16 research outputs found

    New insights and evidence on “Food Intolerances”: non-celiac gluten sensitivity and nickel allergic contact mucositis

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    The clinical examination of patients often comes across the observation of the existence of a close relationship between the ingestion of certain foods and the appearance of various symptoms. Until now, the occurrence of these events has been loosely defined as food intolerance. Today these conditions should more properly be called Adverse Food Reactions (AFRs) which can consist of the presentation of a wide variety of symptoms which are commonly identified as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) syndrome. In addition, systemic manifestations such as neurological, dermatological, joint and respiratory disorders may also occur in affected patients. Although the etiology and pathogenesis of some of them are already known, others, such as non-celiac gluten sensitivity and adverse reactions to nickel-containing foods, are not yet fully defined. The study was aimed at evaluating the relationship between the ingestion of some foods and the appearance of some symptoms, clinical improvement and detectable immunohistochemical alterations after a specific exclusion diet. One hundred and six consecutive patients suffering from meteorism, dyspepsia and nausea following the ingestion of foods containing gluten or nickel were subjected to the GSRS questionnaire, modified according to the "Salerno expert criteria". All patients underwent detection of IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase, oral mucosal patch test with gluten and nickel (OMPT), and EGDS including biopsies. Our data show that GSRS and OMPT, the use of APERIO CS2 software and the endothelial marker CD34 could be suggested as useful tools in the diagnostic procedure of these new pathologies. Larger, multi-center clinical trials could be helpful in defining these emerging clinical problems

    NOTCH3 inactivation increases triple negative breast cancer sensitivity to gefitinib by promoting EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation and its intracellular arrest.

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    Notch dysregulation has been implicated in numerous tumors, including triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which is the breast cancer subtype with the worst clinical outcome. However, the importance of individual receptors in TNBC and their specific mechanism of action remain to be elucidated, even if recent findings suggested a specific role of activated-Notch3 in a subset of TNBCs. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in TNBCs but the use of anti-EGFR agents (including tyrosine kinase inhibitors, TKIs) has not been approved for the treatment of these patients, as clinical trials have shown disappointing results. Resistance to EGFR blockers is commonly reported. Here we show that Notch3-specific inhibition increases TNBC sensitivity to the TKI-gefitinib in TNBC-resistant cells. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that Notch3 is able to regulate the activated EGFR membrane localization into lipid rafts microdomains, as Notch3 inhibition, such as rafts depletion, induces the EGFR internalization and its intracellular arrest, without involving receptor degradation. Interestingly, these events are associated with the EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation at Y1173 residue (but not at Y1068) by the protein tyrosine phosphatase H1 (PTPH1), thus suggesting its possible involvement in the observed Notch3-dependent TNBC sensitivity response to gefitinib. Consistent with this notion, a nuclear localization defect of phospho-EGFR is observed after combined blockade of EGFR and Notch3, which results in a decreased TNBC cell survival. Notably, we observed a significant correlation between EGFR and NOTCH3 expression levels by in silico gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis of human TNBC primary samples. Our findings strongly suggest that combined therapies of TKI-gefitinib with Notch3-specific suppression may be exploited as a drug combination advantage in TNBC treatment

    Atypical cellular neurothekeoma (ACN) of the elderly: case report and brief review of the literature

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    Atypical cellular neurothekeoma (ACN) is an aggressive and rare variant of cellular neurothekeoma. Only few cases have been reported in the literature and the biological behavior seems to be uncertain. We describe the case of an ACN presenting on the scalp of an elderly man, emphasizing the cytologic features of malignancy. In addition, we provide a brief overview of the literature and discuss the differential diagnosis with other entities, and the possible diagnostic pitfalls

    Novel compound mutations in the mitochondrial translation elongation factor (TSFM) gene cause severe cardiomyopathy with myocardial fibro-adipose replacement

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    Primary mitochondrial dysfunction is an under-appreciated cause of cardiomyopathy, especially when cardiac symptoms are the unique or prevalent manifestation of disease. Here, we report an unusual presentation of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy, with dilated phenotype and pathologic evidence of biventricular fibro-adipose replacement, in a 33-year old woman who underwent cardiac transplant. Whole exome sequencing revealed two novel compound heterozygous variants in the TSFM gene, coding for the mitochondrial translation elongation factor EF-Ts. This protein participates in the elongation step of mitochondrial translation by binding and stabilizing the translation elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu). Bioinformatics analysis predicted a destabilization of the EF-Ts variants complex with EF-Tu, in agreement with the dramatic steady-state level reduction of both proteins in the clinically affected myocardium, which demonstrated a combined respiratory chain enzyme deficiency. In patient fibroblasts, the decrease of EF-Ts was paralleled by up-regulation of EF-Tu and induction of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, along with increased expression of respiratory chain subunits and normal oxygen consumption rate. Our report extends the current picture of morphologic phenotypes associated with mitochondrial cardiomyopathies and confirms the heart as a main target of TSFM dysfunction. The compensatory response detected in patient fibroblasts might explain the tissue-specific expression of TSFM-associated disease

    Notch3 contributes to T-cell leukemia growth via regulation of the unfolded protein response

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    Unfolded protein response (UPR) is a conserved adaptive response that tries to restore protein homeostasis after endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Recent studies highlighted the role of UPR in acute leukemias and UPR targeting has been suggested as a therapeutic approach. Aberrant Notch signaling is a common feature of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), as downregulation of Notch activity negatively affects T-ALL cell survival, leading to the employment of Notch inhibitors in T-ALL therapy. Here we demonstrate that Notch3 is able to sustain UPR in T-ALL cells, as Notch3 silencing favored a Bip-dependent IRE1α inactivation under ER stress conditions, leading to increased apoptosis via upregulation of the ER stress cell death mediator CHOP. By using Juglone, a naturally occurring naphthoquinone acting as an anticancer agent, to decrease Notch3 expression and induce ER stress, we observed an increased ER stress-associated apoptosis. Altogether our results suggest that Notch3 inhibition may prevent leukemia cells from engaging a functional UPR needed to compensate the Juglone-mediated ER proteotoxic stress. Notably, in vivo administration of Juglone to human T-ALL xenotransplant models significantly reduced tumor growth, finally fostering the exploitation of Juglone-dependent Notch3 inhibition to perturb the ER stress/UPR signaling in Notch3-dependent T-ALL subsets

    Molecular profiling of male breast cancer by multigene panel testing: Implications for precision oncology

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    Introduction: Compared with breast cancer (BC) in women, BC in men is a rare disease with genetic and molecular peculiarities. Therapeutic approaches for male BC (MBC) are currently extrapolated from the clinical management of female BC, although the disease does not exactly overlap in males and females. Data on specific molecular biomarkers in MBC are lacking, cutting out male patients from more appropriate therapeutic strategies. Growing evidence indicates that Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) multigene panel testing can be used for the detection of predictive molecular biomarkers, including Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) and Microsatellite Instability (MSI). Methods: In this study, NGS multigene gene panel sequencing, targeting 1.94 Mb of the genome at 523 cancer-relevant genes (TruSight Oncology 500, Illumina), was used to identify and characterize somatic variants, Copy Number Variations (CNVs), TMB and MSI, in 15 Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) male breast cancer samples. Results and discussion: A total of 40 pathogenic variants were detected in 24 genes. All MBC cases harbored at least one pathogenic variant. PIK3CA was the most frequently mutated gene, with six (40.0%) MBCs harboring targetable PIK3CA alterations. CNVs analysis showed copy number gains in 22 genes. No copy number losses were found. Specifically, 13 (86.7%) MBCs showed gene copy number gains. MYC was the most frequently amplified gene with eight (53.3%) MBCs showing a median fold-changes value of 1.9 (range 1.8-3.8). A median TMB value of 4.3 (range 0.8-12.3) mut/Mb was observed, with two (13%) MBCs showing high-TMB. The median percentage of MSI was 2.4% (range 0-17.6%), with two (13%) MBCs showing high-MSI. Overall, these results indicate that NGS multigene panel sequencing can provide a comprehensive molecular tumor profiling in MBC. The identification of targetable molecular alterations in more than 70% of MBCs suggests that the NGS approach may allow for the selection of MBC patients eligible for precision/targeted therapy

    Genetic variants affecting NQO1 protein levels impact the efficacy of idebenone treatment in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy

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    Idebenone, the only approved treatment for Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), promotes recovery of visual function in up to 50% of patients, but we can neither predict nor understand the non -responders. Idebenone is reduced by the cytosolic NAD(P)H oxidoreductase I (NQO1) and directly shuttles electrons to respiratory complex III, bypassing complex I affected in LHON. We show here that two polymorphic variants drastically reduce NQO1 protein levels when homozygous or compound heterozygous. This hampers idebenone reduction. In its oxidized form, idebenone inhibits complex I, decreasing respiratory function in cells. By retrospectively analyzing a large cohort of idebenone-treated LHON patients, classified by their response to therapy, we show that patients with homozygous or compound heterozygous NQO1 variants have the poorest therapy response, particularly if carrying the m.3460G>A/MT-ND1 LHON mutation. These results suggest consideration of patient NQO1 genotype and mitochondrial DNA mutation in the context of idebenone therapy

    Overexpression in metastatic breast cancer supports Syndecan-1 as a marker of invasiveness and poor prognosis

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    Background Metastasis is the main cause of breast cancer (BC) mortality. Increasing evidence points to a role of syndecan-1 (CD138) expression as a prognostic marker involved in BC tissue and leptomeningeal metastasis. Aim of this study was to investigate and compare syndecan-1 tissue expression and localization in primary and secondary BC, focusing on brain metastases. Methods Syndecan-1 expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Focal vs diffuse (< or > 50% of cancer cells, respectively) pattern of expression, cellular localization (cytoplasm vs membrane) and intensity of immunostaining on neoplastic cells were evaluated. Moreover, the extent and pattern of expression of syndecan-1 were compared between primary tumors and paired metastases and correlated with the tumor intrinsic subtype. Results A total of 23 cases, 10 with paired primary and metastatic tumor and 13 brain metastases, were evaluated. Syndecan-1 was expressed in both primary and metastatic BC. A diffuse cytoplasmic expression was observed in most primary BCs; by contrast, all metastatic lesions showed a membrane pattern of expression, suggesting a shift in cellular localization of syndecan-1 during the metastatic process. Concerning the extent of expression, we observed in metastatic lesions, a trend of association between intrinsic subtypes and extent of positivity. In particular, both BC characterized by overexpression of HER2 and triple-negative tumors were correlated with a diffuse pattern of expression with a moderate to strong intensity. Conclusion A diffuse cytoplasmic expression was observed in most primary BCs; by contrast, all metastatic lesions showed a membrane pattern of expression, suggesting a shift in cellular localization of syndecan-1 during the metastatic process

    Exogenous peptides are able to penetrate human cell and mitochondrial membranes, stabilize mitochondrial tRNA structures, and rescue severe mitochondrial defects

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    Mutations in mitochondrial transfer RNA (mt-tRNA) genes are responsible for a wide range of syndromes, for which no effective treatment is available. We previously reported that transfection of the nucleotide sequence encoding for the 16-residue β32_33 peptide from mitochondrial leucyl-tRNA synthetase ameliorates the cell phenotype caused by the mitochondrial tRNA mutations. In this work, we demonstrated that both the β32_33 peptide linked with the known (L)-Phe-(D)-Arg-(L)-Phe-(L)-Lys (FrFK) mitochondrial penetrating sequence and, strikingly, the β32_33 peptide per se, are able to penetrate both the plasma and mitochondrial membranes and exert the rescuing activity when exogenously administered to cells bearing the mutations m.3243A > G and m.8344A > G. These mutations are responsible for the most common and severe mt-tRNA-related diseases. In addition, we dissected the molecular determinants of constructs activity by showing that both the order of amino acids along the sequence and presence of positive charges are essential determinants of the peptide activity in cells and mt-tRNA structures stabilization in vitro. In view of future in vivo studies, this information may be required to design of β32_33 peptide-mimetic derivatives. The β32_33 and FrFK-β32_33 peptides are, therefore, promising molecules for the development of therapeutic agents against diseases caused by the mt-tRNA point mutations

    Anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase-related myositis and dermatomyositis: clues for differential diagnosis on muscle biopsy

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    Anti-synthetase syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by autoantibodies toward amino acyl-tRNA synthetases (ARS), anti-Jo 1 being the most commonly detected. Muscle damage develops in up to 90% of ARS-positive patients, characterized by a necrotizing myositis restricted to the perifascicular region. This topographic distribution of muscle damage may lead to a misdiagnosis of dermatomyositis (DM) at muscle biopsy. We compared morphological, immunohistochemical, and histoenzymatic features of muscle from ARS-positive patients (n = 11) with those of DM (n = 7) providing clues for their differential diagnosis. In addition, we evaluated markers of mitochondrial damage to provide a further distinction between these two entities. Necrosis occurred in the majority of ARS patients, mainly located in the perifascicular region. It was often limited to small foci of fibers, always associated with myocyte regeneration. This last often overwhelmed necrosis, representing occasionally the main finding. In DM, necrosis/regeneration was scarce while the peculiar feature was a diffuse atrophy of perifascicular fibers. These last showed decreased cytochrome c oxidase (COX) stain and mitochondrial DNA depletion, consistent with mitochondrial dysfunction. In contrast to DM, ARS displayed scattered COX-deficient fibers, not restricted to the perifascicular region. This feature occurred in up to 91% of patients, being prominent only in two