247 research outputs found

    Fungal respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis

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    Self-assembly of proteins into a three-dimensional multilayer system: investigation of the surface of the human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus.

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    Hydrophobins are small surface active proteins that fulfil a wide spectrum of functions in fungal growth and development. The human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus expresses RodA hydrophobins that self-assemble on the outer conidial surface into tightly organized nanorods known as rodlets. AFM investigation of the conidial surface allows us to evidence that RodA hydrophobins self-assemble into rodlets through bilayers. Within bilayers, hydrophilic domains of hydrophobins point inward, thus making a hydrophilic core, while hydrophobic domains point outward. AFM measurements reveal that several rodlet bilayers are present on the conidial surface thus showing that proteins self-assemble into a complex three-dimensional multilayer system. The self-assembly of RodA hydrophobins into rodlets results from attractive interactions between stacked β-sheets, which conduct to a final linear cross-β spine structure. A Monte Carlo simulation shows that anisotropic interactions are the main driving forces leading the hydrophobins to self-assemble into parallel rodlets, which are further structured in nanodomains. Taken together, these findings allow us to propose a mechanism, which conducts RodA hydrophobins to a highly ordered rodlet structure. The mechanism of hydrophobin assembly into rodlets offers new prospects for the development of more efficient strategies leading to disruption of rodlet formation allowing a rapid detection of the fungus by the immune system

    Constructive thinking skills and impulsivity dimensions in conduct and substance use disorders: differences and relationships in an adolescents' sample.

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    Impact of conduct disorder (CD) and substance use disorder (SUD) on constructive thinking skills and impulsivity was explored. 71 offending adolescents were assessed for CD and SUD. Furthermore, the constructive thinking inventory, the immediate and delayed memory tasks and the UPPS impulsive behaviour scale were administered. Results showed that youths with CD, independently from SUD, presented higher personality impulsivity (urgency) and altered constructive thinking skills (categorical thinking and personal superstitious thinking). Furthermore, trait-impulsivity explained variation in constructive thinking skills. The implications of these results were discussed

    Specific Contributions of Age of Onset, Callous-Unemotional Traits and Impulsivity to Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Youths with Conduct Disorders.

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    Youths with conduct disorders (CD) are particularly studied for their violent and aggressive behaviors. Many researchers considered aggressive behaviors as being either reactive or proactive. Moreover, factors such as age of CD onset, impulsivity, and callous-unemotional traits, separately, have been related to these different types of aggressive behaviors. However, very few studies addressed the combined contribution of these three factors on proactive and reactive aggression. This question was tested in a sample composed of 43 male adolescents with CD. A single regression analysis including all predictors and outcomes, using Bayesian statistics, was computed. Results indicated that impulsivity was related to reactive aggression, while CU traits were related to proactive aggression. These results suggest first, an important heterogeneity among youth with CD, probably leading to different trajectories and, second, that youths with callous-unemotional traits should receive special attention and care as they are more at risk for proactive aggression

    Use of Sysmex XE-2100 and XE-5000 hematology analyzers for the diagnosis of malaria in a nonendemic country (France).

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    INTRODUCTION: Most studies dealing with automated hematology analyzers (HAs) and malaria diagnosis are conducted in endemic countries. METHODS: We retrospectively studied cell blood counts (CBCs) performed with Sysmex XE-2100 and XE-5000 HAs in our center (Angers, France) regarding 67 patients returning from endemic areas and infected with various Plasmodium species. RESULTS: In 83% of infected samples with Plasmodium vivax (Pv), ovale (Po), or malariae (Pm), extra clouds of dots were present in neutrophil and/or eosinophil area(s) on routine differential (DIFF) scattergrams. In contrast, samples infected with Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) failed to show such DIFF scattergrams, or any other suggesting malaria infection (0/ 49 pts). Abnormal areas from DIFF scattergrams were related to the presence of mature schizonts and gametocytes, undestroyed by lysis agent, the latter not observed in Pf-infected patients from our series. The internal parameter WBC[DIFF] - WBC[BASO] raised in parallel to parasitemia in Pv, Po, and Pm samples but could not be used as a surrogate for parasitemia. In Pf infection, reticulocyte/ immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) ratio showed a significant correlation with parasitemia (P < 0.05). A diagnostic model developed for Pf in endemic countries showed sensitivity of 77%. CONCLUSION: Using SYSMEX analyzers, Pv, Po, and Pm infections are easy to ascertain as DIFF scattergrams are almost specific (specificity = 99.9%). Pf infection diagnosis by CBC may be a more promising tool