38 research outputs found

    Biorefining of wheat straw:accounting for the distribution of mineral elements in pretreated biomass by an extended pretreatment–severity equation

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    BACKGROUND: Mineral elements present in lignocellulosic biomass feedstocks may accumulate in biorefinery process streams and cause technological problems, or alternatively can be reaped for value addition. A better understanding of the distribution of minerals in biomass in response to pretreatment factors is therefore important in relation to development of new biorefinery processes. The objective of the present study was to examine the levels of mineral elements in pretreated wheat straw in response to systematic variations in the hydrothermal pretreatment parameters (pH, temperature, and treatment time), and to assess whether it is possible to model mineral levels in the pretreated fiber fraction. RESULTS: Principal component analysis of the wheat straw biomass constituents, including mineral elements, showed that the recovered levels of wheat straw constituents after different hydrothermal pretreatments could be divided into two groups: 1) Phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and calcium correlated with xylose and arabinose (that is, hemicellulose), and levels of these constituents present in the fiber fraction after pretreatment varied depending on the pretreatment-severity; and 2) Silicon, iron, copper, aluminum correlated with lignin and cellulose levels, but the levels of these constituents showed no severity-dependent trends. For the first group, an expanded pretreatment-severity equation, containing a specific factor for each constituent, accounting for variability due to pretreatment pH, was developed. Using this equation, the mineral levels could be predicted with R(2) > 0.75; for some with R(2) up to 0.96. CONCLUSION: Pretreatment conditions, especially pH, significantly influenced the levels of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and calcium in the resulting fiber fractions. A new expanded pretreatment-severity equation is proposed to model and predict mineral composition in pretreated wheat straw biomass

    Real-time visualization of heterotrimeric G protein Gq activation in living cells

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    Contains fulltext : 97296.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Gq is a heterotrimeric G protein that plays an important role in numerous physiological processes. To delineate the molecular mechanisms and kinetics of signalling through this protein, its activation should be measurable in single living cells. Recently, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensors have been developed for this purpose. RESULTS: In this paper, we describe the development of an improved FRET-based Gq activity sensor that consists of a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-tagged Ggamma2 subunit and a Galphaq subunit with an inserted monomeric Turquoise (mTurquoise), the best cyan fluorescent protein variant currently available. This sensor enabled us to determine, for the first time, the kon (2/s) of Gq activation. In addition, we found that the guanine nucleotide exchange factor p63RhoGEF has a profound effect on the number of Gq proteins that become active upon stimulation of endogenous histamine H1 receptors. The sensor was also used to measure ligand-independent activation of the histamine H1 receptor (H1R) upon addition of a hypotonic stimulus. CONCLUSIONS: Our observations reveal that the application of a truncated mTurquoise as donor and a YFP-tagged Ggamma2 as acceptor in FRET-based Gq activity sensors substantially improves their dynamic range. This optimization enables the real-time single cell quantification of Gq signalling dynamics, the influence of accessory proteins and allows future drug screening applications by virtue of its sensitivity

    Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth and crop yield on acid soils

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    Computer evaluation of the body posture of the young soccer players selected biomechanical parameters

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    Wstęp. Postawa ciała uwarunkowana jest napięciem odpowiednich grup mięśni, które decydują o określonym ułożeniu poszczególnych segmentów ciała człowieka. Coraz częściej wśród dzieci i młodzieży pojawiają się różnego rodzaju wady postawy ciała, które mogą być spowodowane czynnikami funkcjonalnymi. Jedną z przyczyn ich powstawania może być asymetria obciążeń, jaka często występuje w treningu specjalistycznym. Materiał i metody. Materiał badawczy stanowią wyniki pomiarów 24 piłkarzy nożnych w wieku 15 lat. Badania obejmowały ocenę postawy ciała, cechy antropometryczne oraz pomiary momentów sił prostowników i zginaczy stawu kolanowego. Pomiar statycznego momentu siły mięśniowej przeprowadzono na specjalnym stanowisku pomiarowym firmy OPIW. Do oceny postawy ciała wykorzystano sprzężony z komputerem posturometr S. Wyniki i wnioski. Kryterium oceny pomiaru kręgosłupa w płaszczyźnie czołowej była wartość kąta Cobba. Na tej podstawie stwierdzono występowanie skoliozy lub śladowej skoliozy lewostronnej u 29,3% badanych piłkarzy. W grupie ogółu badanych stwierdzono nieznaczną dominację prostowników i zgi- naczy prawej kończyny dolnej nad lewą. Ta sama tendencja występuje u osób bez skoliozy. U zawodników z bocznym skrzywieniem kręgosłupa dominują mięśnie prostujące i zginające staw kolanowy kończyny lewej. Ważnym kryterium oceny dozowanych obciążeń treningowych piłkarzy nożnych w obrębie prawej i lewej strony ciała może być badanie postawy ciała i momentów sił obydwu kończyn dolnych. Pozwoli to na ewentualne zniwelowanie nieprawidłowości w stosowanych metodach treningowych, które mogą być przyczyną problemów zdrowotnych sportowców.Introduction. Body posture is determined by muscular tone of the particular muscles that decide about the specific position of the human body segments. This feature is influenced by a tension of muscle groups, which determine the position of separate human body segments. Varius types of spinal abnormalities are caused by functional factors. Material and method. 24 soccer players in the age of 15 were examined. The study included body posture, anthropometric features, the force moments of knee joint flexors and extensors. The static measurements of the muscles’ force moment were evaluated on the special measurement post, made by OPIW Company. The body posture was assessed by means of computer aided posturometer S. Results and conclusions. The value of Cobb angle was the evaluation criterion for the spine measurement in the frontal plane. On that basis the scoliosis or the weak symptoms of left side scoliosis in 29,3% examined players were registered. A slight domination of the right lower limb extensors and flexors over left limb was observed in the research group. The same tendency is observed in the group without scoliosis. The opposite strength arrangement i.e. the domination of flexors and extensors bending left limb knee joint, was found in players with scoliosis. The examination of body posture and force moments of two limbs can be an important evaluation criterion of dosed training loads in soccer players within the area of both left and right body sections. It will help avoiding incorrectness in the applied methods, which may cause athletes’ health problems

    Anthropometric characteristics and lower limb power of professional female volleyball players

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    Success in performing professional sport is determined by many factors. Motor skills, psychological conditions and somatic structure are important. The aim of this research was to investigate detailed anthropometrical characteristics of highly skilled female volleyball players and their non-sporting peers. Additionally, the diversity of those features based on court position was examined. The sample consisted of first league female volleyball players (N=17), while 50 students from the University School of Physical Education served as reference group. The 35 anthropometric measurements, complemented by a biomechanical evaluation of lower limb power using the counter movement jump (CMJ), were examined. The values of height, length, width and body circumference were significantly higher for female volleyball players than those obtained from the reference group. The female volleyball players revealed a balanced mesomorphic somatotype. Stature differed and was related to court position. In comparison to the attackers and setters, the receivers, middle and libero players were characterised by better CMJ. This knowledge could enable coaches to individualise and determine suitable training methods, depending on the somatic predisposition of an athlete, which will reduce the risk of injury.Key words: Anthropometry; Body composition; Counter movement jump; Volleyball

    Morphological structure and characteristics of judo contestants' feet

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    W pracy poddano analizie budowę morfologiczną oraz charakterystykę stóp zawodników uprawiających dżudo. Do opracowania wykorzystano pomiary antropometryczne 58 mężczyzn. Budowę ciała oceniono, za pomocą typologii Williama Sheldona oraz wskaźnika względnej masy ciała BMI (wskaźnik masy ciała). Posługując się podosla)pem, wyznaczono Itąty Alfe, Beta, Clarice'a i Gamma, charakteryzujące wybrane parametry stóp.The analysis of morphological structure and characteristics of judo contestants' feet, was carried out. The anthropometric data of 58 men were collected. The body build was evaluated on the basis of William Sheldon typology and the body mass index (BMI). The podoscope was used to determine Alfa, Beta, Clarice's, and Gamma angles that characterize the specific feet parameters

    Body composition examined by use of the bioelectrical impedance analysis in adolescent teenagers

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    Początki badań składu ciała sięgają drugiej połowy XIX wieku. Od tego czasu obserwuje się intensywny i wielokierunkowy rozwój metod pomiarów umożliwiających zrozumienie procesów fizjologicznych i biochemicznych oraz wspomagających leczenie chorób, takich jak otyłość lub anoreksja. Jedną z bardziej popularnych jest nieinwazyjna analiza bioimpedancji elektrycznej (BIA – Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis). Materiał i metoda. W artykule wykorzystano wyniki badań longitudinalnych dziewcząt (N = 91) i chłopców (N = 89) w wieku 13–15 lat. Zmierzono wysokość, masę ciała oraz skład ciała za pomocą aparatu BIA 101S. Określono: procentową zawartość tłuszczu, masy komórkowej i masy pozakomórkowej. Wyznaczono wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI – Body Mass Index) i obliczono stosunek masy ciała szczupłego do masy tłuszczu oraz masy komórkowej do masy pozakomórkowej. Statystyczną analizę wyników przeprowadzono za pomocą programu Statistica 9.0. Wyniki. W analizowanym przedziale wieku większe tempo rozwoju masy ciała w odniesieniu do jego wysokości wpływa na kształtowanie masywniejszej sylwetki u badanej młodzieży. Powiększenie masywności budowy płci męskiej dotyczy przede wszystkim rozwoju masy ciała szczupłego, zwłaszcza masy komórkowej. U dziewcząt w analizowanym okresie ontogenezy wzrost masywności ciała wynika z większych przyrostów masy tłuszczu.The examinations of the body components is known since 19th century. Such analysis is important e.g. for the treatment of anorexia and obesity. One of the most popular methods is the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) – non-invasive and effective way to determine the human body composition. Material and method. In this paper, the results of longitudinal measurements of girls (N = 91) and boys (N = 89), aged 13 to 15, were analyzed. The body height, mass and tissue composition were measured by means of BIA 101S Apparatus (% fat, % body cell mass, % extracellular mass). Body Mass Index (BMI) and the ratio of the lean body mass to fat mass, as well as the body cell mass to extracellular mass, were calculated. The statistical analysis was performed by means Statistica 9.0. Results. Within the analysed age range, the higher pace of the body mass development, in relation to the body height, causes more massive posture of examined youths. The increase of body massiveness in boys is connected mainly with the development of lean body mass, in particular, the cell mass. In girls in the analysed ontogenetic period, the increase of body massiveness results from the greater increase of fat mass

    Not So Dry After All: DRY Mutants of the AT1A Receptor and H1 Receptor Can Induce G-Protein-Dependent Signaling

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    G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven transmembrane spanning receptors that regulate a wide array of intracellular signaling cascades in response to various stimuli. To do so, they couple to different heterotrimeric G proteins and adaptor proteins, including arrestins. Importantly, arrestins were shown to regulate GPCR signaling through G proteins, as well as promote G protein-independent signaling events. Several research groups have reported successful isolation of exclusively G protein-dependent and arrestin-dependent signaling downstream of GPCR activation using biased agonists or receptor mutants incapable of coupling to either arrestins or G proteins. In the latter category, the DRY mutant of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor was extensively used to characterize the functional selectivity downstream of AT1AR. In an attempt to understand histamine 1 receptor signaling, we characterized the signaling capacity of the H1R DRY mutant in a panel of dynamic, live cell biosensor assays, including arrestin recruitment, heterotrimeric G protein activation, Ca2+ signaling, protein kinase C activity, GTP binding of RhoA, and activation of ERK1/2. Here, we show that both H1R DRY mutant and the AT1AAR DRY mutant are capable of efficient activation of G protein-mediated signaling. Therefore, contrary to the common belief, they do not constitute suitable tools for the dissection of the arrestin-mediated, G protein-independent signaling downstream of these receptors

    An Evaluation of the Levels of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 3 and Bone Turnover Markers in Professional Football Players and in Physically Inactive Men

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    Summary Vitamin D is synthesised in the skin during exposure to sunlight and its fundamental roles are the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism and bone mineralisation. The aim of our study was to evaluate serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 , PT