118 research outputs found

    Inversion Schemes to Retrieve Atmospheric and Oceanic Parameters from SeaWiFS Data

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    Firstly, we have analyzed atmospheric transmittance and sky radiance data connected at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography pier, La Jolla during the winters of 1993 and 1994. Aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm was generally low in La Jolla, with most values below 0.1 after correction for stratospheric aerosols. For such low optical thickness, variability in aerosol scattering properties cannot be determined, and a mean background model, specified regionally under stable stratospheric component, may be sufficient for ocean color remote sensing, from space. For optical thicknesses above 0. 1, two modes of variability characterized by Angstrom exponents of 1.2 and 0.5 and corresponding, to Tropospheric and Maritime models, respectively, were identified in the measurements. The aerosol models selected for ocean color remote sensing, allowed one to fit, within measurement inaccuracies, the derived values of Angstrom exponent and 'pseudo' phase function (the product of single scattering albedo and phase function), key atmospheric correction parameters. Importantly, the 'pseudo' phase function can be derived from measurements of the Angstrom exponent. Shipborne sun photometer measurements at the time of satellite overpass are usually sufficient to verify atmospheric correction for ocean color

    Comments on the "Spatial variability of coastal surface water temperature during upwelling"

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    Satellite determination of the mesoscale variability of the sea surface temperature

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    International audienceSatellite infrared data have been used to investigate the mesoscale variability of the SST (sea surface temperature) field. A statistical analysis of the SST field has been performed by means of the structure function. Results give the equivalent power-law exponent n of the spatial variance density spectrum E(k) ∌ k−h. The exponent n was found to vary from 1.5 to 2,3 with a mean value of 1.8 in the ]range of scales 3–100 km which is in agreement with previous one-dimensional analysis from shipborne and airborne measurements. These observed values of n are discussed and compared with the values predicted by turbulence theories

    Le retable de CarriĂšres-sur-Seine : Ă©tude des vestiges d’une riche polychromie du xiie siĂšcle

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    À l’occasion de sa prĂ©sentation lors de l’exposition temporaire « Les premiers retables (xiie-dĂ©but du xve siĂšcle). Une mise en scĂšne du sacré » au musĂ©e du Louvre en 2009, le retable de CarriĂšres-sur-Seine a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une Ă©tude puis d’une restauration effectuĂ©e entre 2006 et 2008. La polychromie de cette sculpture, lacunaire Ă  90 %, qui plus est extrĂȘmement fragile, a Ă©tĂ© refixĂ©e, nettoyĂ©e et certains repeints ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©liminĂ©s. Bien qu’associĂ© au premier art gothique par les circonstances de sa commande, ce retable prĂ©sente une polychromie relevant encore de l’esthĂ©tique romane, fondĂ©e sur une harmonie de couleurs vives et contrastĂ©es, telles le rouge vermillon, le bleu lapis-lazuli, le blanc et l’or. Les architectures et les rinceaux qui encadrent les scĂšnes Ă©taient Ă©galement vivement colorĂ©s de rouge, de vert et de bleu.On the occasion of it being shown in the temporary exhibition “Early Altarpieces (12th-early 15th century). A presentation of Sacred Art”, held at the Louvre in 2009, the altarpiece from CarriĂšres-sur-Seine depicting The Annunciation, The Virgin in Majesty and The Baptism of Christ was the subject of a study and a restoration programme carried out between 2006 and 2008. This sculpture was extremely fragile and ninety per cent of its polychromy was missing. The remaining ten per cent was reattached, cleaned, and some of the repainted areas were removed. Although associated with Early Gothic Art because of the circumstances surrounding its commission, this altarpiece’s vivid, contrasting colours – vermilion, lapis lazuli, white, gold – are still characteristic of Romanesque aesthetics. The architecture and scrolls carved around the scenes were also painted in bright red, green and blue

    La restauration du Christ Courajod : la luminositĂ© d’une polychromie romane retrouvĂ©e

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    Chef-d’Ɠuvre du dĂ©partement des Sculptures du musĂ©e du Louvre, le Christ dit Courajod (RF 1082) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© puis restaurĂ© dans les ateliers du C2RMF entre 2007 et 2011. La polychromie de cette Ɠuvre prĂ©sentait un Ă©tat de conservation mĂ©diocre, rĂ©sultant essentiellement d’une tentative de dĂ©gagement non maĂźtrisĂ© en 1956. Cette intervention a crĂ©Ă© un Ă©tat de surface confus induisant une perte de visibilitĂ© des qualitĂ©s plastiques de la sculpture. L’élimination de l’ensemble des repeints a permis de dĂ©couvrir une polychromie originale romane d’une facture remarquable et d’une grande finesse, aux coloris subtils jouant sur un contraste entre des carnations pĂąles, des cheveux et une barbe d’un noir soutenu et un pĂ©rizonium d’un bleu intense rehaussĂ© d’or.A masterpiece of the Louvre’s Sculpture Department, the figure of Christ from a Descent from the Cross, known as the Courajod Christ (RF 1082), was examined then restored in the C2RMF workshops between 2007 and 2011. The polychromy of this work was in a mediocre condition, basically as a result of a misfired attempt to remove overpaints in 1956. This restoration left the work with a muddled surface concealing some of the sculpture’s artistic qualities. The removal of all the repaints revealed the great finesse and remarkable handling of the original Romanesque polychromy. Its subtle use of colour plays on a contrast between the pale flesh tints, the dark hair and beard and the deep blue perizonium enhanced with gold

    Introduction. L’apport des Ă©tudes et des restaurations conduites au sein des musĂ©es de France : bilan et perspectives

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    Un Ă©tat des lieux En France, les Ă©tudes sur l’histoire des couleurs, au Moyen Âge et au-delĂ , notamment dans leurs aspects culturels et anthropologiques, bĂ©nĂ©ficient des longues recherches de Michel Pastoureau et de leur rayonnement justifiĂ© jusque dans le grand public. Pourtant, si l’on s’interroge plus concrĂštement sur les analyses concernant la couleur dans les Ɠuvres d’art mĂ©diĂ©vales, notamment pour la sculpture, il apparaĂźt d’une part que le point de vue de l’historien montre ses limites..

    La Vierge et l’Enfant en majestĂ©, musĂ©e du Louvre

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    La Vierge et l’Enfant en majestĂ© du Louvre (RF 987) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e et restaurĂ©e par Dominique FauniĂšres et Jean-RenĂ© Gaborit en 2004-2005. Leur travail commun a donnĂ© lieu Ă  la publication d’une synthĂšse en 2009. NĂ©anmoins, il nous a paru utile de reprendre ici les rĂ©sultats essentiels de leurs recherches, spĂ©cialement sur les aspects touchant la polychromie, non seulement pour les insĂ©rer dans le cadre des autres Ă©tudes de cas rassemblĂ©es ici, mais aussi parce que quelques analyses rĂ©centes (ou encore en cours) de Vierges en majestĂ© romanes peuvent ĂȘtre confrontĂ©es et mises en perspective avec celle de l’exemplaire du Louvre.The Louvre’s Virgin and Child in Majesty (RF 987) was studied and restored by Dominique FauniĂšres and Jean-RenĂ© Gaborit in 2004-05. This collaboration gave rise to the publication of a short essay in 2009. It nevertheless seemed useful to select the essential results of their research here, especially the aspects involving polychromy, not only to fit them into the framework of other case studies compiled here, but also because a number of recent (or ongoing) analyses of Romanesque Virgins and Child in Majesty may be compared and put into perspective with the example from the Louvre

    Un Saint Jean de calvaire rouergat, témoin du raffinement et de la signification de la polychromie au début du xvie siÚcle

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    Acquise en 2003 par le musĂ©e du Louvre, la statue de Saint Jean l’ÉvangĂ©liste (RF 4699) devait faire partie initialement d’un groupe reprĂ©sentant une Crucifixion. Une Ă©tude stylistique complĂ©tĂ©e par une Ă©tude technique et une analyse de la pierre ont permis d’établir sa provenance, Ă  savoir la rĂ©gion de Rodez. Le dĂ©gagement de la polychromie originale, rĂ©alisĂ© lors de la restauration de la sculpture en 2011, a permis de retrouver un contraste de couleurs franches pour la robe et le manteau et une fraĂźcheur des carnations dont les dĂ©tails Ă©taient subtilement nuancĂ©s. Un important dĂ©cor de « brocarts appliquĂ©s » confĂ©rait Ă  cette Ɠuvre une prĂ©ciositĂ© certaine.Acquired by the Louvre in 2003, the statue of St John the Evangelist (RF 4699) must have initially been part of a group depicting a Crucifixion scene. A stylistic study, supported by a technical examination and the analysis of the stone, enabled us to establish its provenance: the Rodez region. The uncovering of the original polychromy, undertaken during the restoration of the sculpture in 2011, revealed strong contrasting colours on the robe and cloak and the fresh, subtly nuanced flesh tints. The ample use of “applied brocade” decoration conferred a certain preciosity upon this work
