157 research outputs found

    Finite element modelling of an energy–storing prosthetic foot during the stance phase of transtibial amputee gait

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    Energy-storing prosthetic feet are designed to store energy during mid-stance motion and to recover it during latestance motion. Gait analysis is the most commonly used method to characterize prosthetic foot behaviour during walking. In using this method, however, the foot is generally modelled as a rigid body. Therefore, it does not take into account the ability of the foot to deform. However, the way this deformation occurs is a key parameter of various foot properties under gait conditions. The purpose of this study is to combine finite element modelling and gait analysis in order to calculate the strain, stress and energy stored in the foot along the stance phase for self-selected and fast walking speeds. A finite element model, validated using mechanical testing, is used with boundary conditions collected experimentally from the gait analysis of a single transtibial amputee. The stress, strain and energy stored in the foot are assessed throughout the stance phase for two walking speed conditions: a self-selected walking speed (SSWS), and a fast walking speed (FWS). The first maximum in the strain energy occurs during heel loading and reaches 3 J for SSWS and 7 J for FWS at the end of the first double support phase. The second maximum appears at the end of the single support phase, reaching 15 J for SSWS and 18 J for FWS. Finite element modelling combined with gait analysis allows the calculation of parameters that are not obtainable using gait analysis alone. This modelling can be used in the process of prosthetic feet design to assess the behaviour of a prosthetic foot under specific gait conditions

    Mechanical work performed by individual limbs of transfemoral amputees during step-to-step transitions: Effect of walking velocity

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    The greater metabolic demand during the gait of people with a transfemoral amputation limits their autonomy and walking velocity. Major modifications of the kinematic and kinetic patterns of transfemoral amputee gait quantified using gait analysis may explain their greater energy cost. Donelan et al. proposed a method called the individual limb method to explore the relationships between the gait biomechanics and metabolic cost. In the present study, we applied this method to quantify mechanical work performed by the affected and intact limbs of transfemoral amputees. We compared a cohort of six active unilateral transfemoral amputees to a control group of six asymptomatic subjects. Compared to the control group, we found that there was significantly less mechanical work produced by the affected leg and significantly more work performed by the unaffected leg during the step-to-step transition. We also found that this mechanical work increased with walking velocity; the increase was less pronounced for the affected leg and substantial for the unaffected leg. Finally, we observed that the lesser work produced by the affected leg was linked to the increase in the hip flexion moment during the late stance phase, which is necessary for initiating knee flexion in the affected leg. It is possible to quantify the mechanical work performed during gait by people with a transfemoral amputation, using the individual limb method and conventional gait laboratory equipment. The method provides information that is useful for prosthetic fitting and rehabilitation

    A reference method for the evaluation of femoral head joint center location technique based on external markers

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    Accurate localization of joint centers is essential in movement analysis. However, joint centers cannot be directly palpated and alternative methods must be used. To assess the relative merits of these methods, a medical image based reference should be used. The EOS1 system, a new low dose bi-planar X-rays imaging technique may be considered. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of hip joint center (HJC) localization using the EOS1 system. Seventeen healthy young adults participated in the study. Femoral heads and pelvic external markers were localized using the EOS1 system and the HJCs were expressed in the movement analysis coordinate system. Results showed that external marker localization was reliable within 0.15 mm for trained assessors. Mean accuracy for HJC localization was 2.9 mm (SD: 1.3, max: 6.2). The EOS based method therefore appeared reliable and may be used for femoral head localization or as a reference to assess the accuracy of other methods for HJC localization.The authors are grateful to VICON (OMG-UK) for the loan of a motion capture system necessary for the overall study

    Estimation of temporal parameters during sprint running using a trunk-mounted inertial measurement unit

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    This research was supported by a grant of the Universit a Italo-Francese (Call Vinci) awarded to E. Bergamini.The purpose of this study was to identify consistent features in the signals supplied by a single inertial measurement unit (IMU), or thereof derived, for the identification of foot-strike and foot-off instants of time and for the estimation of stance and stride duration during the maintenance phase of sprint running. Maximal sprint runs were performed on tartan tracks by five amateur and six elite athletes, and durations derived from the IMU data were validated using force platforms and a high-speed video camera, respectively, for the two groups. The IMU was positioned on the lower back trunk (L1 level) of each athlete. The magnitudes of the acceleration and angular velocity vectors measured by the IMU, as well as their wavelet-mediated first and second derivatives were computed, and features related to foot-strike and foot-off events sought. No consistent features were found on the acceleration signal or on its first and second derivatives. Conversely, the foot-strike and foot-off events could be identified from features exhibited by the second derivative of the angular velocity magnitude. An average absolute difference of 0.005 s was found between IMU and reference estimates, for both stance and stride duration and for both amateur and elite athletes. The 95% limits of agreement of this difference were less than 0.025 s. The results proved that a single, trunk-mounted IMU is suitable to estimate stance and stride duration during sprint running, providing the opportunity to collect information in the field, without constraining or limiting athletes’ and coaches’ activities

    Vaulting quantification during level walking of transfemoral amputees

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    Background: Vaulting is a gait compensatory mechanism used by transfemoral amputees to assist toe clearance during the prosthetic swing phase. It is defined by a plantar flexion of the contralateral ankle during the single-limb support phase. The aim of the study is to propose a method to quantify vaulting of transfemoral amputees. Methods: 17 transfemoral amputees and 28 asymptomatic subjects participated in the data collection. Kinematics and kinetics of thewhole bodywere recordedwhile subjectswerewalking on a level surface. Biomechanical gait analysis was focused on a reduced set of parameters linked to the contralateral ankle, the contralateral knee and the trajectory of the center of pressure. The patients were classified in two groups: with orwithout vaulting using video recordings. Differences between both groups and the control group were analyzed. Findings: A higher generated ankle powerwas found during the single support phase of the contralateral limb of transfemoralamputees presenting vaulting. These subjects presented also a higher dissipated knee flexion power before the peak in ankle flexion power. The trajectory of the center of pressurewas also modified by the vaulting. Interpretation: Vaulting for transfemoral amputees is characterized by a propulsive plantar flexion at the contralateral ankle. Quantifying the ankle flexion power during the contralateral single support phase will help in understanding vaulting.This study was supported by the French National Research Agency, under reference ANR-2010-TECS-020. The authors are deeply grateful to F. Lavaste, N. Martinet, J. Paysant, and N. Rapin for their contribution to the study

    Trunk Inclination Estimate During the Sprint Start Using an Inertial Measurement Unit: A Validation Study

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    The proper execution of the sprint start is crucial in determining the performance during a sprint race. In this respect, when moving from the crouch to the upright position, trunk kinematics is a key element. The purpose of this study was to validate the use of a trunk-mounted inertial measurement unit (IMU) in estimating the trunk inclination and angular velocity in the sagittal plane during the sprint start. In-laboratory sprint starts were performed by five sprinters. The local acceleration and angular velocity components provided by the IMU were processed using an adaptive Kalman filter. The accuracy of the IMU inclination estimate and its consistency with trunk inclination were assessed using reference stereophotogrammetric measurements. A Bland-Altman analysis, carried out using parameters (minimum, maximum, and mean values) extracted from the time histories of the estimated variables, and curve similarity analysis (correlation coefficient > 0.99, root mean square difference < 7 deg) indicated the agreement between reference and IMU estimates, opening a promising scenario for an accurate in-field use of IMUs for sprint start performance assessment

    A method for the field assessment of rolling resistance properties of manual wheelchairs, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

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    This article presents an examination and validation of a method to measure the field deceleration of a manual wheelchair (MWC) and to calculate the rolling resistances properties of the front and rear wheels. This method was based on the measurements of the MWC deceleration for various load settings from a 3D accelerometer. A mechanical model of MWC deceleration was developed which allowed computing the rolling resistance factors of front and rear wheels on a tested surface. Four deceleration sets were conducted on two paths on the same ground to test the repeatability. Two other deceleration sets were conducted using different load settings to compute the rolling resistance parameters (RPs). The theoretical decelerations of three load settings were computed and compared with the measured decelerations. The results showed good repeatability (variations of measures represented 6–11% of the nominal values) and no statistical difference between the path results. The rolling RPs were computed and their confidence intervals were assessed. For the last three sets, no significant difference was found between the theoretical and measured decelerations. This method can determine the specific rolling resistance properties of the wheels of a MWC, and be employed to establish a catalogue of the rolling resistance properties of wheels on various surfaces.The authors would like to thank the French National Research Agency (ANR) for its financial support to the SACR-FRM project (ANR-06-TecSan-020) and to the CERAH for the loan of all the manual wheelchairs evaluated in this work

    Assessment of field rolling resistance of manual wheelchairs

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    This article proposes a simple and convenient method for assessing the subject-specific rolling resistance acting on a manual wheelchair, which could be used during the provision of clinical service. This method, based on a simple mathematical equation, is sensitive to both the total mass and its fore-aft distribution, which changes with the subject, wheelchair properties, and adjustments. The rolling resistance properties of three types of front casters and four types of rear wheels were determined for two indoor surfaces commonly encountered by wheelchair users (a hard smooth surface and carpet) from measurements of a three-dimensional accelerometer during field deceleration tests performed with artificial load. The average results provided by these experiments were then used as input data to assess the rolling resistance from the mathematical equation with an acceptable accuracy on hard smooth and carpet surfaces (standard errors of the estimates were 4.4 and 3.9 N, respectively). Thus, this method can be confidently used by clinicians to help users make trade-offs between front and rear wheel types and sizes when choosing and adjusting their manual wheelchair.This material was based on work supported by the SACR-FRM project, French National Research Agency (ANR-06-TecSan-020) and the Centre d’Etudeset de Recherche sur l’Appareillage des Handicapés (loaned all MWCs required to fulfill this work

    Influence of physical capacities of males with transtibial amputation on gait adjustments on sloped surfaces

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    The aim of the study was to investigate how kinematic and kinetic adjustments between level and slope locomotion of persons with transtibial amputation are related to their individual muscular and functional capacities. A quantified gait analysis was conducted on flat and slope surfaces for seven patients with transtibial amputation and a control group of eight subjects to obtain biomechanical parameters. In addition, maximal isometric muscular strength (knee and hip extensors) and functional scores were measured. The results of this study showed that most of the persons with transtibial amputation could adapt to ramp ascent either by increasing ankle, knee, and hip flexion angles of the residual limb and/or by recruiting their hip extensors to guarantee enough hip extension power during early stance. Besides, 6-minute walk test score was shown to be a good predictor of adaptation capacities to slope ascent. In ramp descent, the increase of knee flexion moment was correlated with knee extensor strength and residual-limb length. However, no correlation was observed with functional parameters. Results show that the walking strategy adopted by persons with transtibial amputation to negotiate ramp locomotion mainly depends on their muscular capacities. Therefore, muscular strengthening should be a priority during rehabilitation.This material was based on work supported by the French National Research Agency (grant ANR-2010-TECS-020)

    Estimation of hip joint center from the external body shape: a preliminary study

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    Human external shape model is becoming easily available using scanning technology, stereophotogram- metry, or Microsoft Kinect systems. However locating the internal skeleton from the external shape remains a challenging issue. Using low dose biplanar radiographs of the whole body, subject-specific 3D reconstructions of the bones and the surface envelope have been developed, providing data of both external body shape and internal skeleton (Dubousset et al. 2010). The basic idea of this research project was to explore the relationships between characteristics of internal skeleton and those of external body shape. Hip joint center (HJC) prediction was considered in this preliminary study. Subject-specific HJC prediction is cur- rently performed either using functional methods based on the relative motion of the femur and pelvis, or predictive methods relying on empirical regression equations using palpable femoral and pelvic landmarks as predictors. Yet functional methods may be ineffective when hip motion is limited. Different regressions between HJC and predictive landmarks were established based on direct measurements on pelvic and femoral bone specimen surface, using cadav- ers, medical imaging or 3D CT-scans (Peng et al. 2015). However, in most applications when medical imaging is not available, manual palpation over the skin of the bony predictors might increase the prediction error on HJC compared to cases where bone information is available directly (Sholukha et al. 2011, Sangeux et al. 2014). In this paper, new predictors from external body shape were explored for HJC prediction