5 research outputs found

    Genetic Data

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    This zip contains our genetic data (8 microsatellites) for our nematode populations in a Fstat format. Each file correspond to one population (the name of the file),with the first lines ("1") corresponding to the sample of 2012 and the last ones ("2") corresponding to the sample of 2013


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    This file contains the name and the spatial localisation (x and y coordinates) corresponding to nematode population codes used in the file GeneticData_2012-2013.dat

    Data summary

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    This table show, for each nematode population, the plant status in 2013, the effective size computed with Jorde & Ryman method, the effective size computed with Wang method, The number of cyst (corrected by the proportion of heterodera schachtii cysts) for samples of 2012 and 2013, and the FIS for samples of 2012 and 201