16 research outputs found

    Special Considerations in Estate Planning for Same-Sex and Unmarried Couples

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    Sub-Nyquist sampling makes use of sparsities in analog signals to sample them at a rate lower than the Nyquist rate. The reduction in sampling rate, however, comes at the cost of additional digital signal processing (DSP) which is required to reconstruct the uniformly sampled sequence at the output of the sub-Nyquist sampling analog-to-digital converter. At present, this additional processing is computationally intensive and time consuming and offsets the gains obtained from the reduced sampling rate. This paper focuses on sparse multi-band signals where the user band locations can change from time to time and the reconstructor requires real-time redesign. We propose a technique that can reduce the computational complexity of the reconstructor. At the same time, the proposed scheme simplifies the online reconfigurability of the reconstructor

    Mechanikal Applications of the Harmless Error Rule in Cases of Prosecutorial Grand Jury Misconduct

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    Even though time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) help to achieve higher bandwidth with simpler individual ADCs, gain, offset, and time-skew mismatch between the channels degrade the achievable resolution. Of particular interest is the time-skew error between channels which results in nonuniform samples and thereby introducing distortion tones at the output of the time-interleaved ADC. Time-varying digital reconstructors can be used to correct the time-skew errors between the channels in a time-interleaved ADC. However, the complexity of such reconstructors increases as their bandwidth approaches the Nyquist band. In addition to this, the reconstructor needs to be redesigned online every time the time-skew error varies. Design methods that result in minimum reconstructor order require expensive online redesign while those methods that simplify online redesign result in higher reconstructor complexity. This paper proposes a technique that can be used to simplify the online redesign and achieve a low complexity reconstructor at the same time

    Signal Reconstruction Algorithms for Time-Interleaved ADCs

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    An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a key component in many electronic systems. It is used to convert analog signals to the equivalent digital form. The conversion involves sampling which is the process of converting a continuous-time signal to a sequence of discrete-time samples, and quantization in which each sampled value is represented using a finite number of bits. The sampling rate and the effective resolution (number of bits) are two key ADC performance metrics. Today, ADCs form a major bottleneck in many applications like communication systems since it is difficult to simultaneously achieve high sampling rate and high resolution. Among the various ADC architectures, the time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter (TI-ADC) has emerged as a popular choice for achieving very high sampling rates and resolutions. At the principle level, by interleaving the outputs of M identical channel ADCs, a TI-ADC could achieve the same resolution as that of a channel ADC but with M times higher bandwidth. However, in practice, mismatches between the channel ADCs result in a nonuniformly sampled signal at the output of a TI-ADC which reduces the achievable resolution. Often, in TIADC implementations, digital reconstructors are used to recover the uniform-grid samples from the nonuniformly sampled signal at the output of the TI-ADC. Since such reconstructors operate at the TI-ADC output rate, reducing the number of computations required per corrected output sample helps to reduce the power consumed by the TI-ADC. Also, as the mismatch parameters change occasionally, the reconstructor should support online reconfiguration with minimal or no redesign. Further, it is advantageous to have reconstruction schemes that require fewer coefficient updates during reconfiguration. In this thesis, we focus on reducing the design and implementation complexities of nonrecursive finite-length impulse response (FIR) reconstructors. We propose efficient reconstruction schemes for three classes of nonuniformly sampled signals that can occur at the output of TI-ADCs. Firstly, we consider a class of nonuniformly sampled signals that occur as a result of static timing mismatch errors or due to channel mismatches in TI-ADCs. For this type of nonuniformly sampled signals, we propose three reconstructors which utilize a two-rate approach to derive the corresponding single-rate structure. The two-rate based reconstructors move part of the complexity to a symmetric filter and also simplifies the reconstruction problem. The complexity reduction stems from the fact that half of the impulse response coefficients of the symmetric filter are equal to zero and that, compared to the original reconstruction problem, the simplified problem requires only a simpler reconstructor. Next, we consider the class of nonuniformly sampled signals that occur when a TI-ADC is used for sub-Nyquist cyclic nonuniform sampling (CNUS) of sparse multi-band signals. Sub-Nyquist sampling utilizes the sparsities in the analog signal to sample the signal at a lower rate. However, the reduced sampling rate comes at the cost of additional digital signal processing that is needed to reconstruct the uniform-grid sequence from the sub-Nyquist sampled sequence obtained via CNUS. The existing reconstruction scheme is computationally intensive and time consuming and offsets the gains obtained from the reduced sampling rate. Also, in applications where the band locations of the sparse multi-band signal can change from time to time, the reconstructor should support online reconfigurability. Here, we propose a reconstruction scheme that reduces the computational complexity of the reconstructor and at the same time, simplifies the online reconfigurability of the reconstructor. Finally, we consider a class of nonuniformly sampled signals which occur at the output of TI-ADCs that use some of the input sampling instants for sampling a known calibration signal. The samples corresponding to the calibration signal are used for estimating the channel mismatch parameters. In such TI-ADCs, nonuniform sampling is due to the mismatches between the channel ADCs and due to the missing input samples corresponding to the sampling instants reserved for the calibration signal. We propose three reconstruction schemes for such nonuniformly sampled signals and show using design examples that, compared to a previous solution, the proposed schemes require substantially lower computational complexity

    Low-complexity two-rate based multivariate impulse response reconstructor for time-skew error correction in m-channel time-interleaved ADCs

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    Nonuniform sampling occurs in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (TI-ADC) due to timing mismatches between the individual channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Such nonuniformly sampled output will degrade the achievable resolution in a TI-ADC. To restore the degraded performance, digital time-varying reconstructors can be used at the output of the TI-ADC, which in principle, converts the nonuniformly sampled output sequence to a uniformly sampled output. As the bandwidth of these reconstructors increases, their complexity also increases rapidly. Also, since the timing errors change occasionally, it is important to have a reconstructor architecture that requires fewer coefficient updates when the value of the timing error changes. Multivariate polynomial impulse response reconstructor is an attractive option for an M-channel reconstructor. If the channel timing error varies within a certain limit, these reconstructors do not need any online redesign of their impulse response coefficients. This paper proposes a technique that can be applied to multivariate polynomial impulse response reconstructors in order to further reduce the number of fixed-coefficient multipliers, and thereby reduce the implementation complexity

    Prefilter-Based Reconfigurable Reconstructor for Time-Interleaved ADCs With Missing Samples

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    This brief proposes a reconstruction scheme for the compensation of frequency-response mismatch errors at the output of a time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter (TI-ADC) with missing samples. The missing samples are due to sampling instants reserved for estimating the channel mismatch errors in the TI-ADC. Compared with previous solutions, the proposed scheme offers substantially lower computational complexity

    Efficient signal reconstruction scheme for time-interleaved ADCs

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    Time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) exhibit offset, gain, and time-skew errors due to channel mismatches. The time skews give rise to a nonuniformly sampled signal instead of the desired uniformly sampled signal. This introduces the need for a digital signal reconstructor that takes the "nonuniform samples" and generates the "uniform samples". In the general case, the time skews are frequency dependent, in which case a generalization of nonuniform sampling applies. When the bandwidth of a digital reconstructor approaches the whole Nyquist band, the computational complexity may become prohibitive. This paper introduces a new scheme with reduced complexity. The idea stems from recent multirate-based efficient realizations of linear and time-invariant systems. However, a time-interleaved ADC (without correction) is a time-varying system which means that these multirate-based techniques cannot be used straightforwardly but need to be appropriately analyzed and extended for this context

    Two reconstructors for M-channel time-interleaved ADCs with missing samples

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    In this paper, we explore two nonrecursive reconstructors which recover the uniform-grid samples from the output of a time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter (TI-ADC) that uses some of the sampling instants for estimating the mismatches in the TI-ADC. Nonuniform sampling occurs due to timing mismatches between the individual channel ADCs and also due to missing input samples. Compared to a previous solution, the reconstructors presented here offer substantially lower computational complexity

    Efficient reconfigurable scheme for the recovery of sub-Nyquist sampled sparse multi-band signals

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    Sub-Nyquist sampling makes use of sparsities in analog signals to sample them at a rate lower than the Nyquist rate. The reduction in sampling rate, however, comes at the cost of additional digital signal processing (DSP) which is required to reconstruct the uniformly sampled sequence at the output of the sub-Nyquist sampling analog-to-digital converter. At present, this additional processing is computationally intensive and time consuming and offsets the gains obtained from the reduced sampling rate. This paper focuses on sparse multi-band signals where the user band locations can change from time to time and the reconstructor requires real-time redesign. We propose a technique that can reduce the computational complexity of the reconstructor. At the same time, the proposed scheme simplifies the online reconfigurability of the reconstructor

    Правовая охрана интересов автомобильного перевозчика груза

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    Материалы III Междунар. науч. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 20 мая 2010 г