72 research outputs found

    Otyłość dziecięca w perspektywie psychospołecznej. Rola edukacji żywieniowej.

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    The aim of this paper is to draw the readers’ attention to psychosocial aspects of excessive weight gain in children, with a special emphasis on the importance of nutrition education. The article indicates the appropriateness of extending educational programs by adding the knowledge of psychosocial mechanisms that affect obese children and implementing proper interventions. This text is of a theoretical and informative nature, and it constitutes a kind of introduction and invitation to further deliberations on this subject. The first part of the article presents current data related to obesity among children, terminological explanations and obesity classification used in clinical practice. Then, the author describes the phenomenon of emotional eating with an explanation of the main theories concerning the occurrence of this mechanism and emotional conditions affecting childhood obesity. The further part of the study describes psychosocial consequences of obesity in the form of negative attitudes towards obese children in the school environment. The importance of nutrition education in the prevention of obesity is explained, and the appropriateness of extending it to psychosocial interventions is presented. In the summary, reference is made to the advantages of educational programs designed by interdisciplinary teams for the physical and mental health of children, including the important role of psychologists and teachers.Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na psychospołeczne aspekty nieprawidłowej wagi u dzieci, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem znaczenia edukacji żywieniowej. Wskazano na zasadność poszerzania programów edukacyjnych o rozpoznawanie mechanizmów psychospołecznych oddziałujących na dziecko otyłe oraz projektowania interwencji pod tym kątem. Artykuł pełni funkcję informacyjną oraz edukacyjną, stanowiąc wprowadzenie i zaproszenie do szerszych rozważań w podjętym obszarze tematycznym. W pierwszej części przytoczono bieżące dane dotyczące występowania otyłości u dzieci oraz dokonano objaśnień terminologicznych wraz z przybliżeniem klasyfikacji otyłości stosowanej w praktyce klinicznej. Następnie scharakteryzowano zjawisko odżywiania emocjonalnego wraz z objaśnieniem głównych teorii powstawania tego mechanizmu i omówieniem uwarunkowań emocjonalnych mających wpływ na rozwój otyłości dziecięcej. W dalszej części opracowania zaprezentowano psychospołeczne następstwa otyłości w formie negatywnych postaw w stosunku do dzieci otyłych w środowisku szkolnym. Objaśniono znaczenie edukacji żywieniowej w profilaktyce otyłości dziecięcej oraz zwrócono uwagę na zasadność rozszerzania jej o interwencje psychospołeczne. W zakończeniu odniesiono się do korzyści, jakie dla zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego dzieci niosą programy edukacyjne zaprojektowane przez zespoły interdyscyplinarne, uwzględniające rolę m.in. psychologów i nauczycieli

    Determinants of Job Satisfaction – Empirical Study

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    Job satisfaction is becoming a subject of growing interest in organizations. It is justified that job satisfaction has an impact on business performance. Committed staff can be a determining factor in the success of an organization. It is very important to recognize the determinants of job satisfaction. The purpose of the paper is to review the literature concerning about the determinants of job satisfaction. Based on the study of the literature, the author made her own model of determinants of job satisfaction. The final conclusions are related to the empirical study based on job satisfaction survey conducted in the X firm. There is detailed information and analysis on the structure of the factors affecting job satisfaction in this company. The findings obtained from the survey could support theoretical views described in the paper: the determinants which are in the presented model are also present in tested organizations

    Rozważania nad rolą zabawek w kształtowaniu zachowań prospołecznych we wczesnym dzieciństwie – kontekst edukacyjny

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    The presented article focuses on the role of toys in shaping prosocial behavior in early childhood. The discussion of the topic begins with the explanation of the term “toy”, and the adoption of one particular definition for the purposes of this text. The, the article presents the situation of play and the functions of toys in the concept of social development, together with the discussion of various stages of play. The next part includes the definition of social competences in the context of undertaken considerations. It presents the relationship between play and toys and the acquisition of prosocial skills such as: sharing, cooperation, empathizing with others, showing care, etc. Cognitive and emotional determinants of prosocial behavior are also considered, including such issues as theory of mind and empathy. At the end, the article presents some scientific research that includes the concept of sharing toys as an example of prosocial behavior. The purpose of this article is to show the significant role of toys and play in the process of developing prosocial behavior and creating conditions that stimulate the development of social competences in early childhood. The importance of giving proper response to complex, often complicated social situations is a serious challenge for children, so studying and developing prosocial skills within preschool education seems particularly important. This text is of a theoretical nature, and it is a kind of introduction to further deliberations.Tematem artykułu są rozważania o roli zabawek w kształtowaniu zachowań prospołecznych we wczesnym dzieciństwie. Autorka postawiła sobie za cel ukazanie znaczącej roli zabawek oraz zabawy w procesie rozwijania zachowań prospołecznych oraz tworzenia warunków stymulujących rozwój kompetencji społecznych we wczesnym dzieciństwie. Konieczność właściwego reagowania na złożone, często skomplikowane sytuacje społeczne, stanowi poważne wyzwanie dla dzieci, zatem badanie i rozwijanie umiejętności prospołecznych w ramach edukacji przedszkolnej wydaje się szczególnie istotne. Tekst ma charakter teoretyczny i stanowi wprowadzenie do szerszych rozważań. W pierwszej części artykułu dokonano objaśnień terminologicznych związanych z pojęciem „zabawka” i na potrzeby niniejszego tekstu przyjęto jedną definicję. Następnie przedstawiono sytuację zabawy oraz funkcje zabawek w świetle koncepcji rozwoju społecznego, wraz z omówieniem poszczególnych etapów zabawy. Zaprezentowano też pojęcie kompetencji społecznych w kontekście podjętej problematyki, ukazując zawiązek pomiędzy zabawą i zabawkami a nabywaniem umiejętności prospołecznych, takich jak: dzielenie się, współdziałanie, empatyzowanie z innymi, okazywanie troski. Wskazano również na poznawcze i emocjonalne determinanty zachowań prospołecznych, uwzględniając takie zagadnienia, jak teoria umysłu oraz empatia. Na koniec nawiązano do badań naukowych prezentujących koncepcję dzielenia się zabawkami jako przykładu zachowań prospołecznych

    Employee Satisfaction Survey as HRM Audit Method – Case Study Based on X Firm

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    The article discusses an analysis of employee survey results in the context of the objectives of the personnel function in an organisation. In the introduction there are presented theoretical assumptions concerning the approach to the evaluation process relating to the personnel audit. This is the approach used in employee satisfaction assessment programs. The example of such an approach is the one presented in the text, the annual program of the analysis of expectations, motivation and employee satisfaction for huge Scandinavian trade network. Findings described in the text refer to the impact of employee opinions on personnel practices undertaken to enhance the effectiveness of HRM in the studied company. The main conclusions (priorities for managers) of such an audit include actions to improve efficiency in terms of: working conditions, leadership, and promoted values, and job content and development

    Atrybuty satysfakcji pracowniczej jako składowe pomiaru kapitału ludzkiego

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    Artykuł przedstawia zasadnicze założenia wykorzystania idei badań dotyczących satysfakcji pracowniczej w metodach pomiaru kapitału ludzkiego organizacji. Wychodząc z założenia, iż satysfakcja jest postawą pracowniczą, która pośrednio stanowi o sukcesie zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim, można założyć, iż identyfikacja poziomu satysfakcji stanowi ważny aspekt pomiaru kapitału ludzkiego. Aby można było zoperacjonalizować powyższe założenia przedstawiono autorski model poczucia satysfakcji zawodowej identyfikujący determinanty. Są to atrybuty obiektywne i subiektywne, które budują i różnicują końcowy wynik indywidualnego poczucia zadowolenia z pracy

    Utjecaj digitalizacije na vještine budućih vođa

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    Introduction: Digitization has revolutionized various aspects of business and society, presenting new challenges and opportunities for leaders in the digital era. This paper examines the impact of digitization on leadership traits and skills and identifies the most significant changes that have occurred in the face of new societal challenges. Methodology: A literature review and a survey were conducted to determine the qualities and skills of future leaders in the digital age. The study focused on the most evident changes caused by digitization, such as knowledge sharing, innovation, cooperation, networking, and communication. Results: The study finds that future leaders must possess adaptability, vision, empowerment, collaboration, digital literacy, data-driven decision-making, agile thinking, design thinking, ethical awareness, and emotional intelligence. The findings suggest that future leaders must adapt to the changes brought by digitization and incorporate new skills and traits to be effective in the digital world. Discussion: Leadership theories of the past no longer fully reflect the skills and abilities that leaders require in the modern age. The digital age has brought a new approach to leadership, and digitization has significantly shaped this new image. To be an effective leader today, one must embrace digitization and continuously develop new skills to stay ahead of the curve. The following has increased the need for continuous skills improvement through formal and informal education. Conclusion: The research showed that digitization has a significant impact on knowledge sharing, innovation, collaboration, networking, and communication. It has a minor effect on trust and efficiency. Leaders of the 21st century should adapt to continuous changes and involve all employees in decision-making and task execution to optimize their performance.Uvod: Digitalizacija je revolucionalizirala različite aspekte poslovanja i društva, postavljajući nove izazove i prilike za vođe digitalnog doba. Ovaj rad istražuje utjecaj digitalizacije na osobine i vještine vođa te identificira najznačajnije promjene koje su se dogodile uslijed novih društvenih izazova. Metodologija: U radu je analizirana relevantna literatura te je provedeno istraživanje kako bi se utvrdile kvalitete i vještine budućih vođa digitalnog doba. Studija se usredotočila na najočitije promjene uzrokovane digitalizacijom, poput dijeljenja znanja, inovacija, suradnje, umrežavanja i komunikacije. Rezultati: Istraživanje je pokazalo kako buduće vođe moraju posjedovati prilagodljivosti, viziju, osnaživanje, suradnju, digitalnu pismenost, donošenje odluka na temelju podataka, agilno razmišljanje, stvaralačko mišljenje, etičku osviještenost te emocionalnu inteligenciju. Rezultati sugeriraju da se buduće vođe moraju prilagoditi promjenama koje donosi digitalizacija i uključiti nove vještine i osobine kako bi bili učinkoviti u digitalnom svijetu. Rasprava: Ranije teorije vodstva nisu odražavale u potpunosti vještine i sposobnosti koje trebaju imati vođe modernog doba. Digitalno doba donosi novi pristup vodstvu, a digitalizacija je značajno oblikovala tu novu sliku. Da bi danas bio učinkovit, vođa treba prihvatiti digitalizaciju i neprestano razvijati nove vještine kako bi ostao ispred konkurencije. To je povećalo potrebu za kontinuiranim poboljšanjem vještina putem formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo kako digitalizacija ima značajan utjecaj na dijeljenje znanja, inovacije, suradnju, umrežavanje i komunikaciju, te manji utjecaj na povjerenje i učinkovitost. Vođe 21. stoljeća trebaju se prilagoditi neprestanim promjenama i uključiti sve zaposlenike u donošenje odluka i izvršavanje zadataka, kako bi optimizirali svoje performanse

    Water chemical composition characteristic in the upper part of the Sztoła River

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    The Sztoła River crosses Lesser Poland and Silesia voivodships in the region of Olkusz zinc and lead ores mining and sands extraction. It is one of the left-bank tributary of Biała Przemsza. Its sources are located southwest of Olkusz. In the geological structure of Sztoła water catchment area, on the basis of conducted drillings, the following deposits can be distinguished: Paleozoic, represented by Permian deposits, Mezozoic-Triassic deposits, and Cenozoic-Quaternary deposits (Buła 2000, Motyka 2010). Hydrodynamic conditions in the region of Sztoła have been strongly interrupted by the development of zinc and lead ores mining and a sand pit, which required an application of drainage. The first system of drainage was adits built in 16 th century, which resulted in a decrease of the groundwater table level from few to over a dozen meters (Żukowski 1946, Górnisiewicz 1975, Molenda 1977, Kosiński 1882). The intensive development of mining in this region began in the first half of 19 th century, along with appearance of new drainage techniques. The Sztoła River changed its character from draining to infiltrating on its the whole length as the effect of development of vast zinc and lead ores mine depression cone, related to the exploitation of the „Pomorzany” mine, and later with a gravitational drainage of sandpit „Szczakowa” (Witczak & Motyka 1975, Haładus et al. 2007). In the upper part of the river it resulted with a partial dry out of the riverbed. Water flowing in the river originated from the drainage of Olkusz zinc and lead ores mines and is directed there through Baba channel. A research conducted in the summer of 2014 examined the upper part of the Sztoła River. Groundwater taken from springs, as well as surface water, was collected, and the areas of critical riverbed dry out were identified. A complete physicochemical analysis was carried out in the AGH hydrogeochemical laboratory in Cracow. On the basis of the received data, the characteristics of chemical composition of groundwater and surface water were prepared. Their hydrochemical type, pH values, electrolytical conductivity was determined. Chemical composition was also presented in the selected graphical forms (Piper, Collins, Pie Chart). Based on analysis, the statistical parameters of composition of water from the research region were calculated. Furthermore, the quality of underground and surface water was evaluated according to the existing standards, and suitability to consumption by people was determined. The Obtained data were also compared with archival results of samples collected within the investigated area

    Understanding the associations between information sources, sociodemographics, and views on public health measures: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria

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    Background: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a key priority for governments globally to ensure agreement with, and subsequently adherence to, imposed public health measures, specifically non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). Prior research in this regard highlighted the role of COVID-19 information sources as well as sociodemographic and other personal characteristics, however, there is only limited evidence including both. To bridge this gap, this study investigated the associations of COVID-19 information sources such as social media and participant characteristics with agreement with and adherence to NPIs during the first lockdown in Austria. Methods: An online survey was conducted in May 2020 among adult Austrian residents asking about their experiences during the first lockdown. Collected data included sociodemographic characteristics, main COVID-19-related information sources, agreement with/adherence to three NPIs (no physical contact to family members not living in the same household, leisurely walks restricted to members of the same household, mandatory face masks) and information about perceived social support using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), anxiety/depression levels using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), whether participants felt well advised by the government, and whether participants perceived the pandemic to threaten their income. Ordered and multinomial logistic regression models were employed to achieve the research aims. Results: The cross-sectional sample consisted of 559 Austrian residents. Using social media as main COVID-19 information source was consistently associated with lower agreement with NPIs. A positive association with agreement with measures was found for higher educational backgrounds and higher anxiety levels. By contrast, higher levels of depression, not feeling well advised by the government, and perceiving the pandemic as an economic threat were negatively associated with agreement with measures. Moreover, the use of social media as main COVID-19 information source and not feeling well advised by the government were associated with lower adherence to NPIs. By contrast, higher levels of education were associated with higher adherence. Conclusions: This comprehensive analysis emphasizes the associations of COVID-19 information sources as well as sociodemographic and other participant characteristics with agreement with and adherence to NPIs, bearing important implications for future public health crisis communication strategies

    Use of alternative methods in the treatment of anemia in pregnant women – prospective observational study

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    Objectives: Anemia in pregnant women is a common condition, diagnosed when the concentration of hemoglobin falls below 11 g/dL. Taking into consideration the accounts of nephrologists about good results of treatment of secondary anemia using erythropoietin in patients with renal failure, we tried to use EPO to cure anemia in pregnant women.  The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of EPO treatment on pregnant women diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, as well as possible side effects.  Material and methods: The study consisted of 25 patients: Group I — treated with iron supplement administered parenterally — Ferrum Lek every two days intramuscularly.  Group II — treated with recombinant human erythropoietin — 1000 j intravenously every three days, with oral iron sup- plements.  Results: After a week of treatment the positive response was higher in the second group (92.3% in II, vs 33.3% in I, p < 0.005). The average increase of hemoglobin and RBC was significantly higher in II group.  An increase in hemoglobin did not correlate with the age of women (r = 0.07) or with the duration of pregnancy (r = 0.08). However, a negative correlation was found between basic hemoglobin level and its increase after treatment (r = 0.602).  Conclusions: EPO administered with the oral dose of iron in pregnant women with anemia caused by iron deficiency shows higher effectiveness than the use of iron preparations parenterally.  The usage of EPO during pregnancy is not related to any dangerous side effects for the mother or fetus.

    EANM procedural recommendations for managing the paediatric patient in diagnostic nuclear medicine

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    Purpose: The manuscript aims to characterize the principles of best practice in performing nuclear medicine procedures in paediatric patients. The paper describes all necessary technical skills that should be developed by healthcare professionals to ensure the best possible care for paediatric patients, as it is particularly challenging due to the psychological and physical conditions of children. Methods: We performed a comprehensive literature review to establish the most relevant elements of nuclear medicine studies in paediatric patients. We focused our attention on the technical aspects of the study, such as patient preparation, imaging protocols, and immobilization techniques, that adhere to best practice principles. Furthermore, we considered the psychological elements of working with children, including comforting and distraction strategies. Results: The extensive literature review combined with practical conclusions and recommendations presented and explained by the authors summarizes the most important principles of care for paediatric patients in the nuclear medicine field. Conclusion: Nuclear medicine applied to the paediatric patient is a very special and challenging area, requiring proper education and experience in order to be performed at the highest level and with the maximum safety for the child.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio