226 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Approximations of the Stable and Unstable Manifolds of Fixed Points of a Two-dimensional Cubic Map

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    We find the asymptotic approximations of the stable and unstable manifolds of the saddle equilibrium solutions of the following difference equation xn+1 = a x3n + bx3n-1 + cxn + dxn-1, n = 0,1... where the parameters a, b, c and d are positive numbers and the initial conditions x-1 and x0 are arbitrary numbers. these manifolds determine completely the global dynamics of this equation

    Business Process Management Practices in a Small Transition Economy: Current Status and Research Opportunities

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    The main objective of this research is to contribute to an improved understanding of BPM practices in transition economies. The paper offers an overview of the key motives for BPM implementation within different business processes and across industry sectors, as currently practiced by 240 (large and small) companies in a small transition economy of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Being the first of its kind for this particular country, this research also contributes to an important body of knowledge on BPM in transition economies of a particular type. Our research also identifies an important limitation of prior research in this area, where BPM studies are often de-contextualized from their very unique context of transition economies. Consequently, we propose to expand the current research on BPM in transition economies to include further research on BPM for transition economies

    Basins of Attraction of Period-Two Solutions of Monotone Difference Equations

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    We investigate the global character of the difference equation of the form xn+1 = f (xn, xn–1), n = 0,1, . . . with several period-two solutions, where f is increasing in all its variables. We show that the boundaries of the basins of attractions of different locally asymptotically stable equilibrium solutions or period-two solutions are in fact the global stable manifolds of neighboring saddle or non-hyperbolic equilibrium solutions or period-two solutions. As an application of our results we give the global dynamics of three feasible models in population dynamics which includes the nonlinearity of Beverton-Holt and sigmoid Beverton-Holt types. MSC: 39A10; 39A20; 37B25; 37D1

    Global Dynamics of Cubic Second Order Difference Equation in the First Quadrant

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    We investigate the global behavior of a cubic second order difference equation xn+1=Ax3n+ Bx 2nxn−1 + Cxnx2n−1 + Dx3n−1 + Ex2n + Fxnxn−1 + Gx2n−1 + Hxn + Ixn−1 + J, n = 0, 1, …, with nonnegative parameters and initial conditions. We establish the relations for the local stability of equilibriums and the existence of period-two solutions. We then use this result to give global behavior results for special ranges of the parameters and determine the basins of attraction of all equilibrium points. We give a class of examples of second order difference equations with quadratic terms for which a discrete version of the 16th Hilbert problem does not hold. We also give the class of second order difference equations with quadratic terms for which the Julia set can be found explicitly and represent a planar quadratic curve

    Customer Relationship Management and Business Intelligence

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    EcoSmart Energy and Health Care Promotion in Senior Tourism

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    Recent studies show that seniors will soon become one of the major prospective segments in hospitality and travel industry. Given that population aged 65+ is usually retired with pensions, they have leisure time for travelling at any time of the year. They are also the most demanding expecting services excellence and high-level security while at the same time 63% of seniors aged 65-74 reported some sort of chronic illness. Hence, energy-efficient and health-focused facilities can be a significant potential for tourism development in Sarajevo region, which is a popular destination considering its unique nature, rich gastronomic, cultural and historical heritage. However, currently there is no market segmentation tailored to specific needs of senior tourists and research aims to explore opportunities and potential for this type of services with the objective of introducing accommodation facilities for elderly based on eco-smart solutions with highlighted focus on well-being and health. Setting of still water machines and installation of renewable energy system for electricity, ventilation and heat can have various positive effects increasing security, providing more healthy conditions, influencing life expectancy and counteracting the aging. Thus, research goal is creating feasibility study on eco-smart and health-focused facility for senior tourists in Sarajevo region using strategic management tools as a methodology instruments, including application of PEST concept, determining industry development phase as well as evaluating its structure, attractiveness and profitability via five forces of Porter model. Recommendations for future studies as well as practical implications for appropriate business actions are given in the conclusion relating to senior tourism development in Sarajevo region. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Measuring Returns on Investment in Education: Lessons for Sustainable and Innovative Education Policy

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    The relationship between education and labor market is significant and complex. Education increases employment opportunities and reduces the chance of occurrence and duration of unemployment. Earnings, among other things, represent private returns on investment in education and are in the center of the analysis of this article. The main aim of this article is to estimate private and social returns on investment in primary, secondary and tertiary education in selected old and new member states of the European Union (EU) by using two methods (Earnings function and Short-cut method) based on the Mincer equation. Results have shown that there is no statistically significant difference between the estimated private and social returns on investment in primary, secondary and tertiary education in groups of old and new EU members. New members converge towards the old members, at least when it comes to returns on investment in these three education levels. The results also indicate the existence of low and negative returns on investment in education in both old and new EU members. Thus, this article with its new findings contributes significantly to the literature that studies the universality of conclusions on returns on investment in education and the methodology that is used