37 research outputs found

    Variable Flavor Number Scheme for Final State Jets

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    We discuss a variable flavor number scheme (VFNS) for final state jets which can account for the effects of arbitrary finite quark masses in inclusive jet observables. The scheme is a generalization of the VFNS scheme for PDFs applied to setups with additional dynamical scales and relies on appropriate renormalization conditions for the matrix elements in the factorization theorem. We illustrate general properties by means of the example of deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) in the endpoint region x→1x\rightarrow 1 and event shapes in the dijet limit, in particular the calculations of threshold corrections, consistency conditions and relations to mass singularities found in fixed-order massive calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the XXII. International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 28 April - 2 May 2014, Warsaw, Polan

    Factorization and Resummation for Massive Quark Effects in Exclusive Drell-Yan

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    Exclusive differential spectra in color-singlet processes at hadron colliders are benchmark observables that have been studied to high precision in theory and experiment. We present an effective-theory framework utilizing soft-collinear effective theory to incorporate massive (bottom) quark effects into resummed differential distributions, accounting for both heavy-quark initiated primary contributions to the hard scattering process as well as secondary effects from gluons splitting into heavy-quark pairs. To be specific, we focus on the Drell-Yan process and consider the vector-boson transverse momentum, qTq_T, and beam thrust, T\mathcal T, as examples of exclusive observables. The theoretical description depends on the hierarchy between the hard, mass, and the qTq_T (or T\mathcal T) scales, ranging from the decoupling limit qTβ‰ͺmq_T \ll m to the massless limit mβ‰ͺqTm \ll q_T. The phenomenologically relevant intermediate regime m∼qTm \sim q_T requires in particular quark-mass dependent beam and soft functions. We calculate all ingredients for the description of primary and secondary mass effects required at NNLLβ€²' resummation order (combining NNLL evolution with NNLO boundary conditions) for qTq_T and T\mathcal T in all relevant hierarchies. For the qTq_T distribution the rapidity divergences are different from the massless case and we discuss features of the resulting rapidity evolution. Our results will allow for a detailed investigation of quark-mass effects in the ratio of WW and ZZ boson spectra at small qTq_T, which is important for the precision measurement of the WW-boson mass at the LHC.Comment: 42 pages + appendices, 21 figures; v2: journal versio

    Stochastic simulation algorithm for the quantum linear Boltzmann equation

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    We develop a Monte Carlo wave function algorithm for the quantum linear Boltzmann equation, a Markovian master equation describing the quantum motion of a test particle interacting with the particles of an environmental background gas. The algorithm leads to a numerically efficient stochastic simulation procedure for the most general form of this integro-differential equation, which involves a five-dimensional integral over microscopically defined scattering amplitudes that account for the gas interactions in a non-perturbative fashion. The simulation technique is used to assess various limiting forms of the quantum linear Boltzmann equation, such as the limits of pure collisional decoherence and quantum Brownian motion, the Born approximation and the classical limit. Moreover, we extend the method to allow for the simulation of the dissipative and decohering dynamics of superpositions of spatially localized wave packets, which enables the study of many physically relevant quantum phenomena, occurring e.g. in the interferometry of massive particles.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures; v2: corresponds to published versio

    Hard Matching for Boosted Tops at Two Loops

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    Cross sections for top quarks provide very interesting physics opportunities, being both sensitive to new physics and also perturbatively tractable due to the large top quark mass. Rigorous factorization theorems for top cross sections can be derived in several kinematic scenarios, including the boosted regime in the peak region that we consider here. In the context of the corresponding factorization theorem for e+eβˆ’e^+e^- collisions we extract the last missing ingredient that is needed to evaluate the cross section differential in the jet-mass at two-loop order, namely the matching coefficient at the scale μ≃mt\mu\simeq m_t. Our extraction also yields the final ingredients needed to carry out logarithmic resummation at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic order (or N3^3LL if we ignore the missing 4-loop cusp anomalous dimension). This coefficient exhibits an amplitude level rapidity logarithm starting at O(Ξ±s2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^2) due to virtual top quark loops, which we treat using rapidity renormalization group (RG) evolution. Interestingly, this rapidity RG evolution appears in the matching coefficient between two effective theories around the heavy quark mass scale μ≃mt\mu\simeq m_t.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, v2: added extraction of 3-loop anon. dimension, journal versio

    Secondary Production of Massive Quarks in Thrust

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    We present a factorization framework that takes into account the production of heavy quarks through gluon splitting in the thrust distribution for e+ e- --> hadrons. The explicit factorization theorems and some numerical results are displayed in the dijet region where the kinematic scales are widely separated, which can be extended systematically to the whole spectrum. We account for the necessary two-loop matrix elements, threshold corrections, and include resummation up to N3LL order. We include nonperturbative power corrections through a field theoretical shape function, and remove the O(Lambda_QCD) renormalon in the partonic soft function by appropriate mass-dependent subtractions. Our results hold for any value of the quark mass, from an infinitesimally small (merging to the known massless result) to an infinitely large one (achieving the decoupling limit). This is the first example of an application of a variable flavor number scheme to final state jets.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Presented at the XIth International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 8-12, 201