25 research outputs found

    Numerical parametric studies of spray combustion instability

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    A coupled numerical algorithm has been developed for studies of combustion instabilities in spray-driven liquid rocket engines. The model couples gas and liquid phase physics using the method of fractional steps. Also introduced is a novel, efficient methodology for accounting for spray formation through direct solution of liquid phase equations. Preliminary parametric studies show marked sensitivity of spray penetration and geometry to droplet diameter, considerations of liquid core, and acoustic interactions. Less sensitivity was shown to the combustion model type although more rigorous (multi-step) formulations may be needed for the differences to become apparent

    Non-linear model equation for three-dimensional Bunsen flames

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    The non linear description of laminar premixed flames has been very successful, because of the existence of model equations describing the dynamics of these flames. The Michelson Sivashinsky equation is the most well known of these equations, and has been used in different geometries, including three-dimensional quasi-planar and spherical flames. Another interesting model, usually known as the Frankel equation,which could in principle take into account large deviations of the flame front, has been used for the moment only for two-dimensional expanding and Bunsen flames. We report here for the first time numerical solutions of this equation for three-dimensional flames

    Swirling Airflow Through a Nozzle: Choking Criteria

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