84 research outputs found

    Interaction Issues in Computer Aided Semantic\ud Annotation of Multimedia

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    The CASAM project aims to provide a tool for more efficient and effective annotation of multimedia documents through collaboration between a user and a system performing an automated analysis of the media content. A critical part of the project is to develop a user interface which best supports both the user and the system through optimal human-computer interaction. In this paper we discuss the work undertaken, the proposed user interface and underlying interaction issues which drove its development

    Identification of masses in digital mammograms with MLP and RBF Nets

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    Copyright © 2000 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2000 (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, 24-27 July 2000We study the identification of masses in digital mammograms using texture analysis. A number of texture measures are calculated for bilateral difference images showing regions of interest. The measurements are made on co-occurrence matrices in four different direction giving a total of seventy features. These features include the ones proposed by Haralick et al. (1973) and Chan et al. (1997). We study a total of 144 breast images from the MIAS database. The dimensionality of the dataset is reduced using principal components analysis (PCA), PCA components are classified using both multilayer perceptron networks using backpropagation (MLP) and radial basis functions based on Gaussian kernels (RBF). The two methods are compared on the same data across a ten fold cross-validation. The results are generated on the average recognition rate over these folds on correctly recognising masses and normal regions. Further analysis is based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots. The best results show recognition rates of 77% correct recognition and an area under the ROC curve value Az of 0.7

    Dry season ecology of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes in The Gambia

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria in The Gambia is highly seasonal, with transmission occurring as Anopheles gambiae s.l. populations expand during and immediately after a single annual rainy season that lasts from June to October. There has been very limited investigation of the ecology of vectors during the dry season, when numbers are very limited and distributions may be restricted. METHODS: Weekly adult mosquito collections (pyrethrum spray, light trap, and search collections from rooms, as well as light trap collections from animal shelters, abandoned wells and grain stores), and artificial sentinel breeding site surveys were performed in four villages near the upper tidal and partially saline part of the Gambia River in the last four months of an annual dry season (March to June). Mosquito species were identified by morphological and DNA analysis, and ELISA assays were performed to test for Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites and human blood meal components. RESULTS: Adults of An. gambiae s.l. were collected throughout the period, numbers increasing towards the end of the dry season when humidity was increasing. Adult collections were dominated by An. melas (86%), with An. gambiae s.s. (10%) and An. arabiensis (3%) also present throughout. Most females collected in room search and spray collections contained blood meals, but most from light traps were unfed. None of the females tested (n = 1709) contained sporozoites. Larvae (mostly An. gambiae s.s.) were recovered from artificial sentinel breeding sites in the two villages that had freshwater pools. These two villages had the highest proportions of An. gambiae s.s. adults, and experienced the most substantial increase in proportions of An. gambiae s.s. after the onset of rains. CONCLUSION: During the dry season population minimum, An. melas was the predominant vector species, but differences among villages in availability of fresh-water breeding sites correlate with egg laying activity and relative numbers of An. gambiae s.s. adults, and with the increase in this species immediately after the beginning of the rains. Local variation in dry season vector persistence is thus likely to influence spatial heterogeneity of transmission intensity in the early part of the rainy season

    Gambian children successfully treated with chloroquine can harbor and transmit Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes carrying resistance genes.

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    Polymorphisms in two genes of Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum multidrug resistance 1 [pfmdr1] and P. falciparum chloroquine [CQ] resistance transporter [pfcrt]) are associated with CQ treatment failure. We found significant linkage disequilibrium between these loci among isolates from symptomatic Gambian children (P = 0.026) and strong selection for the resistance-associated alleles pfmdr1-86Tyr and pfcrt-76Thr in children with persistent or re-emerging P. falciparum trophozoites during post-treatment follow-up (P = 1.9 x 10(-7)). Therefore, this genotype is characteristic of resistant infections among our study population. Since the long-term public health impact of parasites carrying such resistant genotypes depends upon their transmissibility, we examined the prevalence of pfmdr1-86Tyr and pfcrt-76Thr among Gambian children harboring sexual stage parasites during post-treatment follow-up. Gametocytes that emerged after successful treatment with CQ were significantly more likely to be of this genotype than were those emerging after other treatments (P = 4.83 x 10(-4)), and were infective to Anopheles mosquitoes. Therapeutic success may thus be accompanied by public health failure as cured children pass resistance genes on to mosquitoes at an enhanced rate

    Safety and anti-tumour activity of the IgE antibody MOv18 in patients with advanced solid tumours expressing folate receptor-alpha: a phase I trial

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    All antibodies approved for cancer therapy are monoclonal IgGs but the biology of IgE, supported by comparative preclinical data, offers the potential for enhanced effector cell potency. Here we report a Phase I dose escalation trial (NCT02546921) with the primary objective of exploring the safety and tolerability of MOv18 IgE, a chimeric first-in-class IgE antibody, in patients with tumours expressing the relevant antigen, folate receptor-alpha. The trial incorporated skin prick and basophil activation tests (BAT) to select patients at lowest risk of allergic toxicity. Secondary objectives were exploration of anti-tumour activity, recommended Phase II dose, and pharmacokinetics. Dose escalation ranged from 70 μg–12 mg. The most common toxicity of MOv18 IgE is transient urticaria. A single patient experienced anaphylaxis, likely explained by detection of circulating basophils at baseline that could be activated by MOv18 IgE. The BAT assay was used to avoid enrolling further patients with reactive basophils. The safety profile is tolerable and maximum tolerated dose has not been reached, with evidence of anti-tumour activity observed in a patient with ovarian cancer. These results demonstrate the potential of IgE therapy for cancer

    The biology of sexual development of Plasmodium: the design and implementation of transmission-blocking strategies

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    A meeting to discuss the latest developments in the biology of sexual development of Plasmodium and transmission-control was held April 5-6, 2011, in Bethesda, MD. The meeting was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH/NIAID) in response to the challenge issued at the Malaria Forum in October 2007 that the malaria community should re-engage with the objective of global eradication. The consequent rebalancing of research priorities has brought to the forefront of the research agenda the essential need to reduce parasite transmission. A key component of any transmission reduction strategy must be methods to attack the parasite as it passes from man to the mosquito (and vice versa). Such methods must be rationally based on a secure understanding of transmission from the molecular-, cellular-, population- to the evolutionary-levels. The meeting represented a first attempt to draw together scientists with expertise in these multiple layers of understanding to discuss the scientific foundations and resources that will be required to provide secure progress toward the design and successful implementation of effective interventions

    Detecting Foci of Malaria Transmission with School Surveys: A Pilot Study in the Gambia.

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    BACKGROUND: In areas of declining malaria transmission such as in The Gambia, the identification of malaria infected individuals becomes increasingly harder. School surveys may be used to identify foci of malaria transmission in the community. METHODS: The survey was carried out in May-June 2011, before the beginning of the malaria transmission season. Thirty two schools in the Upper River Region of The Gambia were selected with probability proportional to size; in each school approximately 100 children were randomly chosen for inclusion in the study. Each child had a finger prick blood sample collected for the determination of antimalarial antibodies by ELISA, malaria infection by microscopy and PCR, and for haemoglobin measurement. In addition, a simple questionnaire on socio-demographic variables and the use of insecticide-treated bed nets was completed. The cut-off for positivity for antimalarial antibodies was obtained using finite mixture models. The clustered nature of the data was taken into account in the analyses. RESULTS: A total of 3,277 children were included in the survey. The mean age was 10 years (SD = 2.7) [range 4-21], with males and females evenly distributed. The prevalence of malaria infection as determined by PCR was 13.6% (426/3124) [95% CI = 12.2-16.3] with marked variation between schools (range 3-25%, p<0.001), while the seroprevalence was 7.8% (234/2994) [95%CI = 6.4-9.8] for MSP119, 11.6% (364/2997) [95%CI = 9.4-14.5] for MSP2, and 20.0% (593/2973) [95% CI = 16.5-23.2) for AMA1. The prevalence of all the three antimalarial antibodies positive was 2.7% (79/2920). CONCLUSIONS: This survey shows that malaria prevalence and seroprevalence before the transmission season were highly heterogeneous

    Conversion of forest to agriculture increases colored dissolved organic matter in a subtropical catchment and adjacent coastal environment

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    Land-ocean dissolved organic matter (DOM) transport is a significant and changing term in global biogeochemical cycles which is increasing as a result of human perturbation, including land-use change. Knowledge of the behavior and fate of transported DOM is lacking, particularly in the tropics and subtropics where land-use change is occurring rapidly. We used Parallel Factor (PARAFAC) Analysis to investigate how land-use influenced the composition of the DOM pool along a subtropical land-use gradient (from near-pristine broadleaf forest to agri-urban settings) in Belize, Central America. Three humic-like and two protein-like components were identified, each of which was present across land uses and environments. Land-use mapping identified a strong (R2 = 0.81) negative correlation between broadleaf forest and agri-urban land. All PARAFAC components were positively associated with agri-urban land-use classes (cropland, grassland, and/or urban land), indicating that land-use change from forested to agri-urban exerts influence on the composition of the DOM pool. Humic-like DOM exhibited linear accumulation with distance downstream and behaved conservatively in the coastal zone whilst protein-like DOM exhibited nonlinear accumulation within the main river and nonconservative mixing in coastal waters, indicative of differences in reactivity. We used a hydrodynamic model to explore the potential of conservative humics to reach the region's environmentally and economically valuable coral reefs. We find that offshore corals experience short exposures (10 ± 11 days yr−1) to large (∼120%) terrigenous DOM increases, whilst nearshore corals experience prolonged exposure (113 ± 24 days yr−1) to relatively small (∼30%) terrigenous DOM increases