6 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion

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    Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) can be expanded and differentiated in vitro into almost any adult tissue cell type, and thus have great potential as a source for cell therapies with biomedical application. In this study, a fully-defined polymer synthetic substrate is identified for hPSC culture in completely defined, xenogenic (xeno)-free conditions. This system can overcome the cost, scalability, and reproducibility limitations of current hPSC culture strategies, and facilitate large-scale production. A high-throughput, multi-generational polymer microarray platform approach is used to test over 600 unique polymers and rapidly assess hPSC-polymer interactions in combination with the fully defined xeno-free medium, Essential 8 (E8). This study identifies a novel nanoscale phase separated blend of poly(tricyclodecane-dimethanol diacrylate) and poly(butyl acrylate) (2:1 v/v), which supports long-term expansion of hPSCs and can be readily coated onto standard cultureware. Analysis of cell-polymer interface interactions through mass spectrometry and integrin blocking studies provides novel mechanistic insight into the role of the E8 proteins in promoting integrin-mediated hPSC attachment and maintaining hPSC signaling, including ability to undergo multi-lineage differentiation. This study therefore identifies a novel substrate for long-term serial passaging of hPSCs in serum-free, commercial chemically-defined E8, which provides a promising and economic hPSC expansion platform for clinical-scale application

    Performance evaluation of a non-invasive one-step multiplex RT-qPCR assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 direct from saliva

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    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has proven to be the gold-standard for SARS-CoV-2 detection in clinical settings. The most common approaches rely on nasopharyngeal specimens obtained from swabs, followed by RNA extraction, reverse transcription and quantitative PCR. Although swab-based PCR is sensitive, swabbing is invasive and unpleasant to administer, reducing patient compliance for regular testing and resulting in an increased risk of improper sampling. To overcome these obstacles, we developed a non-invasive one-step RT-qPCR assay performed directly on saliva specimens. The University of Nottingham Asymptomatic Testing Service protocol simplifies sample collection and bypasses the need for RNA extraction, or additives, thus helping to encourage more regular testing and reducing processing time and costs. We have evaluated the assay against the performance criteria specified by the UK regulatory bodies and attained accreditation (BS EN ISO/IEC 17,025:2017) for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. We observed a sensitivity of 1 viral copy per microlitre of saliva, and demonstrated a concordance of > 99.4% between our results and those of other accredited testing facilities. We concluded that saliva is a stable medium that allows for a highly precise, repeatable, and robust testing method

    A Comparative Study of Protocols for Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Culturing

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    Most stem cell laboratories still rely on old culture methods to support the expansion and maintenance of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. These involve growing cells on mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells or on gelatin in media supplemented with fetal bovine serum and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). However, these techniques have several drawbacks including the need for feeder-cells and/or use of undefined media containing animal derived components. Culture of stem cells under undefined conditions can induce spontaneous differentiation and reduce reproducibility of experiments. In recent years several new ES cell culture protocols, using more well-defined conditions, have been published and we have compared the standard culture protocols with two of the newly described ones: 1) growing cells in semi-adherence in a medium containing two small molecule inhibitors (CHIR99021, PD0325901) and; 2) growing cells in a spheroid suspension culture in a defined medium containing LIF and bFGF. Two feeder-dependent mouse ES (mES) cell lines and two cell lines adapted to feeder-independent growth were used in the study. The overall aim has not only been to compare self-renewal and differentiation capacity, but also ease-of-use and cost efficiency. We show that mES cells when grown adherently proliferate much faster than when grown in suspension as free-floating spheres, independent of media used. Although all the tested culture protocols could maintain sustained pluripotency after prolonged culturing, our data confirm previous reports showing that the media containing two chemical inhibitors generate more pure stem cell cultures with negligible signs of spontaneous differentiation as compared to standard mES media. Furthermore, we show that this medium effectively rescues and cleans up cultures that have started to deteriorate, as well as allow for effective adaption of feeder-dependent mES cell lines to be maintained in feeder-free conditions

    Fast and Efficient Transfection of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Using Non-Viral Reagents

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    Reliable and efficient DNA and RNA transfection methods are required when studying the role of individual genes in mouse pluripotent stem cells. However, these cells usually grow in tight clusters and are therefore more difficult to transfect than many other cell lines. We have found that transfection is especially challenging when mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells are cultured in the newly described 2i medium, which is based on two chemical inhibitors of differentiation pathways. In the present study we have performed a side-by-side comparison of commercially available, non-viral transfection reagents with regard to their ability to deliver plasmid DNA and siRNA into adherent and/or trypsinized mES cells cultured in 2i medium, assessing transfection rates, plasmid gene expression, siRNA mediated knockdown of Oct4 and viability. Finally, we present a fast and efficient method for transfection of trypsinized mES cells using the liposomal-based Lipofectamine 2000. With only a five-minute long transfection time we obtained at least 85 % transfected cells with 80 % maintained viability. Moreover, this protocol saves up to a day of experimental time since the cells are in suspension at the time of transfection, which allows for immediately re-plating into the appropriate format. This fast, simplified and highly efficient transfection method will be valuable for both basic research and high-throughput applications

    Human serum-derived protein removes the need for coating in defined human pluripotent stem cell culture

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    Reliable, scalable and time-efficient culture methods are required to fully realize the clinical and industrial applications of human pluripotent stem (hPS) cells. Here we present a completely defined, xeno-free medium that supports long-term propagation of hPS cells on uncoated tissue culture plastic. The medium consists of the Essential 8 (E8) formulation supplemented with inter-alpha-inhibitor (I alpha I), a human serum-derived protein, recently demonstrated to activate key pluripotency pathways in mouse PS cells. IaI efficiently induces attachment and long-term growth of both embryonic and induced hPS cell lines when added as a soluble protein to the medium at seeding. IaI supplementation efficiently supports adaptation of feeder-dependent hPS cells to xeno-free conditions, clonal growth as well as single-cell survival in the absence of Rho-associated kinase inhibitor (ROCKi). This time-efficient and simplified culture method paves the way for large-scale, high-throughput hPS cell culture, and will be valuable for both basic research and commercial applications

    High-Throughput Methods in the Discovery and Study of Biomaterials and Materiobiology

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    The complex interaction of cells with biomaterials (i.e., materiobiology) plays an increasingly pivotal role in the development of novel implants, biomedical devices, and tissue engineering scaffolds to treat diseases, aid in the restoration of bodily functions, construct healthy tissues, or regenerate diseased ones. However, the conventional approaches are incapable of screening the huge amount of potential material parameter combinations to identify the optimal cell responses and involve a combination of serendipity and many series of trial-and-error experiments. For advanced tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, highly efficient and complex bioanalysis platforms are expected to explore the complex interaction of cells with biomaterials using combinatorial approaches that offer desired complex microenvironments during healing, development, and homeostasis. In this review, we first introduce materiobiology and its high-throughput screening (HTS). Then we present an in-depth of the recent progress of 2D/3D HTS platforms (i.e., gradient and microarray) in the principle, preparation, screening for materiobiology, and combination with other advanced technologies. The Compendium for Biomaterial Transcriptomics and high content imaging, computational simulations, and their translation toward commercial and clinical uses are highlighted. In the final section, current challenges and future perspectives are discussed. High-throughput experimentation within the field of materiobiology enables the elucidation of the relationships between biomaterial properties and biological behavior and thereby serves as a potential tool for accelerating the development of high-performance biomaterials