37 research outputs found

    Insecticide quantity data

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    The total amount of organophosphate insecticides applied (T) each year by the local agency for mosquito control in the treated area are presented. From 1986 to 1989, treatment applications (i.e., the size of the treated area and the amounts used) did not differ significantly from those in 1990. We therefore attributed the same amount of OPs to the years for which this information was missing (italics)

    Phenotypic data

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    Phenotypic data at the Ester resistance to insecticide locus in the Cx pipiens mosquito from the Montpellier (south of France) over the 1986-2012 period. Site is the location of the sampled population, Km is the distance in kilometers between the population and the Mediteranean Sea, n the number of individuals phenotyped in each sampled population a given year and [i] the number of individuals presenting phenotype i

    Sample collection map.

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    <p><b>The countries of origin for the 385 individuals screened for <i>CCEae3a</i> and <i>CCEae6a</i> gene amplification are indicated</b>. Black and white circles respectively represent places were amplification was or not detected.</p

    Activity, preimaginal mortality and resistance data

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    Original data of activity, preimaginal mortality and resistance of homozygotes for single copies and two duplicated alleles of the ace-1 gene and their hybrids. For each variable the indiduals data are provided

    <i>CCEae3a</i> gene structure.

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    <p><i>CCEae3a</i> consists of three exons and two introns, represented by boxes and lines respectively, with their size in base pairs (bp). The region selected for the phylogenetic analysis is indicated by the arrows.</p

    Infection status of wild caught <i>Ae. albopictus</i> as determined with standard PCR [11].

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    <p>A−B+ and A+B+ refer to <i>w</i>AlbB singly infected and <i>w</i>AlbA/<i>w</i>AlbB co-infected mosquitoes, respectively. Differences between male and female infection patterns were analysed using Fisher's exact test (<i>p</i>-values are reported for each sample, in italics when significant).</p

    <i>CCEae3a</i> diversity.

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    <p>An unrooted maximum likelihood tree was built to represent the phylogenetic distances between the 45 <i>CCEae3a</i> haplotypes identified worldwide (see also <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0005533#pntd.0005533.s001" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>). Distances are expressed in substitutions/site. The numbers on tree branches represent the supporting probability of each node, based on the aLRT statistical test. Individuals with copy number variation are shown with bold.</p

    <i>CCEae3a</i> and <i>CCEae6a</i> gene copy number variation in individuals from Florida and Greece.

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    <p>Quantitative real time PCR values are represented relatively to the values of reference individuals from the Lab strain. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean from at least three technical replicates. <i>Histone 3</i> and <i>rpl34</i> have been used as reference genes.</p

    Mean <i>Wolbachia</i> density in wild specimens from La RĂ©union Island.

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    <p>Each DNA was quantified in triplicate and the average density was calculated for each specimen. Mean density in the population is reported for each sex and is depicted in black for <i>w</i>AlbA and grey for <i>w</i>AlbB. Standard error is calculated on the mean of all average densities (males N = 15, females N = 10).</p