224 research outputs found

    Proximity Effect in Normal Metal - High Tc Superconductor Contacts

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    We study the proximity effect in good contacts between normal metals and high Tc (d-wave) superconductors. We present theoretical results for the spatially dependent order parameter and local density of states, including effects of impurity scattering in the two sides, s-wave pairing interaction in the normal metal side (attractive or repulsive), as well as subdominant s-wave paring in the superconductor side. For the [100] orientation, a real combination d+s of the order parameters is always found. The spectral signatures of the proximity effect in the normal metal includes a suppression of the low-energy density of states and a finite energy peak structure. These features are mainly due to the impurity self-energies, which dominate over the effects of induced pair potentials. For the [110] orientation, for moderate transparencies, induction of a d+is order parameter on the superconductor side, leads to a proximity induced is order parameter also in the normal metal. The spectral signatures of this type of proximity effect are potentially useful for probing time-reversal symmetry breaking at a [110] interface.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Mapping of a Carbon Laser Produced Plasma

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    We present measurements of ion velocity distribution profiles obtained by laser induced fluorescence (LIF) on an explosive laser produced plasma (LPP). The spatio-temporal evolution of the resulting carbon ion velocity distribution was mapped by scanning through the Doppler-shifted absorption wavelengths using a tunable, diode-pumped laser. The acquisition of this data was facilitated by the high repetition rate capability of the ablation laser (1 Hz) which allowed the accumulation of thousand of laser shots in short experimental times. By varying the intensity of the LIF beam, we were able to explore the effects of fluorescence power against laser irradiance in the context of evaluating the saturation versus the non-saturation regime. The small beam size of the LIF beam led to high spatial resolution of the measurement compared to other ion velocity distribution measurement techniques, while the fast-gated operation mode of the camera detector enabled the measurement of the relevant electron transitions

    Entanglement of a qubit with a single oscillator mode

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    We solve a model of a qubit strongly coupled to a massive environmental oscillator mode where the qubit backaction is treated exactly. Using a Ginzburg-Landau formalism, we derive an effective action for this well known localization transition. An entangled state emerges as an instanton in the collective qubit-environment degree of freedom and the resulting model is shown to be formally equivalent to a Fluctuating Gap Model (FGM) of a disordered Peierls chain. Below the transition, spectral weight is transferred to an exponentially small energy scale leaving the qubit coherent but damped. Unlike the spin-boson model, coherent and effectively localized behaviors may coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; added calculation of entanglement entrop

    Full counting statistics of a chaotic cavity with asymmetric leads

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    We study the statistics of charge transport in a chaotic cavity attached to external reservoirs by two openings of different size which transmit non-equal number of quantum channels. An exact formula for the cumulant generating function has been derived by means of the Keldysh-Green function technique within the circuit theory of mesoscopic transport. The derived formula determines the full counting statistics of charge transport, i.e., the probability distribution and all-order cumulants of current noise. It is found that, for asymmetric cavities, in contrast to other mesoscopic systems, the third-order cumulant changes the sign at high biases. This effect is attributed to the skewness of the distribution of transmission eigenvalues with respect to forward/backward scattering. For a symmetric cavity we find that the third cumulant approaches a voltage-independent constant proportional to the temperature and the number of quantum channels in the leads.Comment: new section on probability distribution and new references adde

    The excitation spectrum of mesoscopic proximity structures

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    We investigate one aspect of the proximity effect, viz., the local density of states of a superconductor-normal metal sandwich. In contrast to earlier work, we allow for the presence of an arbitrary concentration of impurities in the structure. The superconductor induces a gap in the normal metal spectrum that is proportional to the inverse of the elastic mean free path l_N for rather clean systems. For a mean free path much shorter than the thickness of the normal metal, we find a gap size proportional to l_N that approaches the behavior predicted by the Usadel equation (diffusive limit). We also discuss the influence of interface and surface roughness, the consequences of a non-ideal transmittivity of the interface, and the dependence of our results on the choice of the model of impurity scattering.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures (included), submitted to PR

    Full Counting Statistics of Multiple Andreev Reflections in incoherent diffusive superconducting junctions

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    We present a theory for the full distribution of current fluctuations in incoherent diffusive superconducting junctions, subjected to a voltage bias. This theory of full counting statistics of incoherent multiple Andreev reflections is valid for arbitrary applied voltage. We present a detailed discussion of the properties of the first four cumulants as well as the low and high voltage regimes of the full counting statistics. The work is an extension of the results of Pilgram and the author, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 086806 (2005).Comment: Included in special issue Spin Physics of Superconducting heterostructures of Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processin

    Aspects of metallic low-temperature transport in Mott-insulator/ band-insulator superlattices: optical conductivity and thermoelectricity

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    We investigate the low-temperature electrical and thermal transport properties in atomically precise metallic heterostructures involving strongly-correlated electron systems. The model of the Mott-insulator/ band-insulator superlattice was discussed in the framework of the slave-boson mean-field approximation and transport quantities were derived by use of the Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation-time approximation. The results for the optical conductivity are in good agreement with recently published experimental data on (LaTiO3)N_3)_N/(SrTiO3)M_3)_M superlattices and allow us to estimate the values of key parameters of the model. Furthermore, predictions for the thermoelectric response were made and the dependence of the Seebeck coefficient on model parameters was studied in detail. The width of the Mott-insulating material was identified as the most relevant parameter, in particular, this parameter provides a way to optimize the thermoelectric power factor at low temperatures

    Quantum-Limited Measurement and Information in Mesoscopic Detectors

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    We formulate general conditions necessary for a linear-response detector to reach the quantum limit of measurement efficiency, where the measurement-induced dephasing rate takes on its minimum possible value. These conditions are applicable to both non-interacting and interacting systems. We assess the status of these requirements in an arbitrary non-interacting scattering based detector, identifying the symmetries of the scattering matrix needed to reach the quantum limit. We show that these conditions are necessary to prevent the existence of information in the detector which is not extracted in the measurement process.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
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