289 research outputs found

    The Theological Message of the Fourth Servant Song (Isa 52:13–53:12) in Light of Its Structure

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    The article aims to analyse the structure of Isa 52:13–53:12 deploying elements of the analysis of the biblical and Semitic rhetoric developed by Roland Meynet. The article begins with an overview of earlier scholarly suggestions concerning the structure of the Fourth Servant Song, including Meynet’s. The major part of the article constitutes a rhetorical analysis of the song, first as a whole and then within its individual rhetorical units. In the final part of the article, major theological motifs of the song are presented, which are part of a new vision of suffering and death in the context of the Old Testament.Orędzie teologiczne czwartej pieƛni o SƂudze PaƄskim (Iz 52,13–53,12) w ƛwietle jej strukturyAutor podejmuje się zbadania struktury Iz 52,13–53,12 na podstawie metodologii semickiej i biblijnej retoryki wypracowanej przez Rolanda Meynet. Po zaprezentowaniu dotychczasowych propozycji strukturyzacji czwartej pieƛni o SƂudze PaƄskim, rĂłwnieĆŒ tej pochodzącej od Meynet, i ich ocenie, następuje analiza retoryczna pieƛni w jej caƂoƛci i poszczegĂłlnych jednostkach retorycznych. Na bazie analizy relacji retorycznej pomiędzy poszczegĂłlnymi częƛciami tworzącymi pieƛƄ zostaje ukazane jej przesƂanie teologiczne, w ktĂłrego centrum jest soteriologiczna wizja cierpienia i ƛmierci, stanowiąca novum wewnątrz Starego Testamentu

    Voter ID in Wisconsin: A Better Approach to Anderson/Burdick Balancing

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    In 2011, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker enacted 2011 Wisconsin Act 23. This law required that most of the state\u27s voters show an acceptable form of photo identification to cast a ballot. State officials contended the regulation was necessary to detect and prevent fraud, promote public confidence in the electoral process, and improve election administration. On the other hand, critics of the law argued it was merely a partisan attempt by Republican legislators to suppress the turnout of various subgroups that overwhelmingly tend to vote Democratic. In Frank v. Walker, voters and advocacy organizations sued, claiming the requirement placed an unjustified burden on the right to vote and, therefore, violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. At the trial level, the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin found Act 23 unconstitutional and ordered an injunction preventing implementation of the law. On appeal, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reversed the lower court’s ruling and upheld the law. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case. Courts evaluating a constitutional challenge to election regulations such as Act 23 must weigh the asserted injury to the right to vote against the legitimate interests advanced by the state. Absent a clear imbalance, courts will presume the state\u27s interests are sufficient. This analysis provides a clear and consistent method for courts evaluating such challenges; but, this approach ignores the political nature of election law. Instead, courts should permit an initial inquiry into improper partisanship to ensure more equitable outcomes. Accordingly, where plaintiffs can demonstrate a strong likelihood that passage of an election regulation was motivated primarily by political interests, courts should grant their claims deference. Then, the state should bear the burden of proving that its regulatory interests outweigh the harm imposed on voting rights

    Prophetic Inspiration in the Light of the Prophet’s Relationship with God in the Book of Jeremiah

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    The Pontifical Biblical Commission, in The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture, proposes a phenomenological approach to biblical inspiration, focusing on the bond between biblical authors and God. According to the Pontifical Biblical Commission, the case of prophetic inspiration as the special relationship between a prophet and God is expressed in the function of a prophet as God's messenger, which is identified and founded on stereotypical prophetic formulas and stories of the prophetic vocation. If, however, God communicates himself to the prophet in the word, then the question of relationship between the prophet and God must allow for different experiences of the word of God for the prophet. The testimony of the Book of Jeremiah is particular in his context. While recounting the story of the calling, (Jer 1:5–10) it presents the prophet as a son in relation with God who reveals himself to him as a father. In Jeremiah's confessions (especially Jer 15:10–21 and 20:7–13), the prophet struggling with God's word appears as a friend of God. Finally, the prophet's communication through scripture (Jer 36) presupposes the role of the prophet as a writer who witnesses the word of God. These three relationships of the prophet with God – a son, friend, and witness – go beyond the model of inspiration of a prophet as solely a messenger of God.Prorocze natchnienie w ƛwietle relacji proroka z Bogiem w Księdze Jeremiasza Papieska Komisja Biblijna w dokumencie Natchnienie i prawda Pisma ƚwiętego proponuje ujęcie fenomenologiczne natchnienia biblijnego, koncentrując się na więzi Ƃączącej autorĂłw biblijnych z Bogiem. W przypadku natchnienia prorockiego ta szczegĂłlna relacja Ƃączącą proroka i Boga wyraĆŒa się, zdaniem Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej, w funkcji proroka jako wysƂannika Boga, ktĂłra jest identyfikowana na podstawie stereotypowych formuƂ prorockich i opowiadaƄ o powoƂaniu prorockim. Jeƛli jednak BĂłg udziela się prorokowi w sƂowie, to pytanie o więĆș Ƃączącą proroka z Bogiem musi uwzględnić rĂłĆŒne doƛwiadczenia sƂowa BoĆŒego, ktĂłre są udziaƂem proroka. SzczegĂłlne jest w tym kontekƛcie ƛwiadectwo Księgi Jeremiasza, ktĂłra w opowiadaniu o powoƂaniu (Jr 1,5–10) przedstawia proroka jako syna w relacji do Boga objawiającego się mu jako ojciec. W wyznaniach Jeremiasza (szczegĂłlnie Jr 15,10–21 i 20,7–13) prorok zmagający się ze sƂowem BoĆŒym jawi się przyjacielem Boga. Wreszcie komunikacja proroka za pomocą pisma (Jr 36) zakƂada rolę proroka jako pisarza, ktĂłry jest ƛwiadkiem sƂowa BoĆŒego. Te trzy relacje proroka z Bogiem – syna, przyjaciela i ƛwiadka – wykraczają poza model natchnienia proroka jako wysƂannika Boga
