74 research outputs found

    Ефект на Beauveria bassiana (щам ATCC 74040) върху два вида листояди вредители по царевицата в лабораторни условия

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    In some European countries, the Western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, and the cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus, are present in maize stands in high population density, occasionally causing damage of the crops. Susceptibility of adults of these species and larvae of the cereal leaf beetle to the commercially available product Naturalis® based on Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040 was explored in laboratory conditions. The results of the bioassays showed that the fungal strain caused the highest corrected mortality on O. melanopus larvae with average values above 95% for all conidia concentrations (from 2.3 × 102 to 2.3 × 107 conidia/ml) tested. For the adults of the two pests, the average mortality increased positively with concentration of conidia and the values ranges from 9.5% to 94.2% for O. melanopus (concentrations from 2.3 × 102 to 2.3 × 107 conidia/ml) and from 19.3% to 92.4% for D. v. virgifera (concentrations from 2.3 × 103 to 2.3 × 107 conidia/ml). Accordingly, the LC50 values for O. melanopus larvae and adults and D. v. virgifera adults were determined as 4.6, 8.3 × 104 and 4.3 × 105 conidia/ml, respectively. Further studies to confirm the susceptibility of the larvae of the cereal leaf beetle to Naturalis® under field conditions should be conducted.В някои европейски страни западният царевичен коренов червей Diabrotica virgifera virgifera и обикновената житна пиявица Oulema melanopus присъстват в царевичните площи във висока плътност, нанасяйки щети на културите. В лабораторни условия беше изследвана чувствителността на възрастните индивиди от тези видове и ларвите на обикновената житна пиявица към търговския продукт Naturalis®, който съдържа Beauveria bassiana (щам ATCC 74040). Резултатите от опитите показват, че гъбният щам причини най-високата коригирана смъртност на ларвите на O. melanopus със средни стойности над 95% за всички изпитани концентрации на конидиите (от 2.3 × 102 до 2.3 × 107 конидии/ml). За възрастните на двата вида вредители средната смъртност нараства с увеличаване на концентрацията на конидиите и стойностите варират от 9.5% до 94.2% за O. melanopus (концентрации от 2.3 x 102 до 2.3 × 107 конидии/ml) и от 19.3% до 92.4% за D. v. virgifera (концентрации от 2.3 × 103 до 2.3 × 107 конидии/ml). Cтойностите на LC50 за ларвите и възрастните на O. melanopus и възрастните индивиди на D. v. virgifera бяха съответно 4.6, 8.3 × 104 и 4.3 × 105 конидии/ml. Необходимо е да се проведат допълнителни изследвания за потвърждаване на високата чувствителност на ларвите на обикновената житна пиявица към Naturalis® в полеви условия


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    In this paper, a mobile mapping system mounted on the UAV is presented and evaluated. The NEO3 UAV platform is an 11 kg fixed-wing designed by the MSP company. The UAV is equipped with a Riegl miniVUX-1UAV laser scanner, which is integrated with the GNSS/INS system of Applanix APX-15 UAV and two Sony Alfa 6000 cameras collecting images in the following spectrum: visible for the first camera and near-infrared for the second camera. The UAV mobile system presented is dedicated to the acquisition of multisource data for levee monitoring using active and passive remote sensing data. In this paper, the effectiveness of the ultralight laser scanner, which has not been mounted on the fixed-wing platforms so far, was verified in the experiment with respect to data density and accuracy. The example analyses were conducted using ground control points and surfaces measured with a terrestrial laser scanner and visible in point clouds obtained with a dense image matching algorithm. Analyses showed that the achieved accuracy is much related to trajectory accuracy. The final DTM created from the data collected during the float status of the GNSS measurements of the trajectory provided twice less accurate data than during fixed status (vertical error approximately 20 cm and 10 cm respectively)

    Arabinogalactan-protein and pectin epitopes in relation to an extracellular matrix surface network and somatic embryogenesis and callogenesis in Trifolium nigrescens Viv

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    The formation of an extracellular matrix surface network (ECMSN), and associated changes in the distribution of arabinogalactan-protein and pectin epitopes, have been studied during somatic embryogenesis (SE) and callogenesis of Trifolium nigrescens Viv. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed the occurrence of an ECMSN on the surface of cotyledonary-staged somatic embryos as well as on the peripheral, non-regenerating callus cells. The occurrence of six AGP (JIM4, JIM8, JIM13, JIM16, LM2, MAC207) and four pectin (JIM5, JIM7, LM5, LM6) epitopes was analysed during early stages of SE, in cotyledonary-staged somatic embryos and in non-embryogenic callus using monoclonal antibodies. The JIM5 low methyl-esterified homogalacturonan (HG) epitope localized to ECMSN on the callus surface but none of the epitopes studied were found to localize to ECMSN over mature somatic embryos. The LM2 AGP epitope was detected during the development of somatic embryos and was also observed in the cell walls of meristematic cells from which SE was initiated. The pectic epitopes JIM5, JIM7, LM5 and LM6 were temporally regulated during SE. The LM6 arabinan epitope, carried by side chains of rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I), was detected predominantly in cells of embryogenic swellings, whilst the LM5 galactan epitope of RG-I was uniformly distributed throughout the ground tissue of cotyledonary-staged embryoids but not detected at the early stages of SE. Differences in the distribution patterns of low and high methyl-esterified HG were detected: low ester HG (JIM5 epitope) was most abundant during the early steps of embryo formation and highly methyl-esterified form of HG (JIM7 epitope) became prevalent during embryoid maturation

    Radiotherapy in the treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy—to do it or not?

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    To the objective of this study is to evaluate the role and toxicity of radiotherapy in the treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy. In the years 2000–2003, 121 patients with malignant exophthalmos were treated with radiotherapy of the retrobulbar area to the total dose of 20 Gy in ten fractions with a 6 MeV photon beam. The treatment was performed by the team of the Clinic of Oncology of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow. The radiotherapy was preceded by intravenous steroid therapy: methylprednisolone acetate administered at the dose of 2 g/week for four consecutive weeks. The highest efficacy, expressed as improvement of all ocular symptoms, was observed for the combined treatment. Female and non-diabetic patients responded positively to the combined treatment. Radiotherapy combined with steroid therapy in the treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy seems to be an effective treatment for strictly defined indications. In the treatment of Graves–Basedow disease, radiotherapy is a well-tolerated treatment modality. Diabetes is a factor that worsens prognosis in Graves ophthalmopathy and female sex is a favourable factor for this condition

    Notes for genera: basal clades of Fungi (including Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota)

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    Compared to the higher fungi (Dikarya), taxonomic and evolutionary studies on the basal clades of fungi are fewer in number. Thus, the generic boundaries and higher ranks in the basal clades of fungi are poorly known. Recent DNA based taxonomic studies have provided reliable and accurate information. It is therefore necessary to compile all available information since basal clades genera lack updated checklists or outlines. Recently, Tedersoo et al. (MycoKeys 13:1--20, 2016) accepted Aphelidiomycota and Rozellomycota in Fungal clade. Thus, we regard both these phyla as members in Kingdom Fungi. We accept 16 phyla in basal clades viz. Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota. Thus, 611 genera in 153 families, 43 orders and 18 classes are provided with details of classification, synonyms, life modes, distribution, recent literature and genomic data. Moreover, Catenariaceae Couch is proposed to be conserved, Cladochytriales Mozl.-Standr. is emended and the family Nephridiophagaceae is introduced

    Parameters of composting process

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    Kompostowanie to procesy mikrobiologiczne zachodzące w warunkach tlenowych. W wyniku tych procesów następuje unieszkodliwianie i zagospodarowanie odpadów, polegające na rozkładzie substancji organicznej z wytworzeniem humusu. Poza humusem powstaje dwutlenek węgla, woda, amoniak uwalniane do atmosfery oraz ciepło w pryzmie kompostowej.By composting we mean microbiological processes occurring in oxygenic conditions. They are resulting in neutralizing and management of wastes, consisting in decomposition of organic substance and producing humus. Besides, comes into being freed to atmosphere carbon dioxide, water and ammonia as well as warmth in pile