25 research outputs found

    Kinesthesia: the creative condition for health communication

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    Kinesthesia is a universal condition. It may be understood as the creative condition for all sense and sensibility. Kinesthesia operates as an enabling mechanism of “I can” and “I cannot”. Health communication requires a reconsideration of the situated communicative body and expression found in comparative East/West wellness practices. In order to accomplish this task, the exploration of whole and healthy require a different understanding, that is, that wholeness is a process of the interaction of body’s internal environment and external environment in rhythmic interplay of healthy/unhealthy, wholly/unwholly play. The articulation of the above will see that kinesthesis is the creative condition of maintaining and restoring health. It is through a phenomenology of kinesthesia that the fundamental dimension of health communication can be established as a science. Santrauka Kinestezija – tai universali būklė. Ji gali būti suprantama kaip kūrybinė visų pojūčių ir visų jausmų sąlyga. Kinestezija veikia kaip funkcijų „Aš galiu“ ir „Aš negaliu“ derinimo mechanizmas. Sveikatos komunikacija reikalauja iš naujo apsvarstyti komunikuojančio kūno būklę ir raišką, aptinkamą lyginamosiose Rytų ir Vakarų sveikatingumo praktikose. Siekiant atlikti šią užduotį, visumos ir sveikatingumo tyrimą reikia suprasti kitaip: vientisumas – tai vidinės kūno terpės ir išorinės aplinkos interakcijos procesas, vykstantis ritmiškos sveikatingumo / nesveikatingumo, visumos / nevisumos sąveikos žaismo sąlygomis. Minėtų dalykų pabrėžimas atskleidžia, kad kinestezija – tai kūrybinė sveikatos palaikymo ir atkūrimo būklė. Remiantis būtent kinestezijos fenomenologija, sveikatos komunikacija gali būti pozicionuojama kaip mokslas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kūnas, či, komunikacija, kūrybiškumas, kinestezija, tai či, daiktai, vientisumas

    The Conditions for Journalism Freedom and the Invisible Threat to Free Speech

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    Political communication is strictly distinguished from social and individual activities that are interest-laden and thus lack the autonomy to be political. The latter belongs solely to political societies that are democratic. Indeed, there must be a strict restriction of the use of political to a public domain in which every member of society participates in public debates and decisions. Participation in debate and decision-making requires the gemini of communication: understanding and accessibility which require a public domain of public expression. The politics of technocratic journalism is the invisible threat to the right to freedom of speech.Political communication is strictly distinguished from social and individual activities that are interest-laden and thus lack the autonomy to be political. The latter belongs solely to political societies that are democratic. Indeed, there must be a strict restriction of the use of political to a public domain in which every member of society participates in public debates and decisions. Participation in debate and decision-making requires the gemini of communication: understanding and accessibility which require a public domain of public expression. The politics of technocratic journalism is the invisible threat to the right to freedom of speech

    The net and the world of time travel

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    Purpose – the study will be an investigation and articulation of the question “how does the Internet of Things (IoT) work”? Design/methodology/approach – a phenomenological investigation of complementarity with Contemporary Systems Thinking uncovering the temporal reflex of the Internet. The Internet is to be understood to be a part of our life world of technology as well as a network of signs. Findings – the Internet’s temporal reflex is more than the various combinations of past-present-future. Practical implications – understanding the temporal reflex of the Internet is more than mere interconnectivity and a series of nodes but a self-processing system creating various possibilities which can be unintended consequences. The unintended now can be anticipated and avoid significant disruptions. Originality/Value – the values of the research demonstrates an anticipatory dimension of the IoT in which we may foresee a type of fore-knowledge of what can or will be next. Such fore-knowledge allows risk mitigation at all levels of sociality; organizational cultural and societal

    Simultaneous Media Experience and Synesthesia

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    The findings demonstrate that simultaneous media usage is a fact, undermining typical media measurements done in isolated environments that neglect the everyday patterns of media users. More importantly, the simultaneous media experience points to the concept of synesthesia as an experiential integrator of differing sensory fields. The experience of simultaneous media foreground background relationship needs to be incorporated into the media planning and allocation mix if we are to actually address the consumers media experience with multitasking.

    Simultaneous Media Experience and Synesthesia

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    Conceptual Issues Related to the Use of Computers in Social Work Practice

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    This article examines a variety of conceptual problems associated with the use of computers in social work practice. Most important is that computerization is a conceptual process that can alter significantly how an agency operates and practice is undertaken. Yet because the criticisms directed at the use of computers by practitioners are mostly logistical in thrust, the fact that computerization can shape the way social work is interpreted is overlooked. And without understanding how practitioners' perceptions of their work are effected by computers, the impact of this technology cannot be accurately estimated