24 research outputs found

    The l-arginine/nitric oxide pathway is impaired in overweight/obese pregnant women

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    To evaluate the l-arginine/NO system and its role in insulin signaling and endothelial function during the pregnancy of women of different BMI categories

    Acupuncture in Postdate Pregnancy Management

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    Pharmacological labor induction is obtained through prostaglandins application and/or oxytocin infusion; however, the use seems to be related to fetal and maternal side effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine advocates the use of acupuncture to soften the cervix and induce uterine contractions. at which presented for The primary outcome was the rate of women admitted for labour induction in case of prolonged pregnancy at 41 + 5 weeks, and the secondary outcome was the rate of induction planning for other indications

    Gestational weight gain in overweight and obese women enrolled in a healthy lifestyle and eating habits program

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine whether changes in lifestyle in women with BMI > 25 could decrease gestational weight gain and unfavorable pregnancy outcomes. METHODS: Women with BMI > 25 were randomized at 1st trimester to no intervention or a Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Program including diet (overweight: 1700 kcal/day, obese: 1800 kcal/day) and mild physical activity (30 min/day, 3 times/week). At baseline and at the 36th week women filled-in a Food Frequency Questionnaire. OUTCOMES: gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension, preterm delivery. Data stratified by BMI categories. RESULTS: Socio-demographic features were similar between groups (TLC: 33 cases, CONTROLS: 28 cases). At term, gestational weight gain in obese women randomized to TLC group was lower (6.7 ± 4.3 kg) versus controls (10.1 ± 5.6 kg, p = 0.047). Gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension and preterm delivery were also significantly lower. TLC was an independent factor in preventing gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension. Significant changes in eating habits occurred in the TLC group, which increased the number of snacks, the intake of fruits-vegetables and decreased the consumption of sugar. CONCLUSIONS: A caloric restriction associated to changes in eating behavior and constant physical activity, is able to reduce gestational weight gain and related pregnancy complications in obese women.Objectives: To determine whether changes in lifestyle in women with BMI > 25 could decrease gestational weight gain and unfavorable pregnancy outcomes. Methods: Women with BMI > 25 were randomized at 1st trimester to no intervention or a Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Program including diet (overweight: 1700 kcal/day, obese: 1800 kcal/day) and mild physical activity (30 min/day, 3 times/week). At baseline and at the 36th week women filled-in a Food Frequency Questionnaire. Outcomes: gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension, preterm delivery. Data stratified by BMI categories. Results: Socio-demographic features were similar between groups (TLC: 33 cases, Controls: 28 cases). At term, gestational weight gain in obese women randomized to TLC group was lower (6.7 ± 4.3 kg) versus controls (10.1 ± 5.6 kg, p = 0.047). Gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension and preterm delivery were also significantly lower. TLC was an independent factor in preventing gestational weight gain, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension. Significant changes in eating habits occurred in the TLC group, which increased the number of snacks, the intake of fruits-vegetables and decreased the consumption of sugar. Conclusions: A caloric restriction associated to changes in eating behavior and constant physical activity, is able to reduce gestational weight gain and related pregnancy complications in obese women. © 2014 Informa UK Ltd

    Thu0349 autologous fat grafting in the treatment of patients with systemic sclerosis: current experience and future prospects

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    none13nomixedSpinella, Amelia; Pignatti, Marco; Citriniti, Giorgia; Lumetti, Federica; Cocchiara, Emanuele; Palermo, Adalgisa; Sighinolfi, Gianluca; Pacchioni, Lucrezia; Zaccaria, Giovanna; Lusetti, Irene Laura; Santis, Giorgio De; Salvarani, Carlo; Giuggioli, DiliaSpinella, Amelia; Pignatti, Marco; Citriniti, Giorgia; Lumetti, Federica; Cocchiara, Emanuele; Palermo, Adalgisa; Sighinolfi, Gianluca; Pacchioni, Lucrezia; Zaccaria, Giovanna; Lusetti, Irene Laura; Santis, Giorgio De; Salvarani, Carlo; Giuggioli, Dili

    Castor oil for induction of labour: a retrospective study

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the safety and efficacy of castor oil to induce labour

    Indagine di prevalenza sull'attivitĂ  fisica in gravidanza e i fattori ad essa correlati in un campione di donne della provincia di Modena.

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    INTRODUZIONE La gravidanza rappresenta un periodo durante il quale le donne possono essere più motivate a migliorare il proprio stile di vita. L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) e altre organizzazioni nazionali ed internazionali raccomandano la pratica di un’adeguata attività fisica sia prima che durante la gravidanza, in assenza di controindicazioni mediche. Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di valutare le abitudini delle donne in relazione all'attività fisica svolta prima e durante la gravidanza. MATERIALI E METODI Lo studio epidemiologico osservazionale trasversale ha coinvolto 390 donne in gravidanza (età media: 33±5 anni) arruolate presso l’U.O. di Ostetricia e Ginecologia dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria del Policlinico di Modena. Le informazioni relative all’attività fisica sono state raccolte mediante un questionario costruito ai fini dello studio. RISULTATI Delle 390 donne che hanno partecipato allo studio, solo il 35,1% delle donne (137) ha dichiarato di aver svolto attività fisica sia prima che durante la gravidanza. Prima della gravidanza 196 donne (50,3%) hanno svolto attività fisica e, tra queste, il 53,1% (104) ha praticato almeno 150 minuti di attività fisica a settimana come raccomandato dall'OMS. La ginnastica (33,2%) e le camminate (30,1%) rappresentano le attività maggiormente praticate. Durante la gravidanza 202 donne (51,8%) hanno dichiarato di aver svolto attività fisica: in particolare nel I trimestre 145 donne (71,8%) hanno fatto esercizio fisico, nel II trimestre 176 (87,1%) e nel III trimestre 167 (82,7%). Solamente 116 donne (57,4%) hanno praticato attività fisica in tutti e 3 i trimestri e solo 107 donne hanno raggiunto gli standard consigliati dall'OMS. Le attività più rappresentate durante la gravidanza sono le camminate (62,9%) e il nuoto (27,7%). La pratica regolare dell’attività fisica risulta influenzata da variabili demografiche (età, nazionalità, titolo di studio, attività lavorativa) e dalle condizioni di salute delle donne. CONCLUSIONI Sebbene la pratica dell’attività fisica prima e durante la gravidanza apporti dei benefici per la salute sia della mamma che del bambino, il numero di donne che svolgono regolare attività fisica durante la gravidanza risulta limitato. Appare, quindi, necessario individuare efficaci strategie di promozione di un corretto stile di vita in questa fascia di popolazione

    Management of complications caused by permanent fillers in the face: A treatment algorithm

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    Background: Nonresorbable substances are still injected to enhance soft-tissue volumes and fill subcutaneous defects. Inflammatory reactions (often termed granulomas) to these materials can be functionally and socially disabling. Most therapeutic options used until now are nonspecific antiinflammatory treatments, targeting an ill-defined immune reaction of undefined cause. The minimally invasive intralesional laser treatment can remove the foreign substance and the inflammatory reaction with an 808-nm diode laser. Methods: Two hundred nineteen consecutive patients referred from September of 2006 until June of 2013 for inflammatory reactions to permanent facial fillers and treated with this technique at the authors' institution with a minimum 6-month follow-up were studied. All patients were screened with an ultrasound soft-tissue examination and the lesions were classified as either cystic (implants inserted by bolus injections) or infiltrating (as in microdeposit injection). The authors' therapeutic approach is summarized in an algorithm: infiltrating patterns were treated with intralesional laser treatment alone, whereas cystic distribution cases were also drained through stab wound incisions. The mean patient age was 49 years (range, 23 to 72 years); 204 patients were women. Results: Partial improvement was obtained in 30 percent of patients, whereas 8 percent discontinued the treatment because of a lack of satisfaction. Lesions disappeared completely in 62 percent. Complications included transient swelling in all cases, hematoma in 2 percent, secondary sterile abscess in 9.5 percent, and minimal scarring in 10 percent. Conclusion: A problem-oriented systematic approach to inflammatory complications from permanent fillers is proposed, based on the comprehensive work from the past 7 years, with an overall improvement rate of 92 percent

    Sleep Deprivation, Immune Suppression and SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    Sleep health and its adaptation to individual and environmental factors are crucial to promote physical and mental well-being across animal species. In recent years, increasing evidence has been reported regarding the relationship between sleep and the immune system and how sleep disturbances may perturb the delicate balance with severe repercussions on health outcomes. For instance, experimental sleep deprivation studies in vivo have reported several major detrimental effects on immune health, including induced failure of host defense in rats and increased risk for metabolic syndrome (MetS) and immune suppression in humans. In addition, two novel risk factors for dysregulated metabolic physiology have recently been identified: sleep disruption and circadian misalignment. In light of these recent findings about the interplay between sleep and the immune system, in this review, we focus on the relationship between sleep deprivation and immunity against viruses, with a special interest in SARS-CoV-2 infection