21 research outputs found

    A century of codification of the cooperative law in Poland

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    This article aims to present the evolution of Polish cooperative law, primarily using the historical method. The Act on cooperatives was passed on 29 October 1920 and entered into force on 1 January 1921. Its provisions concerning the auditing of cooperatives, audit associations and the Cooperative Council were sub­stantially amended by the Act of 13 March 1934, which began the process of subordinating cooperatives and au­dit associations to state authorities. Further changes, which increased this subordination to an even greater ex­tent, were introduced after the Second World War and led to the outright nationalisation of Polish cooperatives. The Act on cooperatives was repealed by the Act of 17 February 1961 on cooperatives and their associations. In turn, the Act on cooperatives and their associations was repealed by the Act of 16 September 1982 – Cooperative Law, which saw several amendments. The provisions of the Cooperative Law were amended by the Act of 7 July 1994 amending the Cooperative Law and certain other acts. The Act of 3 June 2005 amending the Act on Hous­ing Cooperatives and certain other acts introduced significant changes to the Cooperative Law as well

    Growth and Timber Quality of European Larch Planted in Areas Reclaimed After Coal Mining in Central Poland

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    Understanding the impact of reclamation measures on the quality of timber produced in post-mining areas is crucial for the proper establishment of future forest cultures on such sites. We studied European larch trees (Larix decidua Mill.) grown since 1981 on the external dump of a brown coal mine in Bełchatów (Central Poland). In particular, the effects of stand admixture and the intensity of mineral fertilization, applied in the initial phase of tree growth, on the increments and quality of larch wood were evaluated. Total tree height and stem diameter of 4-meter sections were measured. Qualitative timber classification took into account the share of wood defects, which excluded the timber from a higher quality-dimensional class. Larch trees grown in a monoculture had a better quality of wood compared to larch grown mixed with other species. Fertilization, applied in the initial afforestation period, had only a limited effect on the growth of larch trees. Curvature and knots determined timber quality most significantly. While knots had a decisive importance in larch growing in the monoculture stands, curvature determined wood quality in the admixed larch stands

    The occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors and functioning in chronic illness in the Polish population of EUROASPIRE V

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of cardiovascular risk on the functioning of patients without a history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Methods: Two hundred patients diagnosed with arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or diabetes were enrolled in the study. The median age was 52.0 years (interquartile range [IQR] 43.0–60.0). The following risk factors were assessed: blood pressure, body mass index, waist circumference, physical activity, smoking, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting plasma glucose concentration. Total cardiovascular risk was determined as the number of uncontrolled risk factors, and with the Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation Score (SCORE). The Functioning in the Chronic Illness Scale (FCIS) was applied to assess the physical and mental functioning of patients. Results: The median number of measures of cardiovascular risk factors was 4.0 (IQR 3.0–5.0). The median of SCORE for the whole study population was 2.0 (IQR 1.0–3.0). Patients with lower total cardiovascular risk as defined by SCORE and number of uncontrolled risk factors had better functioning as reflected by higher FCIS (R = –0.315, p < 0.0001; R = –0.336, p < 0.0001, respectively). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified abnormal blood pressure, abnormal waist circumference, tobacco smoking, and lack of regular physical activity to be negative predictors of functioning. Lack of regular physical activity was the only predictor of low FCIS total score (odds ratio 9.26, 95% confidence interval 1.19–71.77, p = 0.03). Conclusions: The functioning of patients worsens as the total cardiovascular risk increases. Each of the risk factors affects the functioning of subjects without coronary artery disease with different strength, with physical activity being the strongest determinant of patient functioning

    Early administration of LEvosimendan in Patients witH decompensAted chroNic hearT failure (ELEPHANT) study. Rationale and protocol of the study

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    Dobutamine and levosimendan are both indicated for inotropic support in acute decompensated heart failure (HF). The study aimed to assess the impact of early administration of levosimendan (first iv therapeutic approach) versus dobutamine (first iv therapeutic approach) on in-hospital treatment expenses and clinical outcomes in patients with decompensated chronic HF. The ELEPHANT study was designed as a phase III, multicentre, randomized 1:1, double-blind, active-controlled trial that will include patients admitted to the hospital due to HF decompensation. Co-primary endpoints were defined as total in-hospital expenses/survivor and duration of hospitalization/survivor. Secondary efficacy endpoints: on the last day of hospitalization: occurrence of treatment side effects, body weight change during hospitalization, BNP change during hospitalization, in-hospital mortality, additional levosimendan administration due to the ineffectiveness of the initial treatment. Patients will be randomized 1:1 to the active group receiving continuous infusion 24 h of levosimendan 0.1 μg/kg/min or to the control group receiving continuous infusion 24 h of dobutamine 3 μg/kg/min. After the enrolment of 20 patients, results analysis will be performed (pilot phase — single centre). Based on this analysis conducted according to the intention-to-treat principle, the final population size will be defined. The multicentre phase of the study will be initiated after the pilot phase

    Століття кодифікації кооперативного права в Польщі

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    This article aims to present the evolution of Polish cooperative law, primarily using the historical method. The Act on cooperatives was passed on 29 October 1920 and entered into force on 1 January 1921. Its provisions concerning the auditing of cooperatives, audit associations and the Cooperative Council were substantially amended by the Act of 13 March 1934, which began the process of subordinating cooperatives and audit associations to state authorities. Further changes, which increased this subordination to an even greater extent, were introduced after the Second World War and led to the outright nationalisation of Polish cooperatives. The Act on cooperatives was repealed by the Act of 17 February 1961 on cooperatives and their associations. In turn, the Act on cooperatives and their associations was repealed by the Act of 16 September 1982 – Cooperative Law, which saw several amendments. The provisions of the Cooperative Law were amended by the Act of 7 July 1994 amending the Cooperative Law and certain other acts. The Act of 3 June 2005 amending the Act on Housing Cooperatives and certain other acts introduced significant changes to the Cooperative Law as well.Метою статті є представити еволюцію польського кооперативного права. Для цілей міркувань використано історичний метод. Закон про кооперативи був прийнятий 29 жовтня 1920 р. і набув чинності 1 січня 1921 р. Положення закону про кооперативи про ревізію кооперативів, ревізійних спілок і кооперативної ради були суттєво змінені актом від 13 березня 1934 р., який започаткував процес підпорядкування кооперативів і ревізійних спілок державним органам. Подальші зміни, які значно більше підпорядковували кооперативи та спілки органoм держави, були запроваджені після Другої світової війни і фактично призвели до націоналізації польського кооперативного руху. Закон про кооперативи був скасований законом від 17 лютого 1961 р. про кооперативи та їх об'єднання. Закон про кооперативи та їх спілки був скасований законом від 16 вересня 1982 р. – Кооперативнe правo. Закон про кооперативне правo неодноразово змінювався. Положення Закон – Кооперативнe правo був змінений Законом від 7 липня 1994 року про внесення змін до Закону – Кооперативнe правo та деяких актів. Закон від 3 червня 2005 року про внесення змін до закону про житловi кооперативи та деякі інші акти вніс значні зміни до закону – Кооперативнe правo.Цель данной статьи – представить эволюцию польского кооперативного права. Для целей проведенного анализа был использован исторический метод. Закон о кооперативах был принят 29 октября 1920 года и вступил в силу 1 января 1921 года. Положения Закона о кооперативах, о ревизии кооперативов, ревизионных союзов и Кооперативного cовета были существенно изменены Законом от 13 марта 1934 года, который начал процесс подчинения кооперативов и ревизионных союзов государственным органам. Последующие изменения, которые в гораздо большей степени подчинили кооперативы и ревизионные союзы государственным органам, были введены после Второй мировой войны и фактически привели к национализации польских кооперативов. Закон о кооперативах был отменен Законом о кооперативах и их союзах от 17 февраля 1961 года. Закон о кооперативах и их союзах был отменен Законом от 16 сентября 1982 года – Кооперативное право. В Закон Кооперативное право неоднократно вносились поправки. Положения закона Кооперативное право были изменены Законом от 7 июля 1994 года о внесении изменений в Закон Кооперативное право и внесении изменений в некоторые законы. Закон от 3 июня 2005 года о внесении изменений в Закон о жилищных кооперативах и некоторые другие законы внес очень существенные изменения в закон Кооперативное право.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie ewolucji polskiego prawa spółdzielczego. Na potrzeby podjętych rozważań odwołano się do metody historycznej. Ustawa o spółdzielniach została uchwalona 29 października 1920 r., zaś weszła w życie 1 stycznia 1921 r. Przepisy ustawy o spółdzielniach o rewizji spółdzielni, związkach rewizyjnych i Radzie Spółdzielczej zostały istotnie zmienione przez ustawę z dnia 13 marca 1934 r., która rozpoczęła proces podporządkowania spółdzielni i związków rewizyjnych organom państwa. Kolejne zmiany, które w znacznie większym stopniu podporządkowały spółdzielnie i związki rewizyjne organom państwa, zostały wprowadzone po II wojnie światowej i prowadziły faktycznie do upaństwowienia polskiej spółdzielczości. Ustawa o spółdzielniach została uchylona przez ustawę z dnia 17 lutego 1961 r. o spółdzielniach i ich związkach. Ustawa o spółdzielniach i ich związkach została uchylona przez ustawę z dnia 16 września 1982 r. – Prawo spółdzielcze. Ustawa Prawo spółdzielcze była wielokrotnie nowelizowana. Przepisy ustawy Prawo spółdzielcze zostały zmienione przez ustawę z dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. o zmianie ustawy – Prawo spółdzielcze oraz o zmianie niektórych ustaw. Ustawa z dnia 3 czerwca 2005 r. o zmianie ustawy o spółdzielniach mieszkaniowych oraz niektórych innych ustaw wprowadziła bardzo istotne zmiany w ustawie Prawo spółdzielcze

    A few remarks of the legal character of actions establishing and negating the origin of the child, and actions for determining paternity to be void

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    Artykuł dedykuję Panu Prof. dr. hab. Mieczysławowi Goettelowi.Polish lawyers are discussing the nature of the matters concerning the origin of the child (actions for establishing the motherhood or the fatherhood, actions for the denial of the motherhood or the fatherhood, action for establishing ineff ectiveness of the recognition of fatherhood). Some are in favor of their declarative character, others – for constitutive character. According to the author of this article, all exchanged actions are constitutive. Th ey are „declarative” only in the sense that they either confi rm or deny the biological origin of the child from the mother or the [email protected] Pietrzykowski – Professor at the Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. Judge of the Supreme Court of Poland, Civil Law Division.Krzysztof Pietrzykowski – profesor zwyczajny w Katedrze Prawa Handlowego Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, sędzia Sądu Najwyższego w Izbie Cywilnej.Uniwersytet WarszawskiJakubecki A., Charakter powództw o ustalenie i zaprzeczenie pochodzenia dziecka oraz o ustalenie bezskuteczności uznania ojcostwa, „Polski Proces Cywilny” 2011, nr 3.Oszkinis B., Charakter prawny powództw o ustalenie macierzyństwa, „Monitor Prawniczy” 2012, nr 1.Pietrzykowski K., Powództwo o zaprzeczenie macierzyństwa, „Nowe Prawo” 1977, nr 7-8.Pietrzykowski K., Zakres stosowania konstrukcji nadużycia prawa w sprawach o prawa stanu cywilnego, „Studia Prawnicze” 1988, nr 3.Pietrzykowski K., (w:) K. Pietrzykowski (red.), Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy. Komentarz, 4 wyd., Warszawa 2015.223111

    Teoria wykładni prawa cywilnego według Eugeniusza Waśkowskiego

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    The article contains the presentation monograph of Eugene Waśkowski (published in 1936) on the theory of interpretation of civil law. Waśkowski is a supporter of the traditional theory of interpretation that favors legal certainty. His remarks about the equity and the principle of clara non sunt interpretanda often inspire discussion

    Changes in Physical and Water Retention Properties of Technosols by Agricultural Reclamation with Wheat–Rapeseed Rotation in a Post-Mining Area of Central Poland

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    During opencast lignite mining, the natural landscape is damaged, along with soils, and new anthropogenic landforms are created which require reclamation. Usually, the evaluation of the effects of reclamation (mostly forestry) is concerned with changes in chemical properties in the first years, mainly in the surface horizon. This study analyzed the effect of long-term agricultural reclamation (43 years) on the physical and water retention properties of Technosols. The experiment involved cultivation of winter wheat and winter oilseed rape under 3 fertilization variants. After 43 years, an Ap horizon (Ap1 and Ap2) developed in fertilized Technosols, but was not clearly formed in unfertilized minesoil. In Ap1, there was improvement in the physical quality (S), bulk density (BD), particle density (PD), structural stability index (SI), soil porosity (SP), air-filled porosity (AFP), field capacity (FC) and plant available water capacity (PAWC). In Ap2, properties were comparable to those in the surface horizon of unfertilized Technosols and to those observed before reclamation. Regardless of fertilization, there was deterioration in physical quality in parent materials. In general, the properties of fertilized Technosols have improved in the surface horizons, but increasing fertilization above plant requirements does not lead to their further enhancement

    A comparison of the selected properties of macrostructure and density of wood of scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on various mine soil substrates

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    The research was conducted on the external spoil heap of the ‘Piaseczno’ Sulphur Mine (southern Poland). This paper is aimed to compare the selected properties of macrostructure and density of wood of Scots pine trees planted onto the external spoil heap of the mine, in the scope of forest reclamation, depending on the soil substrate and employed reclamation treatments. The annual rings of pine trees on the Quaternary sands and Tertiary Krakowieckie clays (S&C) were significantly wider than those of the individuals on the Quaternary loose sands (S) and Quaternary sands and Tertiary clays after an intense initial fertilization (F). However, the share of latewood zone and density of wood of the pine trees growing on the substrate F were significantly greater in comparison to those of substrates S and S&C