77 research outputs found

    The switching mechanism of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier explored by free-energy landscapes

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    The ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) of mitochondria has been an early example for elucidating the transport mechanism alternating between the external (c-) and internal (m-) states (M. Klingenberg, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1778 (2008) 1978-2021). An atomic resolution crystal structure of AAC is available only for the c-state featuring a three repeat transmembrane domain structure. Modeling of transport mechanism remained hypothetical for want of an atomic structure of the m-state. Previous molecular dynamics studies simulated the binding of ADP or ATP to the AAC remaining in the c-state. Here, a full description of the AAC switching from the c- to the m-state is reported using well-tempered metadynamics simulations. Free-energy landscapes of the entire translocation from the c- to the m-state, based on the gyration radii of the c- and m-gates and of the center of mass, were generated. The simulations revealed three free-energy basins attributed to the c-, intermediate- and m-states separated by activation barriers. These simulations were performed with the empty and with the ADP- and ATP-loaded AAC as well as with the poorly transported AMP and guanine nucleotides, showing in the free energy landscapes that ADP and ATP lowered the activation free-energy barriers more than the other substrates. Upon binding AMP and guanine nucleotides a deeper free-energy level stabilized the intermediate-state of the AAC2 hampering the transition to the m-state. The structures of the substrate binding sites in the different states are described producing a full picture of the translocation events in the AAC

    Molecular modeling of antibodies for the treatment of TNFα-related immunological diseases

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    Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have high efficacy in treating TNF α-related immunological diseases. Other than neutralizing TNF α, these IgG1 antibodies exert Fc receptor-mediated effector functions such as the complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) and antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC). The crystallizable fragment (Fc) of these IgG1 contains a single glycosylation site at Asn 297/300 that is essential for the CDC and ADCC. Glycosylated antibodies lacking core fucosylation showed an improved ADCC. However, no structural data are available concerning the ligand-binding interaction of these mAbs used in TNF α-related diseases and the role of the fucosylation. We therefore used comparative modeling for generating complete 3D mAb models that include the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) portions of infliximab, complexed with TNF α (4G3Y.pdb), the Fc region of the human IGHG1 fucosylated (3SGJ) and afucosylated (3SGK) complexed with the Fc receptor subtype Fcγ RIIIA, and the Fc region of a murine immunoglobulin (1IGT). After few thousand steps of energy minimization on the resulting 3D mAb models, minimized final models were used to quantify interactions occurring between Fcγ RIIIA and the fucosylated/afucosylated Fc fragments. While fucosylation does not affect Fab-TNF α interactions, we found that in the absence of fucosylation the Fc-mAb domain and Fcγ RIIIA are closer and new strong interactions are established between G129 of the receptor and S301 of the Chimera 2 Fc mAb; new polar interactions are also established between the Chimera 2 Fc residues Y299, N300, and S301 and the Fcγ RIIIA residues K128, G129, R130, and R155. These data help to explain the reduced ADCC observed in the fucosylated mAbs suggesting the specific AA residues involved in binding interactions

    Modeling SARS-CoV-2 spike/ACE2 protein–protein interactions for predicting the binding affinity of new spike variants for ACE2, and novel ACE2 structurally related human protein targets, for COVID-19 handling in the 3PM context

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    Aims The rapid spread of new SARS-CoV-2 variants has highlighted the crucial role played in the infection by mutations occurring at the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain (RBD) in the interactions with the human ACE2 receptor. In this context, it urgently needs to develop new rapid tools for quickly predicting the affinity of ACE2 for the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD protein variants to be used with the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing activities in the clinics, aiming to gain clues about the transmissibility and virulence of new variants, to prevent new outbreaks and to quickly estimate the severity of the disease in the context of the 3PM. Methods In our study, we used a computational pipeline for calculating the interaction energies at the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD/ACE2 protein–protein interface for a selected group of characterized infectious variants of concern/interest (VoC/ VoI). By using our pipeline, we built 3D comparative models of the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD/ACE2 protein complexes for the VoC B.1.1.7-United Kingdom (carrying the mutations of concern/interest N501Y, S494P, E484K at the RBD), P.1- Japan/Brazil (RBD mutations: K417T, E484K, N501Y), B.1.351-South Africa (RBD mutations: K417N, E484K, N501Y), B.1.427/B.1.429-California (RBD mutations: L452R), the B.1.141 (RBD mutations: N439K), and the recent B.1.617.1- India (RBD mutations: L452R; E484Q) and the B.1.620 (RBD mutations: S477N; E484K). Then, we used the obtained 3D comparative models of the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD/ACE2 protein complexes for predicting the interaction energies at the protein–protein interface. Results Along SARS-CoV-2 mutation database screening and mutation localization analysis, it was ascertained that the most dangerous mutations at VoC/VoI spike proteins are located mainly at three regions of the SARS-CoV-2 spike “boat-shaped” receptor binding motif, on the RBD domain. Notably, the P.1 Japan/Brazil variant present three mutations, K417T, E484K, N501Y, located along the entire receptor binding motif, which apparently determines the highest interaction energy at the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD/ACE2 protein–protein interface, among those calculated. Conversely, it was also observed that the replacement of a single acidic/hydrophilic residue with a basic residue (E484K or N439K) at the “stern” or “bow” regions, of the boat-shaped receptor binding motif on the RBD, appears to determine an interaction energy with ACE2 receptor higher than that observed with single mutations occurring at the “hull” region or with other multiple mutants. In addition, our pipeline allowed searching for ACE2 structurally related proteins, i.e., THOP1 and NLN, which deserve to be investigated for their possible involvement in interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, in those tissues showing a low expression of ACE2, or as a novel receptor for future spike variants. A freely available web-tool for the in silico calculation of the interaction energy at the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD/ACE2 protein–protein interface, starting from the sequences of the investigated spike and/or ACE2 variants, was made available for the scientific community at: https:// www. mitoa irm. it/ covid 19aff​initi es. Conclusion In the context of the PPPM/3PM, the employment of the described pipeline through the provided webservice, together with the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing, would help to predict the transmissibility of new variants sequenced from future patients, depending on SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing activities and on the specific amino acid replacement and/or on its location on the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD, to put in play all the possible counteractions for preventing the most deleterious scenarios of new outbreaks, taking into consideration that a greater transmissibility has not to be necessarily related to a more severe manifestation of the disease

    Functional conservation of the grapevine candidate gene INNER NO OUTER for ovule development and seed formation

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    Seedlessness represents a highly appreciated trait in table grapes. Based on an interesting case of seedless fruit production described in the crop species Annona squamosa, we focused on the Vitis vinifera INNER NO OUTER (INO) gene as a candidate. This gene encodes a transcription factor belonging to the YABBY family involved in the determination of abaxial identity in several organs. In Arabidopsis thaliana, this gene was shown to be essential for the formation and asymmetric growth of the ovule outer integument and its mutation leads to a phenotypic defect of ovules and failure in seed formation. In this study, we identified in silico the V. vinifera orthologue and investigated its phylogenetic relationship to INO genes from other species and its expression in different organs in seeded and seedless varieties. Applying cross-species complementation, we have tested its functionality in the Arabidopsis ino-1 mutant. We show that the V. vinifera INO successfully rescues the ovule outer integument growth and seeds set and also partially complements the outer integument asymmetric growth in the Arabidopsis mutant, differently from orthologues from other species. These data demonstrate that VviINO retains similar activity and protein targets in grapevine as in Arabidopsis. Potential implications for grapevine breeding are discussed

    Biochemical characterization of a new mitochondrial transporter of dephosphocoenzyme A in Drosophila melanogaster

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    none13noCoA is an essential cofactor that holds a central role in cell metabolism. Although its biosynthetic pathway is conserved across the three domains of life, the subcellular localization of the eukaryotic biosynthetic enzymes and the mechanism behind the cytosolic and mitochondrial CoA pools compartmentalization are still under debate. In humans, the transport of CoA across the inner mitochondrial membrane has been ascribed to two related genes, SLC25A16 and SLC25A42 whereas in D. melanogaster genome only one gene is present, CG4241, phylogenetically closer to SLC25A42. CG4241 encodes two alternatively spliced isoforms, dPCoAC-A and dPCoAC-B. Both isoforms were expressed in Escherichia coli, but only dPCoAC-A was successfully reconstituted into liposomes, where transported dPCoA and, to a lesser extent, ADP and dADP but not CoA, which was a powerful competitive inhibitor. The expression of both isoforms in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain lacking the endogenous putative mitochondrial CoA carrier restored the growth on respiratory carbon sources and the mitochondrial levels of CoA. The results reported here and the proposed subcellular localization of some of the enzymes of the fruit fly CoA biosynthetic pathway, suggest that dPCoA may be synthesized and phosphorylated to CoA in the matrix, but it can also be transported by dPCoAC to the cytosol, where it may be phosphorylated to CoA by the monofunctional dPCoA kinase. Thus, dPCoAC may connect the cytosolic and mitochondrial reactions of the CoA biosynthetic pathway without allowing the two CoA pools to get in contact.Vozza, Angelo; Leonardis, Francesco De; Paradies, Eleonora; Grassi, Anna De; Pierri, Ciro Leonardo; Parisi, Giovanni; Marobbio, Carlo Marya Thomas; Lasorsa, Francesco Massimo; Muto, Luigina; Capobianco, Loredana; Dolce, Vincenza; Raho, Susanna; Fiermonte, GiuseppeVozza, Angelo; Leonardis, Francesco De; Paradies, Eleonora; Grassi, Anna De; Pierri, Ciro Leonardo; Parisi, Giovanni; Marobbio, Carlo Marya Thomas; Lasorsa, Francesco Massimo; Muto, Luigina; Capobianco, Loredana; Dolce, Vincenza; Raho, Susanna; Fiermonte, Giusepp

    Case report: biallelic DNMT3A mutations in acute myeloid leukemia

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    DNMT3A gene mutations, detected in 20-25% of de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients, are typically heterozygous. Biallelic variants are uncommon, affecting ~3% of cases and identifying a worse prognosis. Indeed, two concomitant DNMT3A mutations were recently associated with shorter event-free survival and overall survival in AML. We present an AML case bearing an unusual DNMT3A molecular status, strongly affecting its function and strangely impacting the global genomic methylation profile. A 56-year-old Caucasian male with a diagnosis of AML not otherwise specified (NOS) presented a complex DNMT3A molecular profile consisting of four different somatic variants mapping on different alleles (in trans). 3D modelling analysis predicted the effect of the DNMT3A mutational status, showing that all the investigated mutations decreased or abolished DNMT3A activity. Although unexpected, DNMT3A’s severe loss of function resulted in a global genomic hypermethylation in genes generally involved in cell differentiation. The mechanisms through which DNMT3A contributes to AML remain elusive. We present a unique AML case bearing multiple biallelic DNMT3A variants abolishing its activity and resulting in an unexpected global hypermethylation. The unusual DNMT3A behavior described requires a reflection on its role in AML development and persistence, highlighting the heterogeneity of its deregulation

    Structure and function of mitochondrial carriers – Role of the transmembrane helix P and G residues in the gating ant transport mechanism

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    AbstractTo date, 22 mitochondrial carrier subfamilies have been functionally identified based on substrate specificity. Structural, functional and bioinformatics studies have pointed to the existence in the mitochondrial carrier superfamily of a substrate-binding site in the internal carrier cavity, of two salt-bridge networks or gates that close the cavity alternatively on the matrix or the cytosolic side of the membrane, and of conserved prolines and glycines in the transmembrane α-helices. The significance of these properties in the structural changes occurring during the catalytic substrate translocation cycle are discussed within the context of a transport mechanism model. Most experimentally produced and disease-causing missense mutations concern carrier regions corresponding to the substrate-binding site, the two gates and the conserved prolines and glycines

    Transport mechanism of mitochondrial carriers

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    The inner mitochondrial membrane contains a superfamily of proteins, called mitochondrial carriers (MCs), which transport several metabolites into and out of the mitochondrial matrix. As observed in the ADP/ATP carrier structure, crystallized in complex with its powerful inhibitor carboxyatractyloside, the main structural fold of the MCs consists of a barrel of six transmembrane α-helices whose charged surfaces form the wall of a water-filled cavity. Multiple sequence alignment and 3D comparative models of mitochondrial carriers of known function have recently allowed the identification of i) a similarly located binding site located in the carrier cavity, ii) two ion pair networks or gates that are on the matrix or the cytosolic side of the carrier molecules, and iii) two Pro-Gly levels above and below the substrate binding site. As a result of the substrate–protein interactions, ‘hinged helix movements’ consisting of a tilt of the entire helical segments and a kink/swivel of the helical termini at the level of their Pro and Gly have been proposed to be fundamental for the alternative opening and closure of the gates on the matrix or the cytosolic side and thus for the translocation mechanism. The key role of residues of the binding site, gates and Pro-Gly levels in substrate translocation is supported by the localization of most missense mutations found in patients affected by diseases associated to mitochondrial carriers. References Klingenberg M (2007 ) Transport viewed as a catalytic process. Biochimie. 89:1042-8. Palmieri F (2008) Diseases caused by defects of mitochondrial carriers: a review. Biochim Biophys Acta 1777: 564-57 Palmieri F, Pierri CL (2010) Structure and function of mitochondrial carriers - Role of the transmembrane helix P and G residues in the gating and transport mechanism. FEBS Lett. 584:1931-9 Pebay-Peyroula E, Dahout-Gonzalez C, Kahn R, TrĂ©zĂ©guet V, Lauquin GJ, Brandolin G. (2003) Structure of mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in complex with carboxyatractyloside. Nature. 426:39-44 Robinson AJ, Kunji ER. (2006) Mitochondrial carriers in the cytoplasmic state have a common substrate binding site. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103:2617-22 Robinson AJ, Overy C, Kunji ER. (2008) The mechanism of transport by mitochondrial carriers based on analysis of symmetry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105:17766-71 Wibom R, Lasorsa F, Töhönen V, Barbaro M, Sterky F, Kucinski T, Naess K, Jonsson M, Pierri CL, Palmieri F, Wedell A (2009) AGC1 deficiency associated with global cerebral hypomyelination. N Engl J Med 361: 489-49
