25 research outputs found

    Què podem millorar del consentiment informat en els assaigs clínics

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    Consentiment informat; Assaigs clínicsConsentimiento Informado; Ensayos ClínicosInformed consent; Clinical trialsSegons la informació disponible al nostre entorn en relació amb el procés de consentiment informat (CI) en els assaigs clínics, els subjectes participants se senten ben informats i satisfets. A més, tenen la percepció que el principal motiu de l’investigador per proposar-los la seva participació en l’assaig és oferir-los un millor tractament, i, en gran mesura, no reconeixen el caràcter experimental dels estudis. A partir d'aquestes dades, l'autora de l'article analitza les dificultats principals del CI en els assaigs clínics i proposa algunes estratègies per millorar-lo

    Suspected adverse events following immunization against SARS-CoV2 in a university hospital in 2021: Observational study

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    Aim: Vaccination against SARS-CoV2 has been proposed as a fundamental element for the control of the pandemic. This study aimed to describe the suspected adverse reactions (ADR) reported by vaccinated hospital workers. Methods: A descriptive study of suspected ADR was conducted between January and March 2021. The suspected ADR were identified using a specifically designed electronic form and spontaneous reporting. Data were also collected regarding the characteristics of the professionals, vaccine administered, severity, and outcome of ADR. Results: 8169 professionals received 2 doses of SARS-CoV2 vaccine (6672 Comirnaty (R) and 1497 Spikevax (R)) and 894 reports of suspected ADR were reported (762 for Comirnaty (R) and 132 for Spikevax (R)), resulting in a cumulative ADR incidence of 10.94% (95%CI: 10.27-11.62). The majority of ADR were reported only after the second dose, 497 (56.2%), while 211 (23.6%) were reported only after the first dose and 186 (21%) after both doses. The symptoms were mostly mild, did not require medical assistance, and disappeared within approximately 3 days. One hundred and seventeen professionals had a history of COVID-19 infection. These studies reported, statistically significant, more suspected ADR after the first dose (42.7%) than those with no history of COVID-19 (20.7%). Among professionals, more ADR occurred after the first dose with the Spikevax (R) vaccine (41.6%) than with the Comirnaty (R) vaccine (20.5%). Conclusion: The majority of suspected ADR reported were described in the summary of product characteristics (SmPC). Professionals with a history of COVID-19 reported more suspected ADR after the first dose than did those without a history

    Ètica i recerca: paper de la reflexió bioètica en el nou marc regulador dels assaigs clínics a Europa

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    Bioètica; Marc legal; Assaigs clínicsBioética; Marco legal; Ensayos clínicosBioethics; Legal framework; Clinical trialsDocument adreçat principalment a professionals vinculats a comitès d’ètica de la investigació sobre els principis que han de guiar la investigació en éssers humans i sobre els procediments que s’articulen per a una adequada avaluació ètica, metodològica i de l’impacte social

    Topical Analgesia with Lidocaine Plus Diclofenac Decreases Pain in Benign Anorectal Surgery: Randomized, Double-blind, and Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a topical formulation containing lidocaine plus diclofenac (CLIFE1) compared to CLIFE2 (lidocaine), to decrease pain in benign anorectal surgery (BARS) to date not evaluated. Background: More than 50% of patients undergoing BARS, especially hemorrhoidectomy, suffer from moderate and severe postoperative pain. This remains an unresolved problem that could be addressed with the new CLIFE1 topical treatment. Methods: A multicenter, randomized double-blind, active-controlled parallel-group superiority trial, was conducted in two Spanish hospitals. Patients undergoing BARS (hemorrhoids, anal fistula and anal fissure) were randomized at the end of surgery at a 1:1 ratio to receive first dose either CLIFE1 (n=60) or CLIFE2 (n=60) anorectal topical treatment, and after every 12 hours for the first three postoperative days and once a day from the fourth to sixth. The primary outcome was average of pain decrease after topical treatment, measured with visual analogue scale (VAS) by the patients themselves, the evening in the surgery day and four times daily for the first three postoperative days. Results: The results of 120 patients included out of 150 selected undergoing BARS show a decrease in pain after CLIFE1 topical treatment (7.47±13.2) greater than with CLIFE2 (4.38±6.75), difference -3.21 (95% CI) -5.75; -0.676; p=0.008), decreasing significantly postoperative pain (≥ 9 mm, VAS) in 35% of patients undergoing benign anorectal surgery, compared to 18.33 % treated with lidocaine. Conclusions: The CLIFE1 topical treatment shows better analgesic efficacy than CLIFE2 in BARS

    Pragmatic, open-label, single-center, randomized, phase II clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of methylprednisolone pulses and tacrolimus in patients with severe pneumonia secondary to COVID-19: the TACROVID trial protocol

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    Introduction: Some COVID-19 patients evolve to severe lung injury and systemic hyperinflammatory syndrome triggered by both the coronavirus infection and the subsequent host-immune response. Accordingly, the use of immunomodulatory agents has been suggested but still remains controversial. Our working hypothesis is that methylprednisolone pulses and tacrolimus may be an effective and safety drug combination for treating severe COVID-19 patients. Methods: and analysis: TACROVID is a randomized, open-label, single-center, phase II trial to evaluate the ef- ficacy and safety of methylprednisolone pulses and tacrolimus plus standard of care (SoC) versus SoC alone, in patients at advanced stage of COVID-19 disease with lung injury and systemic hyperinflammatory response. Patients are randomly assigned (1:1) to one of two arms (42 patients in each group). The primary aim is to assess the time to clinical stability after initiating randomization. Clinical stability is defined as body temperature≤37.5 ◦C, and PaO2/FiO2 > 400 and/or SatO2/FiO2 > 300, and respiratory rate ≤24 rpm; for 48 consecutive hours. Discussion: Methylprednisolone and tacrolimus might be beneficial to treat those COVID-19 patients progressing into severe pulmonary failure and systemic hyperinflammatory syndrome. The rationale for its use is the fast effect of methylprednisolone pulses and the ability of tacrolimus to inhibit both the CoV-2 replication and the secondary cytokine storm. Interestingly, both drugs are low-cost and can be manufactured on a large scale; thus, if effective and safe, a large number of patients could be treated in developed and developing countries

    Methylprednisolone Pulses Plus Tacrolimus in Addition to Standard of Care vs. Standard of Care Alone in Patients With Severe COVID-19. A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: Severe lung injury is triggered by both the SARS-CoV-2 infection and the subsequent host-immune response in some COVID-19 patients. Methods: We conducted a randomized, single-center, open-label, phase II trial with the aim to evaluate the efficacy and safety of methylprednisolone pulses and tacrolimus plus standard of care (SoC) vs. SoC alone, in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19. The primary outcome was time to clinical stability within 56 days after randomization. Results: From April 1 to May 2, 2020, 55 patients were prospectively included for subsequent randomization; 27 were assigned to the experimental group and 28 to the control group. The experimental treatment was not associated with a difference in time to clinical stability (hazard ratio 0.73 [95% CI 0.39-1.37]) nor most secondary outcomes. Median methylprednisolone cumulative doses were significantly lower (360 mg [IQR 360-842] vs. 870 mg [IQR 364-1451]; p = 0.007), and administered for a shorter time (median of 4.00 days [3.00-17.5] vs. 18.5 days [3.00-53.2]; p = 0.011) in the experimental group than in the control group. Although not statistically significant, those receiving the experimental therapy showed a numerically lower all-cause mortality than those receiving SoC, especially at day 10 [2 (7.41%) vs. 5 (17.9%); OR 0.39 (95% CI 0.05-2.1); p = 0.282]. The total number of non-serious adverse events was 42 in each the two groups. Those receiving experimental treatment had a numerically higher rate of non-serious infectious adverse events [16 (38%) vs. 10 (24%)] and serious infectious adverse events [7 (35%) vs. 3 (23%)] than those receiving SoC. Conclusions: The combined use of methylprednisolone pulses plus tacrolimus, in addition to the SoC, did not significantly improve the time to clinical stability or other secondary outcomes compared with the SoC alone in severe COVID-19. Although not statistically significant, patients receiving the experimental therapy had numerically lower all-cause mortality than those receiving SoC, supporting recent non-randomized studies with calcineurin inhibitors. It is noteworthy that the present trial had a limited sample size and several other limitations. Therefore, further RCTs should be done to assess the efficacy and safety of tacrolimus to tackle the inflammatory stages of COVID-19

    Multicenter study of plastic vs. self-expanding metal stents in endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of walled-off pancreatic necrosis - PROMETHEUS: a randomized controlled trial protocol.

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    Background: It seems that lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS) are displacing plastic stents in the therapy of pancreatic-fluid collection in walled-off necrosis (WON). To date, there is no quality of evidence to recommend LAMS as the standard treatment in the management of WON. The theoretical benefit of LAMS over plastic stents needs to be proven. Methods/design: This is a randomized controlled, multicenter, prospective clinical trial with two parallel groups, without masking. One-hundred and fourteen patients with WON will undergo endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided transmural draining in nine tertiary hospitals in Spain and will be randomized to the LAMS or plastic-stent group. The primary endpoint is the short-term (4 weeks) clinical success determined by the reduction of the collection (to < 50% or < 5 cm in size), along with clinical improvement. Secondary endpoints: long-term (4 months) clinical success (total resolution or 5 cm), procedure duration, level of difficulty, safety, and recurrences. Discussion: The PROMETHEUS trial has been designed to determine whether LAMS are superior to plastic stents in EUS-guided transmural drainage of WON

    A multicenter, open-label, randomized, proof-of-concept phase II clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of icatibant in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and admitted to hospital units without invasive mechanical ventilation: study protocol (ICAT-COVID)

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    Background: COVID-19 has quickly become a global pandemic with a substantial number of deaths and is a considerable burden for healthcare systems worldwide. Although most cases are paucisymptomatic and limited to the viral infection-related symptoms, some patients evolve to a second phase, with an impaired inflammatory response (cytokine storm) that may lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and death. This is thought to be caused by increased bradykinin synthesis. Methods: ICAT-COVID is a multicenter, randomized, open-label, proof-of-concept phase II clinical trial assessing the clinical efficacy and safety of adding icatibant to the standard of care in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 without invasive mechanical ventilation. Patients hospitalized with a confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia diagnosis (RTPCR or antigen test <= 10 days prior to randomization, and radiographic evidence of pulmonary infiltrates), rated 4 or 5' on the WHO's clinical status scale, are eligible. Patients will be randomized on a 1:1 ratio to either standard of care-plus-icatibant (experimental group) or to standard of care alone (control group). The experimental group will receive 30 mg of icatibant subcutaneously 3 times a day for 3 days (for a total of 9 doses). The expected sample size is 120 patients (60 per group) from 2 sites in Spain. Primary outcomes are the efficacy and safety of Icatibant. The main efficacy outcome is the number of patients reaching grades 2 or 1 on the WHO scale within 10 days of starting treatment. Secondary outcomes include long-term efficacy: number of patients discharged who do not present COVID-19-related relapse or comorbidity up until 28 days after discharge, and mortality. Discussion: Icatibant, a bradykinin type 2 receptor antagonist with proven effectiveness and safety against hereditary angioedema attacks, may be beneficial for COVID-19 patients by inhibiting bradykinin's action on endothelial cells and by inhibiting the SARS-CoV-2 M protease. Our working hypothesis is that treatment with standard of care-plus-icatibant is effective and safe to treat patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 admitted to hospital for pneumonia without invasive mechanical ventilation


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    The Columbretes Archipelago and their submerged surroundings are part of an unusual, Pleistocene volcanic field located in the Western Mediterranean designated as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) of the Natura 2000 Network. In the present study, 4 benthic habitats of community interest (1110, 1170, 1180 and 8330) have been identified by analyzing several sources of information. Generalized additive models (GAMs) have been used to model the potential distribution of reefs (1170) and maërl beds (1110). Our results highlight the diversity and extent of these habitats and allow comparisons to other marine SCIs of Spain. This can be attributed to the variability of the environment of this site. The Columbretes Islands combine a relatively shallow environment with volcanic structures, hydrothermalism with active degassing, current-driven sedimentary lobes and the influence of inland flows. Understanding high biodiversity spots is crucial as they offer natural laboratories to describe how ecosystems respond to the effects of global change. The knowledge obtained will be of paramount importance for the conservation of species and habitats. Furthermore, it will establish a baseline for future monitoring and assist in the development of effective management plans

    Multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase IV–III study to evaluate the efficacy of cloxacillin plus fosfomycin versus cloxacillin alone in adult patients with methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: study protocol for the SAFO trial

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    SAFO study group and the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI).[Introduction] Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) bacteraemia is a frequent condition, with high mortality rates. There is a growing interest in identifying new therapeutic regimens able to reduce therapeutic failure and mortality observed with the standard of care of beta-lactam monotherapy. In vitro and small-scale studies have found synergy between cloxacillin and fosfomycin against S. aureus. Our aim is to test the hypothesis that cloxacillin plus fosfomycin achieves higher treatment success than cloxacillin alone in patients with MSSA bacteraemia.[Methods] We will perform a superiority, randomised, open-label, phase IV–III, two-armed parallel group (1:1) clinical trial at 20 Spanish tertiary hospitals. Adults (≥18 years) with isolation of MSSA from at least one blood culture ≤72 hours before inclusion with evidence of infection, will be randomly allocated to receive either cloxacillin 2 g/4-hour intravenous plus fosfomycin 3 g/6-hour intravenous or cloxacillin 2 g/4-hour intravenous alone for 7 days. After the first week, sequential treatment and total duration of antibiotic therapy will be determined according to clinical criteria by the attending physician. Primary endpoints: (1) Treatment success at day 7, a composite endpoint comprising all the following criteria: patient alive, stable or with improved quick-Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, afebrile and with negative blood cultures for MSSA at day 7. (2) Treatment success at test of cure (TOC) visit: patient alive and no isolation of MSSA in blood culture or at another sterile site from day 8 until TOC (12 weeks after randomisation). We assume a rate of treatment success of 74% in the cloxacillin group. Accepting alpha risk of 0.05 and beta risk of 0.2 in a two-sided test, 183 subjects will be required in each of the control and experimental groups to obtain statistically significant difference of 12% (considered clinically significant).[Ethics and dissemination] Ethical approval has been obtained from the Ethics Committee of Bellvitge University Hospital (AC069/18) and from the Spanish Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency (AEMPS, AC069/18), and is valid for all participating centres under existing Spanish legislation. The results will be presented at international meetings and will be made available to patients and funders.[Trial registration number] The protocol has been approved by AEMPS with the Trial Registration Number EudraCT 2018-001207-37. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03959345; Pre-results.The SAFO trial is supported by a competitive grant awarded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias at the Spanish government’s National Institute of Health Research, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), (FIS PI17/01116). This study was supported by Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2017–2021 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016/0005).Peer reviewe