111 research outputs found

    Challenges and opportunities in biodiversity conservation on private land : an institutional perspective from Central Europe and North America

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    Private land is gradually emerging as a global biodiversity conservation strategy for its potential to complement the existing protected area model in its attempt to halt the global biodiversity loss. However, involving private lands in conserving a public good face continuous challenges. While examining landowners’ motivations for conserving their land is imperative to its success, it is equally important to assess how other stakeholder groups perceive private land conservation. In order to capture the diversity and contrasts in implementing private land conservation, this research focuses on investigating the managerial perspectives on the status of private land conservation in two countries: USA and Poland. The paper presents the results of twenty five in-depth interviews that were conducted in the two countries. The US context, with a longer history and experience, captured complex interactions and factors that influence private land conservation, including role of conservation policies, civic sector organizations, stakeholder collaboration, technical and financial support, and nonmonetary motivations of landowners. The Polish context however, was limited to the regulatory model and as such did not differentiate private land conservation from traditional protected areas. Additionally, the lack of voluntary initiatives along with adequate policies and lack of awareness on private land conservation at a national and local level contributed to limited scope and understanding on the subject. The two case studies highlight the context dependency of such a strategy and bring to focus some of the factors that should be addressed while adopting conservation on private land as a biodiversity conservation strategy

    Emerging multilevel environmental governance – A case of public participation in Poland

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    AbstractIn recent decades, nature conservation policies have increasingly considered the participation of various actors. However, the effectiveness of such efforts is often questionable, and better methods of engaging stakeholders are still being sought. In this paper, we present an analysis of a consultation program conducted in the final stage of site selection for Natura 2000 in Małopolska, a region located in southern Poland. Based on a desk study and qualitative research, we analysed the modes and degrees of participation, the normative foundations of the consultation program, and the goals and expectations that characterise participants. The results are discussed using Unnestall's and Arnstein's typologies of participation, which show the limited success of the participatory process in representing all relevant stakeholders and enabling their actual influence on final decisions. The importance of implementing the EU directives for emerging multilevel governance in the nature conservation sector in Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, is highlighted. In the context of Poland, the consultation program analysed appeared to be a novel and innovative step forward towards the development of a meaningful participatory approach in this region of Europe

    Is there an easier way to differentiate phases of Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women?

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    Background Precise detection of the moment of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in a pregnant woman plays a key role in determining the risk of transmission to the foetus. Diagnostic examination for toxoplasmosis performed in a pregnant woman should be performed as soon as possible, best before the planned pregnancy and in the beginning of the 1st trimester. Sometimes the first toxoplasma screening is only done later in pregnancy or close to term, when even the lack of specific IgM and high IgG avidity using traditional immunodiagnostic methods with native antigen does not allow to exclude early T. gondii infection with 100% certainty. Furthermore, diagnosis of acute toxoplasma infection often requires collection of two blood samples in 2-3 week period and demonstration of significant rise in IgG titres. The aim of the study was to show the possibilities of using recomLineToxoplasma test based on recombinant antigens and immunoblot technique in detection of the time of infection in pregnant women, incl. the risk of the transmission to the foetus, and differentiation of acute vs. chronic or past infection. Materials/methods Patients analysed consisted of women between ages 26-35, in whom IgG, IgM presence/titers and IgG avidity was tested using ELISA-VIDITEST Toxo IgG/IgM (Vidia) and ELISA Avidity-TOXO (EUROIMMUNE). In each patient, presence of IgG and IgM was tested additionally for recombinant T. gondii antigens: ROP1c, MIC3, GRA7, GRA8, p30, MAG1, GRA1, rSAG1 and IgG avidity for p30, MAG1, GRA1, and rSAG1 using recomLine Toxoplasma test (Mikrogen). Results were read automatically and interpreted with BLOTrix-Leader and phases of infection (I, II, III, IV) were determined according to test producer’s instructions. To show the usefulness of the test we selected 3 different patients. Results In the first patient in her 32 week of pregnancy, standard ELISA testing showed border values for IgM (1.0), positive IgG (192 IU/ml) and high IgG avidity (87%). recomLine test results were as follows: positive IgM for ROP1c, high IgG avidity to p30 and GRA1 and low to rSAG1, and pointed to II phase of infection (last 3-6 months), which correlated to acute toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, having in mind the 32 hbd. In the second patient (30 hbd), standard ELISA testing showed IgG of 198 IU/ml, no IgM and IgG avidity of 80%. recomLine test showed high IgG avidity to p30, MAG1, GRA1 and rSAG1 as well as IgM, which confirmed chronic infection (IV phase of infection; > 12 months) and excluded toxoplasma infection in pregnancy. In the third patient (17 hbd), standard ELISA showed specific IgM (1.7), IgG (187 IU/ml) and borderline avidity of 47%. recomLine test results showed: positive IgM for ROP1c and GRA8 and low IgG avidity to p30 and GRA1, which in fact pointed to the I phase of infection (0-3 months since examination), and confirmed the risk of possible foetal transmission. Results are shown in Fig.1. Conclusion recomLine Toxoplasma test, which is based on recombinant antigens, facilitates differentiation of acute from chronic T. gondii infection and allows to determine the time since infection and the risk of transmission to the foetus, without the need to collect consecutive blood samples. It may be useful especially in pregnant women, who only have their first diagnostic toxoplasma screening done in the II or III trimester of pregnancy. Figure 1. Results of standard ELISA vs. recombinant antigen testing for Toxoplasma gondii in 3 pregnant patients. Legend: hbd (hebdomas), i.e. week of pregnancy

    „Ostałówek. Miejsce wspólne” – projekt animacyjny inspirowany doświadczeniami etnograficznymi

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    „Ostałówek. A common place” – an animation project inspired by ethnographic experiences The article is an overview of activities undertaken by means of cultural animation, based on previous deepened ethnographic research. It refers to the matter of using anthropology as an instrument to stimulate societies endangered with exclusion. Th e project „Ostałówek. A common place”, carried out in one of the villages in Radomszczyzna (near Szydłowiec), was introduced as an example

    Evaluation of the activity of thermostable DNA polymerases in the presence of heme, as a key inhibitor in the real time PCR method in diagnostics of sepsis

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    The study aim was evaluation of the usefulness of several thermostable DNA polymerases in real time PCR conducted in the presence of the heme. Our study had the advantage of testing several different polymerases, one of which proved to be the least sensitive to heme activity. We also found that there is no need of supplementing the reaction mixture with protective substances like BSA. Selection of the appropriate polymerase can increase the efficiency of the PCR reaction which is very important for diagnosis of sepsis and for other analyses performed on DNA template isolated from the blood

    Comparison of methods for isolation of bacterial and fungal DNA from human blood

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    The study aimed at optimization of DNA isolation from blood of representatives of four microbial groups causing sepsis, i.e., Gram negative: Escherichia coli, Gram positive: Staphylococcus aureus, yeast: Candida albicans, and filamentous fungus: Aspergillus fumigatus. Additionally, the five commercial kits for microbial DNA isolation from the blood were tested. The developed procedure of DNA isolation consisted of three consecutive steps, i.e., mechanical disruption, chemical lysis, and thermal lysis. Afterward, DNA was isolated from the previously prepared samples (erythrocyte lysis) with the use of five commercial kits for DNA isolation. They were compared paying heed to detection limit, concentration, DNA purity, and heme concentration in samples. The isolation of DNA without preliminary erythrocyte lysis resulted in far higher heme concentration than when lysis was applied. In the variant with erythrocyte lysis, two of the commercial kits were most effective in purifying the DNA extract from heme. Designed procedure allowed obtaining microbial DNA from all four groups of pathogens under study in the amount sufficient to conduct the rtPCR reaction, which aimed at detecting them in the blood

    Comparison of nested, multiplex, qPCR; FISH; SeptiFast and blood culture methods in detection and identification of bacteria and fungi in blood of patients with sepsis

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    BACKGROUND: Microbiological diagnosis of sepsis relies primarily on blood culture data. This study compares four diagnostic methods, i.e. those developed by us: nested, multiplex, qPCR (qPCR) and FISH with commercial methods: SeptiFast (Roche) (SF) and BacT/ALERT® 3D blood culture system (bioMérieux). Blood samples were derived from adult patients with clinical symptoms of sepsis, according to SIRS criteria, hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. RESULTS: Using qPCR, FISH, SF, and culture, microbial presence was found in 71.8%, 29.6%, 25.3%, and 36.6% of samples, respectively. It was demonstrated that qPCR was significantly more likely to detect microorganisms than the remaining methods; qPCR confirmed the results obtained with the SF kit in all cases wherein bacteria were detected with simultaneous confirmation of Gram-typing. All data collected through the FISH method were corroborated by qPCR. CONCLUSIONS: The qPCR and FISH methods described in this study may constitute alternatives to blood culture and to the few existing commercial molecular assays since they enable the detection of the majority of microbial species, and the qPCR method allows their identification in a higher number of samples than the SF test. FISH made it possible to show the presence of microbes in a blood sample even before its culture

    Potrzeby i warunki edukacji na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce

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    The paper describes carefully selected issues of education for sustainable development realized within formal- and non-formal sectors in Poland. Based on the current national requirements of the formal education we estimated what are real needs and conditions to fulfill the tasks of sustainable development in the Polish schooling in the light of the international and national law. Furthermore, the relation of education for sustainable development at the university level with its’ effectiveness at K-12 schooling is presented. In the second part of the paper, the non-formal education is analyzed particularly its’ real necessities, state, methodology and efficiency in raising environmental awareness of the Polish society.Niniejsza praca ukazuje wybrane problemy edukacji dla zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce w systemie formalnym i nieformalnym. Opierając się o analizę Podstawy Programowej Kształcenia Ogólnego z roku 2009 oceniono jakie są potrzeby i warunki realizowania problematyki zrównoważonego rozwoju w systemie edukacji formalnej w świetle obowiązujących międzynarodowych i krajowych regulacji prawnych. W artykule wykazano związek kształcenia w szkołach wyższych ze skutecznością edukacji dla zrównoważonego rozwoju na wcześniejszych etapach edukacyjnych. Zanalizowano także realne potrzeby, warunki, warsztat metodyczny jak i jego efektywność w podnoszeniu świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa polskiego w ramach systemu edukacji nieformalnej.&nbsp

    Molecular genetics of PKU in Poland and potential impact of mutations on BH4 responsiveness

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    Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) has been recently approved as a treatment of patients with phenylketonuria. However, as a confirmation of BH4-responsiveness, it might require a very expensive trial treatment with BH4 or prolonged BH4-loading procedures. The selection of patients eligible for BH4-therapy by means of genotyping of the PAH gene mutations may be recommended as a complementary approach. A population-wide genotyping study was carried out in 1286 Polish phenyloketonuria-patients. The aim was to estimate the BH4 demand and to cover prospectively the treatment by a National Health Fund. A total of 95 types of mutations were identified. Genetic variants corresponding with probable BH4-responsiveness were found in 28.2% of cases. However, patients with mild or classical phenylketonuria who require continuous treatment accounted for 11.4% of the studied population only. Analysis of the published data shows similar percentage of the "BH4-responsive" variants of a PAH gene in patients from other countries of Eastern Europe. Therefore, it can be concluded, that the proportion of phenylketonuria-patients who could benefit from the use of BH4 reaches approximately 10% in the entire region