15 research outputs found

    DĂ©veloppement d'un systĂšme de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration d'UDP-GalNAc pour la glycosylation enzymatique d'oligosaccharides et de peptides d'intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique

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    Le GalNAc est prĂ©sent dans un grand nombre de glycoprotĂ©ines, protĂ©oglycanes et glycolipides. Il est le sucre immunodominant des antigĂšnes de groupes sanguins et oncofoetaux qui sont des cibles thĂ©rapeutiques. Cependant, la synthĂšse chimique de ces glycoconjuguĂ©s Ă  GalNAc est longue et coĂ»teuse. In vivo, le GalNAc est incorporĂ© par des GalNAc-transfĂ©rases, enzymes spĂ©cifiques qui transfĂšrent le GalNAc de l UDP-GalNAc sur divers substrats accepteurs. Il est possible d utiliser ces enzymes in vitro mais la synthĂšse chimio-enzymatique des glycanes est limitĂ©e par la difficultĂ© d obtenir l UDP-GalNAc en quantitĂ©s importantes. Nous avons mis au point un systĂšme pour la synthĂšse chimio-enzymatique de glycoconjuguĂ©s Ă  GalNAc qui utilise 4 enzymes et des substrats simples comme le GalNAc, l UTP et la crĂ©atine-P. Cette mĂ©thode de synthĂšse rapide et efficace a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour glycosyler l antigĂšne MUC1 et nous avons pu Ă©valuer la rĂ©ponse immunitaire murine contre la petite glycoprotĂ©ine obtenue. Dans le systĂšme, la synthĂšse d UDP-GalNAc est catalysĂ©e par deux enzymes qui se sont avĂ©rĂ©es capables d accepter certains dĂ©rivĂ©s du GalNAc. Plusieurs analogues d UDP-GalNAc ont pu ĂȘtre synthĂ©tisĂ©s par cette mĂ©thode. Ces molĂ©cules sont des sondes apprĂ©ciables pour Ă©tudier l interaction entre substrats et enzymes par les techniques physicochimiques comme la STD-NMR.ORLEANS-BU Sciences (452342104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Synthesis and evaluation of the metabolism of immunogenic N-acetylgalactosamine analogs

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    Les glycanes prĂ©sents Ă  la surface des cellules cancĂ©reuses sont souvent modifiĂ©s par rapport Ă  ceux d une cellule saine. Or ces antigĂšnes glucidiques n induisent pas de rĂ©ponse immune efficace. La GalNAc est le premier sucre fixĂ© lors de la O-glycosylation de type mucine et ainsi ce sucre entre dans la composition de nombreux antigĂšnes tumoraux. Le but de notre travail Ă©tait de prĂ©parer des analogues synthĂ©tiques de la GalNAc susceptibles d ĂȘtre incorporĂ©s Ă  la surface de cellules cancĂ©reuses et dans les mucines synthĂ©tisĂ©es par les tumeurs, afin d augmenter la rĂ©ponse immune vis-Ă -vis des glycanes tumoraux. Nous avons synthĂ©tisĂ© chimiquement des analogues de la GalNAc afin de les tester in vitro en tant que substrats de la voie de sauvetage de la GalNAc chez les mammifĂšres et donc d enzymes impliquĂ©es dans cette voie : une kinase (GK2) et une UDP-pyrophosphorylase (AGX1) humaines. Les meilleurs candidats ont permis la synthĂšse de diffĂ©rents UDP-sucres et une GalNAc-transfĂ©rase (ppGalNAc T1) bovine a pu ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e in vitro pour transfĂ©rer certains de ces analogues, Ă  partir de leur forme activĂ©e en UDP-sucre, sur des peptides. Nous avons donc pu montrer que certains des analogues synthĂ©tisĂ©s Ă©taient capables de s intĂ©grer dans la voie de sauvetage et d ĂȘtre incorporĂ©s dans des peptides. Le pouvoir immunologique des glycoconjuguĂ©s de type mucine ainsi formĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© chez la souris aprĂšs couplage de ces glycoprotĂ©ines Ă  une protĂ©ine immunostimulante (KLH). D autre part, des cellules de mammifĂšres ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©es en prĂ©sence de ces analogues afin de vĂ©rifier leur incorporation au niveau des glycoconjuguĂ©s de la surface des cellules.Glycans are often present at the cancerous cell surface in a modified form compared to healthy cells. However, these carbohydrate antigens don t lead to an effective immune response. GalNAc is the first sugar attached to mucin type O-glycans and is thus a component of numerous tumor antigens. The aim of our work was to prepare synthetic GalNAc analogs able to be incorporated at the surface of cancer cell and into mucins synthesized by tumors in order to increase the immune response toward tumor glycans. We chemically synthesized GalNAc analogs to test them in vitro as substrates of enzymes involved in the mammalian GalNAc salvage pathway: a human galactokinase (GK2) and a human UDP-pyrophosphorylase (AGX1). The best candidates allowed the synthesis of the corresponding UDP-sugars further used to test the transfer of those analogs onto peptides using a bovine GalNAc transferase (ppGalNAc T1). We have shown that some synthetic analogs could be integrated in the GalNAc salvage pathway and O-linked to peptides. Immunological properties of the glycoconjugates thus formed were studied in mice after coupling to an immunostimulant protein (KLH). Moreover, mammalian cells were cultivated in the presence of these analogs in order to check their incorporation into glycoconjugates at the cell surface.ORLEANS-SCD-Bib. electronique (452349901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude par mutagenÚse dirigée et modélisation moléculaire du site actif de l'UDP-N-acétylgalactosamine (polypeptide N-acétylgalactosaminyltransférase 1)

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    La O-glycosylation de type mucine est initiée par une famille d'enzymes, les UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransférases (ppGalNAc-Ts), qui catalysent le transfert d'un résidu GalNAc sur les Ser/Thr des protéines.Les études structurales de ces enzymes sont essentielles au développement d'inhibiteurs spécifiques de chaque isoforme qui seront utilisés pour explorer le rÎle fonctionnel des O-glycannes.Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé un systÚme d'expression performant utilisant les levures pour produire la ppGalNAc-T1 bovine dans des quantités adaptées à l'étude structurale. Des expériences de mutagenÚse dirigée nous ont permis d'évaluer l'importance de résidus conservés (Cys, Trp) dans le maintien de la structure 3D et/ou l'activité de l'enzyme. ParallÚlement, la réalisation d'une modélisation par homologie d'une partie du site de fixation de l'UDP-GalNAc/Mn++ a suggéré l'implication dans la fixation du substrat de certains aminoacides qui ont été mutés pour confirmer ce modÚle.ORLEANS-BU Sciences (452342104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Enzymatic large-scale synthesis of MUC6-Tn glycoconjugates for antitumor vaccination.

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    International audienceIn cancer, mucins are aberrantly O-glycosylated, and consequently, they express tumor-associated antigens such as the Tn determinant (alpha-GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr). As compared with normal tissues, they also exhibit a different pattern of expression. In particular, MUC6, which is normally expressed only in gastric tissues, has been detected in intestinal, pulmonary, colorectal, and breast carcinomas. Recently, we have shown that the MCF7 breast cancer cell line expresses MUC6-Tn glycoproteins in vivo. Cancer-associated mucins show antigenic differences from normal mucins, and as such, they may be used as potential targets for immunotherapy. To develop anticancer vaccines based on the Tn antigen, we prepared several MUC6-Tn glycoconjugates. To this end, we performed the GalNAc enzymatic transfer to two recombinant MUC6 proteins expressed in Escherichia coli, using UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine: polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (ppGalNAc-Ts), which catalyze in vivo the Tn antigen synthesis. We used either a mixture of ppGalNAc-Ts from MCF7 breast cancer cell extracts or a recombinant ppGalNAc-T1. In both cases, we achieved the synthesis of MUC6-Tn glycoconjugates at a semi-preparative scale (mg amounts). These glycoproteins displayed a high level of Tn antigens, although the overall density depends on both enzyme source and protein acceptor. These MUC6-Tn glycoconjugates were recognized by two anti-Tn monoclonal antibodies that are specific to human cancer cells. Moreover, the MUC6-Tn glycoconjugate glycosylated using MCF7 extracts as the ppGalNAc-T source was able to induce immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that recognized a human tumor cell line. In conclusion, the large-scaled production of MUC6 with tumor-relevant glycoforms holds considerable promise for developing effective anticancer vaccines, and further studies of their immunological properties are warranted

    Changes in Metabolic Chemical Reporter Structure Yield a Selective Probe of O-GlcNAc Modification

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    International audienceMetabolic chemical reporters (MCRs) of glycosylation are analogues of monosaccharides that contain bioorthogonal functionalities and enable the direct visualization and identification of glycoproteins from living cells. Each MCR was initially thought to report on specific types of glycosylation. We and others have demonstrated that several MCRs are metabolically transformed and enter multiple glycosylation pathways. Therefore, the development of selective MCRs remains a key unmet goal. We demonstrate here that 6-azido-6-deoxy-N-acetyl-glucosamine (6AzGlcNAc) is a specific MCR for O-GlcNAcylated proteins. Biochemical analysis and comparative proteomics with 6AzGlcNAc, N-azidoacetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAz), and N-azidoacetyl-galactosamine (GalNAz) revealed that 6AzGlcNAc exclusively labels intracellular proteins, while GlcNAz and GalNAz are incorporated into a combination of intracellular and extracellular/lumenal glycoproteins. Notably, 6AzGlcNAc cannot be biosynthetically transformed into the corresponding UDP sugar-donor by the canonical salvage-pathway that requires phosphorylation at the 6-hydroxyl. In vitro experiments showed that 6AzGlcNAc can bypass this roadblock through direct phosphorylation of its 1-hydroxyl by the enzyme phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase (AGM1). Taken together, 6AzGlcNAc enables the specific analysis of O-GlcNAcylated proteins, and these results suggest that specific MCRs for other types of glycosylation can be developed. Additionally, our data demonstrate that cells are equipped with a somewhat unappreciated metabolic flexibility with important implications for the biosynthesis of natural and unnatural carbohydrates

    Un algorithme glouton pour le positionnement de capteurs qualité sur un grand réseau de distribution d'eau

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    International audienceOperating modern drinking water distribution systems requires the ability to monitor water quality within production plants and the distribution network in order to mitigate damaging events like accidental or malicious contaminations. The surveillance systems are usually based on a sensor network deployed at strategic locations to minimize the contamination impact on the population. Such problem consists in selecting sensing locations with the best protection with a given number of sensors which is complex in theory and very challenging in practice. We describe here a methodology using an efficient greedy-like algorithm, designed during a Franco-German project3. This approach uses an extensive number of contaminations simulated by hydraulic modeling software and selects iteratively the best positions according to a given criterion to optimize. The method is evaluated with the deployment of multiparameters quality sensors (chlorine, temperature, conductivity and pressure) on the SEDIF network, the largest drinking water distribution network in France.L'exploitation d'un systÚme moderne d'alimentation en eau potable nécessite une surveillance permanente de la qualité de l'eau au sein des usines de production et sur le réseau de distribution, face à des risques de contamination accidentelle ou terroriste. Cette surveillance s'appuie usuellement sur un ensemble de capteurs déployés en des points stratégiques du réseau afin de minimiser l'impact de toute contamination. La localisation de capteurs consiste à déterminer des points du réseau avec la meilleure protection pour un nombre limité de capteurs ce qui représente un problÚme complexe en théorie et trÚs difficile à résoudre en pratique. Nous décrivons ici une méthodologie fondée sur un algorithme efficace de type glouton, élaborée dans le cadre d'un projet franco-allemand . Cette approche utilise un grand nombre de contaminations, simulées par un logiciel de modélisation hydraulique, et sélectionne itérativement les meilleurs positions en fonction d'un critÚre fixé à optimiser. La méthode est évaluée pour le déploiement de capteurs multiparamÚtres mesurant chlore, température, pression et conductivité sur le réseau du SEDIF , plus grand réseau français de distribution d'eau potable

    Enzyme‐Cleavable Linkers for Protein Chemical Synthesis through Solid‐Phase Ligations

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    International audienceThe total synthesis of long proteins requires the assembly of multiple fragments through successive ligations. The need for intermediate purification steps is a strong limitation, particularly in terms of overall yield. One solution to this problem would be solid-supported chemical ligation (SPCL), for which a first peptide segment must be immobilized on a SPCL-compatible solid support through a linker that can be cleaved under very mild conditions to release the assembled protein. The cleavage of SPCL linkers has previously required chemical conditions sometimes incompatible with sensitive protein targets. Herein, we describe an alternative enzymatic approach to trigger cleavage under extremely mild and selective conditions. Optimization of the linker structure and use of a small enzyme able to diffuse into the solid support were key to the success of the strategy. We demonstrated its utility by the assembly of three peptide segments on the basis of native chemical ligation to afford a 15 kDa polypeptide