42 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of Genetic insights into dispersal distance and disperser fitness of African lions (Panthera leo) from the latitudinal extremes of the Kruger National Park, South Africa

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    Comma delimited sheet (*.csv) with raw data per individual, including data on microsatellite genotype, mtDNA haplotype number, sampling date, GPS coordinates, age, sex, BCS, FIV status, BTB status, socialisation, territory size, cluster assignment according to Structure. (CSV 29 kb

    Additional file 9: of Genetic insights into dispersal distance and disperser fitness of African lions (Panthera leo) from the latitudinal extremes of the Kruger National Park, South Africa

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    Figure showing the cumulative frequency distribution of the proportion of DNA per individual assigned to the local microsatellite cluster by the software Structure. (DOCX 56 kb

    Rainfall data

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    Rainfall data for Kruger National Park, from 19 rainfall stations in the period 1975-1999