15 research outputs found

    Conditioned Physiological Reactivity and PTSD Symptoms Across the Menstrual Cycle: Anxiety Sensitivity as a Moderator

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    Objective: PTSD is often associated with heightened physiological reactivity during fear conditioning procedures, but results vary across studies. The present study examined whether anxiety sensitivity (AS), or the fear of arousal-related sensations, strengthens the relationship between PTSD symptoms and skin conductance responses (SCR) during fear conditioning and extinction. Because gonadal hormones implicated in fear learning processes fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, the stability of these relationships in women was examined in two distinct menstrual cycle phases. Method: Thirty-two trauma-exposed women with (n=16) and without PTSD (n=16) completed the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale, Anxiety Sensitivity Inventory, and a fear conditioning and extinction paradigm during the mid-luteal (mLP) and early-follicular (eFP) menstrual cycle phases. Results: In the mLP, stronger SCR to stimuli paired with shock (CS+) during fear acquisition significantly predicted greater PTSD symptoms only when AS was high and after removing an outlier. This appeared driven by effects on Numbing and Hyperarousal symptom clusters. Other hypothesized interactions between AS and CS responses were not significant. However, in the eFP, differential SCR between the CS+ and CS- during extinction predicted significantly greater PTSD symptoms, and there was a trend for this effect being stronger as AS increased. Conclusions: Results offer preliminary evidence that high AS contributes to a stronger relationship between physiological responses during fear acquisition and PTSD symptoms, at least among women in the mLP. Further research investigating the impact of individual differences in traits such as AS on the relationship between conditioned fear responses and PTSD symptoms is warranted

    Effect of PTSD treatment on cardiovascular reactivity during trauma memory recall and correspondence with symptom improvement

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    Background: Prior research has shown PTSD treatment leads to reductions in cardiovascular reactivity during trauma recall, but the extent to which such reductions are associated with changes in PTSD symptoms is less clear. Moreover, such relationships have not been investigated in a cognitively focused PTSD treatment. Objective: To examine changes in cardiovascular reactivity to the trauma memory in patients receiving cognitive processing therapy (CPT), CPT with a written trauma account, and a written account only condition. We also examined the association of such changes with symptom improvement. Method: 118 women with PTSD secondary to interpersonal violence completed pre- and post-treatment assessments of PTSD symptoms and cardiovascular reactivity during a script-driven imagery task. Results: Results indicated a significant but modest reduction in cardiovascular reactivity in CPT conditions. Changes in cardiovascular reactivity and reexperiencing symptoms were significantly associated among the whole sample. Among individuals with the greatest reactivity to the trauma memory at pretreatment, associations were also seen with changes in total PTSD, numbing, and trauma-related guilt. Conclusions: Results indicate that previous findings on the effect of PTSD treatment on cardiovascular reactivity during trauma recall extend to cognitively oriented treatment. Baseline cardiovascular reactivity may influence the extent to which reductions in PTSD symptoms and reactivity during trauma recall are related. Cognitive Processing Therapy leads to reduced heart rate reactivity when recalling a trauma memory.Decreases in heart rate reactivity are associated with reduced reexperiencing symptoms.Changes in heart rate reactivity and PTSD symptoms are more closely related among patients with greater pretreatment reactivity. Cognitive Processing Therapy leads to reduced heart rate reactivity when recalling a trauma memory. Decreases in heart rate reactivity are associated with reduced reexperiencing symptoms. Changes in heart rate reactivity and PTSD symptoms are more closely related among patients with greater pretreatment reactivity.</p