77 research outputs found

    Molecular regulation of the macroschizont to merozoite differentiation in Theileria annulata

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    Theileria annulata is an intracellular, tick-transmitted apicomplexan parasite, which causes tropical theileriosis in cattle. It undergoes a complex life cycle with several distinct stages occurring within the bovine host and tick vector. ApiAP2 proteins are key candidate transcription factors for regulation of stage specific gene expression across apicomplexans. They are differentially expressed in specific developmental stages and certain ApiAP2s bind specifically to unique DNA sequence motifs. Identification of stage-specific expression of putative transcriptional regulators, the motifs they bind to and potential target genes provided the rationale for this study to understand the molecular mechanisms that control stage differentiation to the merozoite in T. annulata. The results demonstrated that T. annulata ApiAP2s show marked differences in expression levels during the parasite life cycle. ApiAP2 target DNA motifs orthologous to those in Plasmodium and Cryptosporidium were also discovered in Theileria intergenic regions, indicating that the genes downstream are potential targets of Theileria ApiAP2s. These motifs were also found in upstream regions of up-regulated TaApiAP2 genes, suggesting possible auto-regulation and an interaction network of ApiAP2 transcription factors. Importantly ApiAP2 fusion proteins up-regulated during differentiation to the merozoite stage bound to their predicted specific DNA motifs validating that ApiAP2 DNA-binding domain structure is conserved across Apicomplexa genera. Evidence was also produced that AP2 proteins play important roles in steps that commit a cell to differentiate: TA13515D is the orthologue of the AP2G factor in Plasmodium that is a major regulator of gametocytogenesis: TA16485 may be involved in down-regulation of genes during merogony and expression of TA11145 at a higher level in a cell line competent for merogony relative to a line severelly attenuated indicated involvement in regulation of this differentiation step. Discovery of multiple nuclear factors binding to a 2x(A)CACAC(A) motif implicated in autoregulation of TA11145, together with phylogenetic evidence for a clade of related domains that bind this motif suggest that multiple competing ApiAP2s may operate to regulate stochastic commitment to merozoiteproduction. Based on this data an updated stage differentiation model has been generated, with up regulation of the TA11145 gene a key event. A C-box motif association with genes implicated in establishment of the transformed host cell (TashAT, SVSP) suggests it could be important for deregulation of this event as the parasite undergoes stage differentiation. In contrast the inverse G-box was found associated with genes up-regulated from merozoite to piroplasm. EMSA analysis of parasite nuclear extract with a G/Cbox motif probe showed that the motif is an active binding site for a stage regulated nuclear factor. Specific binding of candidate TA12015 protein to the G/C-box motif was unable to be confirmed. Taken together, these results provided evidence that ApiAP2 proteins are regulators of stage-specific gene expression in T.annulata. They also provide insight into probable ApiAP2 interaction networks and support the postulation of a differentiation mechanism conserved across the Apicomplexa. Finally, the data suggests that this mechanism is stochastic and is likely to occur via a positive feedback loop generating a threshold that commits the cell to differentiate to the next stage of the life cycle

    Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma — how to diagnose and treat?

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    Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare type of T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma arising around the capsule of breast implants. It has been diagnosed in an extremely small group of women with breast implants for breast reconstruction and augmentation. The pathogenesis of this disease is currently poorly understood, but it appears to be related to textured implants. The aim of this article is to provide patients, radiologists, pathologists, surgical oncologists and plastic surgeons with an evidence-based overview of the incidence, diagnosis, and management of BIA-ALCL according to real-world experience, because although it is very rare, early recognition and surgical resection is usually crucial and curative

    Wpływ edukacji żywieniowej na preferencje żywieniowe dzieci chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 — badanie pilotażowe

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    WSTĘP: :: Edukacja zdrowotna w grupie chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 jest istotnym elementem procesu terapeutycznego. Preferencje żywieniowe wpływają na zachowania żywieniowe, ponieważ decydują o odrzuceniu lub akceptacji danego produktu spożywczego, jak również o częstotliwości jego spożywania. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu  edukacji żywieniowej na zmiany w preferencjach żywieniowych oraz częstotliwości spożycia wśród dzieci chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. MATERIAŁ I METODY: :: Badaniami objęto 65 pacjentów ze świeżo rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 1 z w wieku 10–18 lat. Oceniono preferencje pokarmowe oraz częstotliwości spożycia produktów spożywczych (na podstawie Food Frequency Questionnaires) w trzech punktach czasowych. WYNIKI: Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono pozytywny wpływ edukacji żywieniowej, przejawiający się w istotnie rzadszym spożyciu niepożądanych produktów tj.: parówki, pasztet, czekolada, drożdżówki, chipsy, ketchup i śmietana. Po pierwszej wizycie odnotowano spadek preferencji wśród produktów najbardziej lubianych, między innymi: parówek (p = 0,00), pierogów i ketchupu. W czasie ostatniego badania respondenci zaliczyli do produktów preferowanych: dorsza smażonego, kurczaka w galarecie, ryż brązowy, jogurt naturalny, rybę pieczoną (p = 0,00) oraz kaszę gryczaną (p = 0,00). WNIOSKI: :: Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można wnioskować, że dobrze przeprowadzona edukacja żywieniowa  w grupie dzieci chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 oraz ich rodzin pozytywnie wpływa na obniżenie częstości spożycia niepolecanych produktów spożywczych, mimo utrzymywania się w zakresie tych produktów wysokiej preferencji

    Predicting Long-Term Mortality after Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Machine Learning Techniques and Hematological Markers.

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    INTRODUCTION: Hematological indices including red cell distribution width and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio are proven to be associated with outcomes of acute coronary syndrome. The usefulness of machine learning techniques in predicting mortality after acute coronary syndrome based on such features has not been studied before. OBJECTIVE: We aim to create an alternative risk assessment tool, which is based on easily obtainable features, including hematological indices and inflammation markers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We obtained the study data from the electronic medical records of 5053 patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome during a 5-year period. The time of follow-up ranged from 12 to 72 months. A machine learning classifier was trained to predict death during hospitalization and within 180 and 365 days from admission. Our method was compared with the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) Score 2.0 on a test dataset. RESULTS: For in-hospital mortality, our model achieved a c-statistic of 0.89 while the GRACE score 2.0 achieved 0.90. For six-month mortality, the results of our model and the GRACE score on the test set were 0.77 and 0.73, respectively. Red cell distribution width (HR 1.23; 95% CL 1.16-1.30; P < 0.001) and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (HR 1.08; 95% CL 1.05-1.10; P < 0.001) showed independent association with all-cause mortality in multivariable Cox regression. CONCLUSIONS: Hematological markers, such as neutrophil count and red cell distribution width have a strong association with all-cause mortality after acute coronary syndrome. A machine-learned model which uses the abovementioned parameters can provide long-term predictions of accuracy comparable or superior to well-validated risk scores.Peer Reviewe

    Preresearch of appropriate nutrition of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy była ocena sposobu odżywiania dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1, z uwzględnieniem rozłożenia i charakterystyki jakościowej spożywanych posiłków w ciągu dnia. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniami objęto 42 dzieci (12 chłopców i 30 dziewcząt) w wieku 7-18 lat z Poradni Cukrzycowej dla Dzieci i Młodzieży Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku. Populację podzielono na dwie grupy wiekowe: 7-12 lat, średnia wieku 9,3 roku (12 pacjentów) oraz 13-18 lat, średnia 15,4 roku (30 pacjentów). Przeprowadzono ankietę jakościową zawierającą 12 pytań oraz dokonano pomiarów antropometrycznych (wzrost i masa ciała). WYNIKI. Stwierdzono, że grupa dzieci młodszych spożywała właściwą liczbę posiłków dostosowanych do insulinoterapii. Jednak często ich jakość odbiegała od zaleceń. Zastrzeżenia budzi zbyt mały udział warzyw w diecie oraz preferowany wybór serków topionych i żółtych. Zwiększenie samodzielności w okresie dojrzewania sprzyjało błędom dietetycznym. WNIOSKI. Prawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe należy wyrabiać w jak najwcześniejszym okresie życia i stale je utrwalać.INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study was to assess the nutrition of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, considering the quantity and quality of the meals consumed during the day. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The research was conducted among 42 children (12 boys and 30 girls) at the age of 7-18 years, the patients of Children Diabetes Clinic of Medical Academy in Gdansk. The research population has been divided into 2 groups: 7-12 years old (average age 9.3 years - 12 patients) and 13-18 years old (15.4 years - 30 patients). The research was based on the survey consisting 12 questions as well as on the anthropometric measurements such as the height and weight of the patients. RESULTS. The research lead to the conclusion that the group of the younger children has eaten the proper quantity of the food recommended during the insulin therapy. However, the quality of meals was often not fulfilling the recommendation. There was the relevant small amount of vegetables in the diet while the preferences of soft and hard cheeses consuming occurred. All in all, the diet mistakes were caused by increased self-reliance of the patients during their adolescence. CONCLUSIONS. The proper diet habits ought to be developed from the early years and be constantly sustained

    Przyczyny otyłości prostej u dzieci i młodzieży

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    Obesity in children and adolescents is epidemic problem in XXI century. Obesity is affected by unfavourable changes in lifestyle and health-related behaviors such as: nutrition, physical activity, and also economic, social, cultural factors. The risk of obesity related diseases (cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, some forms of cancer) are specially high in adult obese since childhood. However, in obese children and adolescents can be observed typical complication of obesity like: metabolic syndrome, hypertension, psychoemotional disorders and musculoskeletal disorders.Na narastający problem epidemii XXI wieku, jakim jest otyłość u dzieci i młodzieży, mają wpływ niekorzystne zmiany stylu życia i zachowaniach zdrowotnych. Dotyczy to sposobu odżywiania i aktywności fizycznej oraz czynników zewnętrznych (ekonomiczno-społecznych, kulturowych, reklamy). Notuje się szczególnie duże prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia późnych powikłań typowych dla otyłości dorosłych, tj. chorób układu krążenia, cukrzycy typu 2, utrwalonego nadciśnienia tętniczego, niektórych postaci nowotworów. Jednocześnie obserwuje się niektóre z powikłań już u otyłych dzieci i młodzieży. Wymienia się: zaburzenia psychoemocjonalne, nadciśnienie tętnicze, zaburzenia narządu ruchu czy zespół metaboliczny

    Clinical applications of artificial intelligence in cardiology on the verge of the decade

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been hailed as the fourth industrial revolution and its influence on people’s lives is increasing. The research on AI applications in medicine is progressing rapidly. This revolution shows promise for more precise diagnoses, streamlined workflows, increased accessibility to healthcare services and new insights into ever-growing population-wide datasets. While some applications have already found their way into contemporary patient care, we are still in the early days of the AI-era in medicine. Despite the popularity of these new technologies, many practitioners lack an understanding of AI methods, their benefits, and pitfalls. This review aims to provide information about the general concepts of machine learning (ML) with special focus on the applications of such techniques in cardiovascular medicine. It also sets out the current trends in research related to medical applications of AI. Along with new possibilities, new threats arise — acknowledging and understanding them is as important as understanding the ML methodology itself. Therefore, attention is also paid to the current opinions and guidelines regarding the validation and safety of AI-powered tools

    Melissopalynological contribution to the knowledge of the honey flora in a sector of the Phytogeographic Chaquenian Province, Argentina

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    La composición y la oferta de floración de la flora melífera de los dos Distritos de la provincia fitogeográfca Chaqueña, fue estudiada a partir del seguimiento de la floración y del análisis de mieles producidas en diferentes momentos de la temporada apícola. La recolección de ejemplares y de muestras de miel fue realizada durante los años 2004 al 2007 en 20 apiarios. En la región estudiada la oferta de floración es más extensa que en otras regiones argentinas, extendiéndose durante la mayor parte del año. A partir de los registros a campo se relevaron 282 especies pertenecientes a 65 familias de Angiospermas, siendo Fabaceae y Asteraceae las más representadas. Se detectaron dos picos de floración, uno entre septiembre y diciembre, y otro desde febrero hasta fines de marzo. El primer pico de foración es más intenso que el segundo. La principal oferta de foración es producida por especies nativas, siendo las leñosas más comunes en primavera y las herbáceas en verano. De los 118 tipos de polen identifcados en las mieles, sólo unos pocos representan fuentes nectaríferas importantes, ellos pertenecen a las siguientes familias: Asteraceae, Anacardiaceae, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Rhamnaceae y Zygophyllaceae.Melissopalynological contribution to the knowledge of the honey flora in a sector of the Phytogeographic Chaquenian Province, Argentina. The honey flora of a sector of the Occidental y OrientalChaco phytogeographic province, Argentina, was studied. Availability of plant flowering, considering the botanical origin of pollen grains contained in honey samples was investigated. Plant specimens and honey samples were collected in 20 apiaries during spring and summer of years 2004 to 2007. The flowering period in the studied region is larger than in other Argentine an regions, extending almost the entire year. Field records revealed the presence of 282 plants species belonging to 65 Angiosperms families being Fabaceae and Asteraceae the most well represented. Two flowering peaks were detected, one between September and December, and the other from February until late March. The first peak of flowering involves a larger number of plant species than the second. Major flowering contribution was produced bynative species; woody plants are dominant in spring and herbaceous ones in summer. Although 118 pollen types were identified in the honey samples, the main nectar sources came from a few plants belonging to Asteraceae, Anacardiaceae, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Rhamnaceae and Zygophyllaceae.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Relationship between gut microbiota and obesity

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    Mikroflora jelitowa może mieć potencjalny wpływ na rozwój otyłości. Badania z ostatnich lat wskazują na różnice dotyczące składu mikroflory jelitowej osób szczupłych w porównaniu z otyłymi. Nie są dobrze poznane związki pomiędzy metabolizmem bakterii jelitowych, przewlekłym stanem zapalnym nabłonka jelitowego a stosowaną dietą. Istotne jest ustalenie, czy zmiana mikroflor y jelitowej może stanowić jeden z celów leczenia żywieniowego lub farmakologicznego w przypadku osób z otyłością i jej powikłaniami, takimi jak cukrzyca typu 2 czy choroby sercowo-naczyniowe.The gut microbiota may have a potential impact on the development of obesity. Recent studies indicate differences in the composition of the gut microbiota in the lean compared to the obese subjects. There are not known relationship between the metaboli sm of intestinal bacteria, chronic inflammation of the intestinal epithelium, and the diet. It is important to determine whether a change in the gut microbiota may be one of the goals of nutritional or pharmacological therapy for patients with obesity and its complications, such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease