8 research outputs found

    Belgian debates for a migration policy. Mapping of the stakeholders

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    Cette publication propose un inventaire des principaux acteurs qui contribuent ou peuvent contribuer à définir une politique migratoire pour la Belgique ; elle fait aussi le point sur leurs prises de position récentes. Quel est par exemple le point de vue de la FGTB sur une régularisation ? Que pense la FEB d’une nouvelle migration économique ? Que dit le Conseil des Femmes sur l’accueil des primo-arrivants ? Et bien d’autres encore

    Belgische debatten voor een migratiebeleid. De actoren in kaart gebracht

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    Die publicatie geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste actoren die een migratiebeleid mee vormgeven. ‘De actoren in kaart gebracht’ gaat in op de recente standpunten van die al actoren. Wat is bijvoorbeeld het standpunt van het ABVV over regularisatie? Hoe denkt het VBO over nieuwe economische migratie. Wat zegt de Vrouwenraad over opvang van nieuwkomers?Belgische debatten voor een migratiebeleid: De actoren in kaart gebrach

    Pars secunda Tractatus de jure devolutionis

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    Obra perteneciente al Fondo Antiguo de la Biblioteca de la USA

    Tractatus de jure devolutionis

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    Obra perteneciente al Fondo Antiguo de la Biblioteca de la USA

    An Ectopic Imaging Window for Intravital Imaging of Engineered Bone Tissue.

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    Tissue engineering is a promising branch of regenerative medicine, but its clinical application remains limited because thorough knowledge of the in vivo repair processes in these engineered implants is limited. Common techniques to study the different phases of bone repair in mice are destructive and thus not optimal to gain insight into the dynamics of this process. Instead, multiphoton-intravital microscopy (MP-IVM) allows visualization of (sub)cellular processes at high resolution and frequency over extended periods of time when combined with an imaging window that permits optical access to implants in vivo. In this study, we have developed and validated an ectopic imaging window that can be placed over a tissue-engineered construct implanted in mice. This approach did not interfere with the biological processes of bone regeneration taking place in these implants, as evidenced by histological and micro-computed tomography (μCT)-based comparison to control ectopic implants. The ectopic imaging window permitted tracking of individual cells over several days in vivo. Furthermore, the use of fluorescent reporters allowed visualization of the onset of angiogenesis and osteogenesis in these constructs. Taken together, this novel imaging window will facilitate further analysis of the spatiotemporal regulation of cellular processes in bone tissue-engineered implants and provides a powerful tool to enhance the therapeutic potential of bone tissue engineering.status: Published onlin