18 research outputs found

    The induced saturation problem for posets

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    For a fixed poset PP, a family F\mathcal F of subsets of [n][n] is induced PP-saturated if F\mathcal F does not contain an induced copy of PP, but for every subset SS of [n][n] such that S∉F S\not \in \mathcal F, then PP is an induced subposet of F{S}\mathcal F \cup \{S\}. The size of the smallest such family F\mathcal F is denoted by sat(n,P)\text{sat}^* (n,P). Keszegh, Lemons, Martin, P\'alv\"olgyi and Patk\'os [Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 2021] proved that there is a dichotomy of behaviour for this parameter: given any poset PP, either sat(n,P)=O(1)\text{sat}^* (n,P)=O(1) or sat(n,P)log2n\text{sat}^* (n,P)\geq \log _2 n. In this paper we improve this general result showing that either sat(n,P)=O(1)\text{sat}^* (n,P)=O(1) or sat(n,P)2n2\text{sat}^* (n,P) \geq 2 \sqrt{n-2}. Our proof makes use of a Tur\'an-type result for digraphs. Curiously, it remains open as to whether our result is essentially best possible or not. On the one hand, a conjecture of Ivan states that for the so-called diamond poset \Diamond we have sat(n,)=Θ(n)\text{sat}^* (n,\Diamond)=\Theta (\sqrt{n}); so if true this conjecture implies our result is tight up to a multiplicative constant. On the other hand, a conjecture of Keszegh, Lemons, Martin, P\'alv\"olgyi and Patk\'os states that given any poset PP, either sat(n,P)=O(1)\text{sat}^* (n,P)=O(1) or sat(n,P)n+1\text{sat}^*(n,P)\geq n+1. We prove that this latter conjecture is true for a certain class of posets PP.Comment: 12 page

    rr-cross tt-intersecting families via necessary intersection points

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    Given integers r2r\geq 2 and n,t1n,t\geq 1 we call families F1,,FrP([n])\mathcal{F}_1,\dots,\mathcal{F}_r\subseteq\mathscr{P}([n]) rr-cross tt-intersecting if for all FiFiF_i\in\mathcal{F}_i, i[r]i\in[r], we have i[r]Fit\vert\bigcap_{i\in[r]}F_i\vert\geq t. We obtain a strong generalisation of the classic Hilton-Milner theorem on cross intersecting families. In particular, we determine the maximum of j[r]Fj\sum_{j\in [r]}\vert\mathcal{F}_j\vert for rr-cross tt-intersecting families in the cases when these are kk-uniform families or arbitrary subfamilies of P([n])\mathscr{P}([n]). Only some special cases of these results had been proved before. We obtain the aforementioned theorems as instances of a more general result that considers measures of rr-cross tt-intersecting families. This also provides the maximum of j[r]Fj\sum_{j\in [r]}\vert\mathcal{F}_j\vert for families of possibly mixed uniformities k1,,krk_1,\ldots,k_r.Comment: 13 page

    On oriented cycles in randomly perturbed digraphs

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    In 2003, Bohman, Frieze, and Martin initiated the study of randomly perturbed graphs and digraphs. For digraphs, they showed that for every α>0\alpha>0, there exists a constant CC such that for every nn-vertex digraph of minimum semi-degree at least αn\alpha n, if one adds CnCn random edges then asymptotically almost surely the resulting digraph contains a consistently oriented Hamilton cycle. We generalize their result, showing that the hypothesis of this theorem actually asymptotically almost surely ensures the existence of every orientation of a cycle of every possible length, simultaneously. Moreover, we prove that we can relax the minimum semi-degree condition to a minimum total degree condition when considering orientations of a cycle that do not contain a large number of vertices of indegree 11. Our proofs make use of a variant of an absorbing method of Montgomery.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Author accepted manuscript, to appear in Combinatorics, Probability and Computin

    Números de Turán en coloreos promedio para grafos completos

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    Ingeniero Civil MatemáticoUn coloreo de aristas de un grafo se llama γ-promedio si es que el número promedio de colores incidentes a cada vértice es a lo más γ. Dados n, m enteros positivos y γ un real positivo, el número de Turán promedio coloreado T(n, K_m, γ-promedio) corresponde a la máxima cantidad de aristas que puede tener un grafo de n vértices de manera que exista un coloreo γ-promedio que no contenga ninguna copia monocromática de K_m. Esta noción fue introducida por Caro, quien observa que la expansión (blow-up) de un grafo completo γ-promedio coloreado sin copias monocromáticas de K_m también es γ-promedio coloreado y tampoco posee copias monocromáticas de K_m. Con ello, Caro se pregunta de si el máximo de aristas buscado se alcanza en la expansión de un grafo completo γ-promedio coloreado que maximice el número de vértices bajo la condición de no contener una copia monocromática de K_m (un coloreo extremal para el número de Ramsey γ-promedio). Yuster probó que la respuesta es afirmativa para el caso m=3 y γ=2, y además conjeturó que la respuesta es siempre afirmativa para todos los γ = ℓ ∈ N. En la presente memoria se demuestra esta conjetura de Yuster cuando m >= ℓ(ℓ+1)+1. Por otro lado, se demuestra también que la respuesta a la pregunta de Caro es negativa para un conjunto no numerable de valores de γ ∉ N

    Hypergraphs with arbitrarily small codegree Tur\'an density

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    Let k3k\geq 3. Given a kk-uniform hypergraph HH, the minimum codegree δ(H)\delta(H) is the largest dNd\in\mathbb{N} such that every (k1)(k-1)-set of V(H)V(H) is contained in at least dd edges. Given a kk-uniform hypergraph FF, the codegree Tur\'an density γ(F)\gamma(F) of FF is the smallest γ[0,1]\gamma \in [0,1] such that every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with δ(H)(γ+o(1))n\delta(H)\geq (\gamma + o(1))n contains a copy of FF. Similarly as other variants of the hypergraph Tur\'an problem, determining the codegree Tur\'an density of a hypergraph is in general notoriously difficult and only few results are known. In this work, we show that for every ε>0\varepsilon>0, there is a kk-uniform hypergraph FF with 0<γ(F)<ε0<\gamma(F)<\varepsilon. This is in contrast to the classical Tur\'an density, which cannot take any value in the interval (0,k!/kk)(0,k!/k^k) due to a fundamental result by Erd\H{o}s.Comment: 12 page

    Cycle decompositions in 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    We show that 33-graphs on nn vertices whose codegree is at least (2/3+o(1))n(2/3 + o(1))n can be decomposed into tight cycles and admit Euler tours, subject to the trivial necessary divisibility conditions. We also provide a construction showing that our bounds are best possible up to the o(1)o(1) term. All together, our results answer in the negative some recent questions of Glock, Joos, K\"uhn, and Osthus.Comment: 28 pages, fixed small errors in references and compilatio