696 research outputs found

    Massive Gravity on a Brane

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    At present no theory of a massive graviton is known that is consistent with experiments at both long and short distances. The problem is that consistency with long distance experiments requires the graviton mass to be very small. Such a small graviton mass however implies an ultraviolet cutoff for the theory at length scales far larger than the millimeter scale at which gravity has already been measured. In this paper we attempt to construct a model which avoids this problem. We consider a brane world setup in warped AdS spacetime and we investigate the consequences of writing a mass term for the graviton on a the infrared brane where the local cutoff is of order a large (galactic) distance scale. The advantage of this setup is that the low cutoff for physics on the infrared brane does not significantly affect the predictivity of the theory for observers localized on the ultraviolet brane. For such observers the predictions of this theory agree with general relativity at distances smaller than the infrared scale but go over to those of a theory of massive gravity at longer distances. A careful analysis of the graviton two-point function, however, reveals the presence of a ghost in the low energy spectrum. A mode decomposition of the higher dimensional theory reveals that the ghost corresponds to the radion field. We also investigate the theory with a brane localized mass for the graviton on the ultraviolet brane, and show that the physics of this case is similar to that of a conventional four dimensional theory with a massive graviton, but with one important difference: when the infrared brane decouples and the would-be massive graviton gets heavier than the regular Kaluza--Klein modes, it becomes unstable and it has a finite width to decay off the brane into the continuum of Kaluza-Klein states.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX. v2: extended version with an appendix added about non Fierz-Pauli mass terms. Few typos corrected. Final version appeared in PR

    On Brane Inflation Potentials and Black Hole Attractors

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    We propose a new potential in brane inflation theory, which is given by the arctangent of the square of the scalar field. Then we perform an explicit computation for inflationary quantities. This potential has many nice features. In the small field approximation, it reproduces the chaotic and MSSM potentials. It allows one, in the large field approximation, to implement the attractor mechanism for bulk black holes where the geometry on the brane is de Sitter. In particular, we show, up to some assumptions, that the Friedman equation can be reinterpreted as a Schwarzschild black hole attractor equation for its mass parameter.Comment: 12 pages. Reference updated and minor changes added. Version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Wave function of the radion in the brane background with a massless scalar field and a self-tuning problem

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    We consider flat solutions in the brane background with a massless scalar field appearing in 5D HMNPQ2H^2_{MNPQ}. Since there exist bulk singularities or arises the divergent 4D Planck mass, we should introduce a compact extra dimension, the size of which is then fixed by brane tension(s) and a bulk cosmological constant. Inspecting scalar perturbations around the flat solutions, we find that the flat solutions are stable vacua from the positive mass spectrum of radion. We show that the massless radion mode is projected out by the boundary condition arising in cutting off the extra dimension. Thus, the fixed extra dimension is not alterable, which is not useful toward a self-tuning of the cosmological constant.Comment: Latex file of 18 pages including 1 eps figur

    Characterization of milk composition, coagulation properties, and cheese-making ability of goats reared in extensive farms

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    The aims of this study were to explore the variability of milk composition, coagulation properties, and cheese-making traits of the Sarda goat breed, and to investigate the effects of animal and farm factors, and the geographic area (Central-East vs. South-West) of an insular region of Italy, Sardinia. A total of 570 Sarda goats reared in 21 farms were milk-sampled during morning milking. Individual milk samples were analyzed for composition, traditional milk coagulation properties (MCP), modeled curd-firming over time parameters (CFt), and cheese-making traits (cheese yield, %CY; recovery of nutrients, %REC; daily cheese yield, dCY). Farms were classified into 2 categories based on milk energy level (MEL; high or low), defined according to the average net energy of milk daily produced by the lactating goats. Milk yield and composition were analyzed using a mixed model including the fixed effects of MEL, geographic area, days in milk, and parity, and the random effect of farm within MEL and geographic area. Data about MCP, CFt, and the cheese-making process were analyzed using the same model, with the inclusion of the effects of animal and pendulum of the lactodynamograph instrument, allowing the measure of repeatability of these traits. Results showed that animal had greater influence on coagulation and cheese-making traits compared with farm effect. Days in milk influenced milk composition, whose changes partly reflected the modifications of %CY traits. Moreover, large differences were observed between primiparous and multiparous goats: primiparous goats produced less milk of better quality (higher fat, lower somatic cell and bacterial counts) and less cheese, but with higher recovery of fat and protein in the curd, compared with multiparous goats. The repeatability was very high, for both coagulation (84.0 to 98.8%) and cheese-making traits (89.7 to 99.9%). The effect of MEL was significant for daily productions of milk and cheese, coagulation time, and recovery of protein in the curd, which were better in high-MEL farms. As regards geographic area, milk composition and percentage cheese yield were superior in the Central-East area, whereas daily milk and cheese production and MCP were better in the South-West. This result was explainable by the phenomenon of crossbreeding Sarda goats with Maltese bucks, which occurred with greater intensity in the South-West than in the Central-East area of the island. The results provided by this study could be of great interest for the goat dairy sector. Indeed, the methods described in the present study could be applicable for other farming methods, goat breeds, and geographic areas. The collection of a wide range of phenotypes at individual animal level is fundamental for the characterization of local populations and can be used to guarantee breed conservation and the persistence of traditional farming systems, and to increase farmers' profit

    The Power of Brane-Induced Gravity

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    We study the role of the brane-induced graviton kinetic term in theories with large extra dimensions. In five dimensions we construct a model with a TeV-scale fundamental Planck mass and a {\it flat} extra dimension the size of which can be astronomically large. 4D gravity on the brane is mediated by a massless zero-mode, whereas the couplings of the heavy Kaluza-Klein modes to ordinary matter are suppressed. The model can manifest itself through the predicted deviations from Einstein theory in long distance precision measurements of the planetary orbits. The bulk states can be a rather exotic form of dark matter, which at sub-solar distances interact via strong 5D gravitational force. We show that the induced term changes dramatically the phenomenology of sub-millimeter extra dimensions. For instance, high-energy constraints from star cooling or cosmology can be substantially relaxed.Comment: 24 pages, 4 eps figures; v2 typos corrected; v3 1 ref. added; PRD versio

    Anomalies in field theories with extra dimensions

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    We give an overview of the issue of anomalies in field theories with extra dimensions. We start by reviewing in a pedagogical way the computation of the standard perturbative gauge and gravitational anomalies on non-compact spaces, using Fujikawa's approach and functional integral methods, and discuss the available mechanisms for their cancellation. We then generalize these analyses to the case of orbifold field theories with compact internal dimensions, emphasizing the new aspects related to the presence of orbifold singularities and discrete Wilson lines, and the new cancellation mechanisms that are becoming available. We conclude with a very brief discussion on global and parity anomalies.Comment: Review article written for Int.J.Mod.Phys. A, 63 pages; v2: mistake in subsection 4.3 corrected, some comments and references added, a few misprints fixe

    On brane-induced gravity in warped backgrounds

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    We study whether modification of gravity at large distances is possible in warped backgrounds with two branes and a brane-induced term localized on one of the branes. We find that there are three large regions in the parameter space where the theory is weakly coupled up to high energies. In one of these regions gravity on the brane is four-dimensional at arbitrarily large distances, and the induced Einstein term results merely in the renormalization of the 4d Planck mass. In the other two regions the behavior of gravity changes at ultra-large distances; however, radion becomes a ghost. In parts of these regions, both branes have positive tensions, so the only reason for the appearance of the ghost field is the brane-induced term. In between these three regions, there are domains in the parameter space where gravity is strongly coupled at phenomenologically unacceptable low energy scale.Comment: 12 pages, 2 fig, JHEP3 style required, typos correcte

    Bumpy black holes from spontaneous Lorentz violation

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    We consider black holes in Lorentz violating theories of massive gravity. We argue that in these theories black hole solutions are no longer universal and exhibit a large number of hairs. If they exist, these hairs probe the singularity inside the black hole providing a window into quantum gravity. The existence of these hairs can be tested by future gravitational wave observatories. We generically expect that the effects we discuss will be larger for the more massive black holes. In the simplest models the strength of the hairs is controlled by the same parameter that sets the mass of the graviton (tensor modes). Then the upper limit on this mass coming from the inferred gravitational radiation emitted by binary pulsars implies that hairs are likely to be suppressed for almost the entire mass range of the super-massive black holes in the centers of galaxies.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figure

    Astrophysical Constraints on Modifying Gravity at Large Distances

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    Recently, several interesting proposals were made modifying the law of gravity on large scales, within a sensible relativistic formulation. This allows a precise formulation of the idea that such a modification might account for galaxy rotation curves, instead of the usual interpretation of these curves as evidence for dark matter. We here summarize several observational constraints which any such modification must satisfy, and which we believe make more challenging any interpretation of galaxy rotation curves in terms of new gravitational physics.Comment: References added, submitted to Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Unitarity constraints on the stabilized Randall-Sundrum scenario

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    Recently proposed stabilization mechanism of the Randall-Sundrum metric gives rise to a scalar radion, which couples universally to matter with a weak interaction (1\simeq 1 TeV) scale. Demanding that gauge boson scattering as described by the effective low enerrgy theory be unitary upto a given scale leads to significant constraints on the mass of such a radion.Comment: 10 page Latex 2e file including 4 postscript figures. Accepted in Journal of Physics