1,268 research outputs found

    Anytime Point-Based Approximations for Large POMDPs

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    The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process has long been recognized as a rich framework for real-world planning and control problems, especially in robotics. However exact solutions in this framework are typically computationally intractable for all but the smallest problems. A well-known technique for speeding up POMDP solving involves performing value backups at specific belief points, rather than over the entire belief simplex. The efficiency of this approach, however, depends greatly on the selection of points. This paper presents a set of novel techniques for selecting informative belief points which work well in practice. The point selection procedure is combined with point-based value backups to form an effective anytime POMDP algorithm called Point-Based Value Iteration (PBVI). The first aim of this paper is to introduce this algorithm and present a theoretical analysis justifying the choice of belief selection technique. The second aim of this paper is to provide a thorough empirical comparison between PBVI and other state-of-the-art POMDP methods, in particular the Perseus algorithm, in an effort to highlight their similarities and differences. Evaluation is performed using both standard POMDP domains and realistic robotic tasks

    Molecule survival in magnetized protostellar disk winds. II. Predicted H2O line profiles versus Herschel/HIFI observations

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    We investigate whether the broad wings of H2O emission identified with Herschel towards low-mass Class 0 and Class 1 protostars may be consistent with an origin in a dusty MHD disk wind, and the constraints it would set on the underlying disk properties. We present synthetic H2O line profiles predictions for a typical MHD disk wind solution with various values of disk accretion rate, stellar mass, extension of the launching area, and view angle. We compare them in terms of line shapes and intensities with the HIFI profiles observed by the WISH Key Program. We find that a dusty MHD disk wind launched from 0.2--0.6 AU AU to 3--25 AU can reproduce to a remarkable degree the observed shapes and intensities of the broad H2O component, both in the fundamental 557 GHz line and in more excited lines. Such a model also readily reproduces the observed correlation of 557 GHz line luminosity with envelope density, if the infall rate at 1000 AU is 1--3 times the disk accretion rate in the wind ejection region. It is also compatible with the typical disk size and bolometric luminosity in the observed targets. However, the narrower line profiles in Class 1 sources suggest that MHD disk winds in these sources, if present, would have to be slower and/or less water rich than in Class 0 sources. In conclusion, MHD disk winds appear as a valid (though not unique) option to consider for the origin of the broad H2O component in low-mass protostars. ALMA appears ideally suited to further test this model by searching for resolved signatures of the warm and slow wide-angle molecular wind that would be predicted.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    H2 formation and excitation in the Stephan's Quintet galaxy-wide collision

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    Context. The Spitzer Space Telescope has detected a powerful (L(H2)~10^41 erg s-1) mid-infrared H2 emission towards the galaxy-wide collision in the Stephan's Quintet (SQ) galaxy group. This discovery was followed by the detection of more distant H2-luminous extragalactic sources, with almost no spectroscopic signatures of star formation. These observations set molecular gas in a new context where one has to describe its role as a cooling agent of energetic phases of galaxy evolution. Aims. The SQ postshock medium is observed to be multiphase, with H2 gas coexisting with a hot (~ 5 10^6 K), X-ray emitting plasma. The surface brightness of H2 lines exceeds that of the X-rays and the 0-0 S(1) H2 linewidth is ~ 900 km s-1, of the same order of the collision velocity. These observations raise three questions we propose to answer: (i) Why H2 is present in the postshock gas ? (ii) How can we account for the H2 excitation ? (iii) Why H2 is a dominant coolant ? Methods. We consider the collision of two flows of multiphase dusty gas. Our model quantifies the gas cooling, dust destruction, H2 formation and excitation in the postshock medium. Results. (i) The shock velocity, the post-shock temperature and the gas cooling timescale depend on the preshock gas density. The collision velocity is the shock velocity in the low density volume filling intercloud gas. This produces a ~ 5 10^6 K, dust-free, X-ray emitting plasma. The shock velocity is smaller in clouds. We show that gas heated to temperatures less than 10^6 K cools, keeps its dust content and becomes H2 within the SQ collision age (~ 5 10^6 years). (ii) Since the bulk kinetic energy of the H2 gas is the dominant energy reservoir, we consider that the H2 emission is powered by the dissipation of kinetic turbulent energy. (Abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Minor editing and typo

    Piecewise Latent Variables for Neural Variational Text Processing

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    Advances in neural variational inference have facilitated the learning of powerful directed graphical models with continuous latent variables, such as variational autoencoders. The hope is that such models will learn to represent rich, multi-modal latent factors in real-world data, such as natural language text. However, current models often assume simplistic priors on the latent variables - such as the uni-modal Gaussian distribution - which are incapable of representing complex latent factors efficiently. To overcome this restriction, we propose the simple, but highly flexible, piecewise constant distribution. This distribution has the capacity to represent an exponential number of modes of a latent target distribution, while remaining mathematically tractable. Our results demonstrate that incorporating this new latent distribution into different models yields substantial improvements in natural language processing tasks such as document modeling and natural language generation for dialogue.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, 8 tables; EMNLP 201

    Temporal evolution of magnetic molecular shocks I. Moving grid simulations

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    We present time-dependent 1D simulations of multifluid magnetic shocks with chemistry resolved down to the mean free path. They are obtained with an adaptive moving grid implemented with an implicit scheme. We examine a broad range of parameters relevant to conditions in dense molecular clouds, with preshock densities between 10^3 and 10^5 cm-3, velocities between 10 and 40 km/s, and three different scalings for the transverse magnetic field: B=0,0.1,1 \mu G \sqrt{n.cm3}. We first use this study to validate the results of Chi\`eze, Pineau des For\^ets & Flower (1998), in particular the long delays necessary to obtain steady C-type shocks, and we provide evolutionary time-scales for a much greater range of parameters. We also present the first time-dependent models of dissociative shocks with a magnetic precursor, including the first models of stationary CJ shocks in molecular conditions. We find that the maximum speed for steady C-type shocks is reached before the occurrence of a sonic point in the neutral fluid, unlike previously thought. As a result, the maximum speed for C-shocks is lower than previously believed. Finally, we find a large amplitude bouncing instability in J-type fronts near the H2 dissociation limit (u ~ 25-30 km/s), driven by H2 dissociation/reformation. At higher speeds, we find an oscillatory behaviour of short period and small amplitude linked to collisional ionisation of H. Both instabilities are suppressed after some time when a magnetic field is present. In a companion paper, we use the present simulations to validate a new semi-analytical construction method for young low-velocity magnetic shocks based on truncated steady-state models.Comment: A&A in pres

    Dissipative structures of diffuse molecular gas: I - Broad HCO+^+(1-0) emission

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    Results: We report the detection of broad HCO+(1-0) lines (10 mK < T < 0.5 K). The interpretation of 10 of the HCO+ velocity components is conducted in conjunction with that of the associated optically thin 13CO emission. The derived HCO+ column densities span a broad range, 1011<N(HCO+)/Δv<4×1012cm2/(km/s−110^{11}< N(HCO+)/\Delta v <4 \times 10^{12} \rm cm^2/(km/s^{-1}, and the inferred HCO+ abundances, 2×10−10<X(HCO+)<10−82 \times 10^{-10}<X(HCO+) < 10^{-8}, are more than one order of magnitude above those produced by steady-state chemistry in gas weakly shielded from UV photons, even at large densities. We compare our results with the predictions of non-equilibrium chemistry, swiftly triggered in bursts of turbulence dissipation and followed by a slow thermal and chemical relaxation phase, assumed isobaric. The set of values derived from the observations, i.e. large HCO+ abundances, temperatures in the range of 100--200 K and densities in the range 100--1000 cm3, unambiguously belongs to the relaxation phase. The kinematic properties of the gas suggest in turn that the observed HCO+ line emission results from a space-time average in the beam of the whole cycle followed by the gas and that the chemical enrichment is made at the expense of the non-thermal energy. Last, we show that the "warm chemistry" signature (i.e large abundances of HCO+, CH+, H20 and OH) acquired by the gas within a few hundred years, the duration of the impulsive chemical enrichment, is kept over more than thousand years. During the relaxation phase, the \wat/OH abundance ratio stays close to the value measured in diffuse gas by the SWAS satellite, while the OH/HCO+ ratio increases by more than one order of magnitude.Comment: 14 page

    H_2 formation and excitation in the Stephan's Quintet galaxy-wide collision

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    Context. The Spitzer Space Telescope has detected a powerful (L_(H_2) ~ 10^(41) erg s^(-1)) mid-infrared H_2 emission towards the galaxy-wide collision in the Stephan's Quintet (henceforth SQ) galaxy group. This discovery was followed by the detection of more distant H_2-luminous extragalactic sources, with almost no spectroscopic signatures of star formation. These observations place molecular gas in a new context where one has to describe its role as a cooling agent of energetic phases of galaxy evolution. Aims. The SQ postshock medium is observed to be multiphase, with H_2 gas coexisting with a hot (~5 × 10^6 K), X-ray emitting plasma. The surface brightness of H_2 lines exceeds that of the X-rays and the 0-0 S(1)H_2 linewidth is ~900 km  s^(-1), of the order of the collision velocity. These observations raise three questions we propose to answer: (i) why is H_2 present in the postshock gas? (ii) How can we account for the H_2 excitation? (iii) Why is H_2 a dominant coolant? Methods. We consider the collision of two flows of multiphase dusty gas. Our model quantifies the gas cooling, dust destruction, H_2 formation and excitation in the postshock medium. Results. (i) The shock velocity, the post-shock temperature and the gas cooling timescale depend on the preshock gas density. The collision velocity is the shock velocity in the low density volume-filling intercloud gas. This produces a ~5 × 10^6 K, dust-free, X-ray emitting plasma. The shock velocity is lower in clouds. We show that gas heated to temperatures of less than 10^6 K cools, keeps its dust content and becomes H_2 within the SQ collision age (~5 × 10^6 years). (ii) Since the bulk kinetic energy of the H_2 gas is the dominant energy reservoir, we consider that the H_2 emission is powered by the dissipation of kinetic turbulent energy. We model this dissipation with non-dissociative MHD shocks and show that the H_2 excitation can be reproduced by a combination of low velocities shocks (5-20 km s^(-1)) within dense (n_H > 10^3 cm^(-3)) H_2 gas. (iii) An efficient transfer of the bulk kinetic energy to turbulent motion of much lower velocities within molecular gas is required to make H_2 a dominant coolant of the postshock gas. We argue that this transfer is mediated by the dynamic interaction between gas phases and the thermal instability of the cooling gas. We quantify the mass and energy cycling between gas phases required to balance the dissipation of energy through the H_2 emission lines. Conclusions. This study provides a physical framework to interpret H_2 emission from H_2-luminous galaxies. It highlights the role that H_2 formation and cooling play in dissipating mechanical energy released in galaxy collisions. This physical framework is of general relevance for the interpretation of observational signatures, in particular H_2 emission, of mechanical energy dissipation in multiphase gas

    Shocks in dense clouds. IV. Effects of grain-grain processing on molecular line emission

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    Grain-grain processing has been shown to be an indispensable ingredient of shock modelling in high density environments. For densities higher than \sim10^5 cm-3, shattering becomes a self-enhanced process that imposes severe chemical and dynamical consequences on the shock characteristics. Shattering is accompanied by the vaporization of grains, which can directly release SiO to the gas phase. Given that SiO rotational line radiation is used as a major tracer of shocks in dense clouds, it is crucial to understand the influence of vaporization on SiO line emission. We have developed a recipe for implementing the effects of shattering and vaporization into a 2-fluid shock model, resulting in a reduction of computation time by a factor \sim100 compared to a multi-fluid modelling approach. This implementation was combined with an LVG-based modelling of molecular line radiation transport. Using this model we calculated grids of shock models to explore the consequences of different dust-processing scenarios. Grain-grain processing is shown to have a strong influence on C-type shocks for a broad range of magnetic fields: they become hotter and thinner. The reduction in column density of shocked gas lowers the intensity of molecular lines, at the same time as higher peak temperatures increase the intensity of highly excited transitions compared to shocks without grain-grain processing. For OH the net effect is an increase in line intensities, while for CO and H2O it is the contrary. The intensity of H2 emission is decreased in low transitions and increased for highly excited lines. For all molecules, the highly excited lines become sensitive to the value of the magnetic field. Although vaporization increases the intensity of SiO rotational lines, this effect is weakened by the reduced shock width. The release of SiO early in the hot shock changes the excitation characteristics of SiO radiation.Comment: Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2013). 26 pages, 16 figures, 14 table

    Observations and modeling of the dust emission from the H_2-bright galaxy-wide shock in Stephan's Quintet

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    Context. Spitzer Space Telescope observations have detected powerful mid-infrared (mid-IR) H_2 rotational line emission from the X-ray emitting large-scale shock (~15 × 35 kpc^2) associated with a galaxy collision in Stephan's Quintet (SQ). Because H_2 forms on dust grains, the presence of H_2 is physically linked to the survival of dust, and we expect some dust emission to originate in the molecular gas. Aims. To test this interpretation, IR observations and dust modeling are used to identify and characterize the thermal dust emission from the shocked molecular gas. Methods. The spatial distribution of the IR emission allows us to isolate the faint PAH and dust continuum emission associated with the molecular gas in the SQ shock. We model the spectral energy distribution (SED) of this emission, and fit it to Spitzer observations. The radiation field is determined with GALEX UV, HST V-band, and ground-based near-IR observations. We consider two limiting cases for the structure of the H_2 gas: it is either diffuse and penetrated by UV radiation, or fragmented into clouds that are optically thick to UV. Results. Faint PAH and dust continuum emission are detected in the SQ shock, outside star-forming regions. The 12/24 μm flux ratio in the shock is remarkably close to that of the diffuse Galactic interstellar medium, leading to a Galactic PAH/VSG abundance ratio. However, the properties of the shock inferred from the PAH emission spectrum differ from those of the Galaxy, which may be indicative of an enhanced fraction of large and neutrals PAHs. In both models (diffuse or clumpy H_2 gas), the IR SED is consistent with the expected emission from dust associated with the warm (> 150 K) H_2 gas, heated by a UV radiation field of intensity comparable to that of the solar neighborhood. This is in agreement with GALEX UV observations that show that the intensity of the radiation field in the shock is GUV = 1.4±0.2 [Habing units]. Conclusions. The presence of PAHs and dust grains in the high-speed (~1000 km s^(-1)) galaxy collision suggests that dust survives. We propose that the dust that survived destruction was in pre-shock gas at densites higher than a few 0.1 cm^(-3), which was not shocked at velocities larger than ~200 km s^(-1). Our model assumes a Galactic dust-to-gas mass ratio and size distribution, and current data do not allow us to identify any significant deviations of the abundances and size distribution of dust grains from those of the Galaxy. Our model calculations show that far-IR Herschel observations will help in constraining the structure of the molecular gas, and the dust size distribution, and thereby to look for signatures of dust processing in the SQ shock
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