce object detections. Finally, rotational non-maximum suppression is applied to remove redundant detections. During training, we minimize joint horizontal and oriented bounding box loss functions, as well as a novel loss that enforces oriented boxes to be rectangular. Our method achieves 68.16% mAP on horizontal and 72.45% mAP on oriented bounding box detection tasks on the challenging DOTA dataset, outperforming all published methods by a large margin (+6% and +12% absolute improvement, respectively). Furthermore, it generalizes to two other datasets, NWPU VHR-10 and UCAS-AOD, and achieves competitive results with the baselines even when trained on DOTA. Our method can be deployed in multi-class object detection applications, regardless of the image and object scales and orientations, making it a great choice for unconstrained aerial and satellite imagery.Comment: ACCV 201

    Quantum entanglement of bound particles under free center of mass dispersion

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    On the basis of the full analytical solution of the overall unitary dynamics, the time evolution of entanglement is studied in a simple bipartite model system evolving unitarily from a pure initial state. The system consists of two particles in one spacial dimension bound by harmonic forces and having its free center of mass initially localized in space in a minimum uncertainty wave packet. The existence of such initial states in which the bound particles are not entangled is pointed out. The entanglement of the two particles is shown to be independent of the wavepacket mean momentum, and to increase monotonically in a time scale distinct from that of the spreading of the center of mass wavepacket.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    An information-theoretic formulation of Newton's second law

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    From the principle of maximum entropy for a closed system in thermal equilibrium, for the first instance a clear relation is shown to exist between total entropy S (in terms of arrangements of particles) and the classical expression for the force acting on a particle in a rotating frame. We determine relationships between arrangement of particles and force in the case of the gravitational and elastic forces.Comment: 5 page

    Protocolos para extração do DNA-proviral e PCR do lentivírus caprino em sangue.

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    The universal red-giant oscillation pattern; an automated determination with CoRoT data

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    The CoRoT and Kepler satellites have provided thousands of red-giant oscillation spectra. The analysis of these spectra requires efficient methods for identifying all eigenmode parameters. The assumption of new scaling laws allows us to construct a theoretical oscillation pattern. We then obtain a highly precise determination of the large separation by correlating the observed patterns with this reference. We demonstrate that this pattern is universal and are able to unambiguously assign the eigenmode radial orders and angular degrees. This solves one of the current outstanding problems of asteroseismology hence allowing precise theoretical investigation of red-giant interiors.Comment: Accepted in A&A letter