28 research outputs found

    Evaluation of early tissue reactions after lumbar intertransverse process fusion using CT in a rabbit

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate tissue reactions such as bone genesis, cartilage genesis and graft materials in the early phase of lumbar intertransverse process fusion in a rabbit model using computed tomography (CT) imaging with CT intensity (Hounsfield units) measurement, and to compare these data with histological results. Materials and methods: Lumbar intertransverse process fusion was performed on 18 rabbits. Four graft materials were used: autograft bone (n = 3); collagen membrane soaked with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) (n = 5); granular calcium phosphate (n = 5); and granular calcium phosphate coated with rhBMP-2 (n = 5). All rabbits were euthanized 3weeks post-operatively and lumbar spines were removed for CT imaging and histological examination. Results: Computed tomography imaging demonstrated that each fusion mass component had the appropriate CT intensity range. CT also showed the different distributions and intensities of bone genesis in the fusion masses between the groups. Each component of tissue reactions was identified successfully on CT images using the CT intensity difference. Using CT color mapping, these observations could be easily visualized, and the results correlated well with histological findings. Conclusions: The use of CT intensity is an effective approach for observing and comparing early tissue reactions such as newly synthesized bone, newly synthesized cartilage, and graft materials after lumbar intertransverse process fusion in a rabbit mode

    Visual histological grading system for the evaluation of in vitro-generated neocartilage

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    Here we present the development of a visual evaluation system for routine assessment of in vitro-engineered cartilaginous tissue. Neocartilage was produced by culturing human articular chondrocytes in pellet culture systems or in a scaffold-free bioreactor system. All engineered tissues were embedded in paraffin and were sectioned and stained with Safranin O-fast green. The evaluation of each sample was broken into 3 categories (uniformity and intensity of Safranin O stain, distance between cells/amount of matrix produced, and cell morphology), and each category had 4 components with a score ranging from 0 to 3. Three observers evaluated each sample, and the new system was independently tested against an objective computer-based histomorphometry system. Pellets were also assessed biochemically for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content. Pellet histology scores correlated significantly with GAG contents and were in agreement with the computer-based histomorphometry system. This system allows a valid and rapid assessment of in vitro-generated cartilaginous tissue that has a relevant association with objective parameters indicative of cartilage quality

    In vitro and in vivo validation of human and goat chondrocyte labeling by green fluorescent protein lentivirus transduction

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    We investigated whether human articular chondrocytes can be labeled efficiently and for long-term with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) lentivirus and whether the viral transduction would influence cell proliferation and tissue-forming capacity. The method was then applied to track goat articular chondrocytes after autologous implantation in cartilage defects. Expression of GFP in transduced chondrocytes was detected cytofluorimetrically and immunohistochemically. Chondrogenic capacity of chondrocytes was assessed by Safranin-O staining, immunostaining for type II collagen, and glycosaminoglycan content. Human articular chondrocytes were efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (73.4 +/- 0.5% at passage 1) and maintained the expression of GFP up to 22 weeks of in vitro culture after transduction. Upon implantation in nude mice, 12 weeks after transduction, the percentage of labeled cells (73.6 +/- 3.3%) was similar to the initial one. Importantly, viral transduction of chondrocytes did not affect the cell proliferation rate, chondrogenic differentiation, or tissue-forming capacity, either in vitro or in vivo. Goat articular chondrocytes were also efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (78.3 +/- 3.2%) and maintained the expression of GFP in the reparative tissue after orthotopic implantation. This study demonstrates the feasibility of efficient and relatively long-term labeling of human chondrocytes for co-culture on integration studies, and indicates the potential of this stable labeling technique for tracking animal chondrocytes for in cartilage repair studies

    Evaluation of early tissue reactions after lumbar intertransverse process fusion using CT in a rabbit

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate tissue reactions such as bone genesis, cartilage genesis and graft materials in the early phase of lumbar intertransverse process fusion in a rabbit model using computed tomography (CT) imaging with CT intensity (Hounsfield units) measurement, and to compare these data with histological results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lumbar intertransverse process fusion was performed on 18 rabbits. Four graft materials were used: autograft bone (n = 3); collagen membrane soaked with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) (n = 5); granular calcium phosphate (n = 5); and granular calcium phosphate coated with rhBMP-2 (n = 5). All rabbits were euthanized 3 weeks post-operatively and lumbar spines were removed for CT imaging and histological examination. RESULTS: Computed tomography imaging demonstrated that each fusion mass component had the appropriate CT intensity range. CT also showed the different distributions and intensities of bone genesis in the fusion masses between the groups. Each component of tissue reactions was identified successfully on CT images using the CT intensity difference. Using CT color mapping, these observations could be easily visualized, and the results correlated well with histological findings. CONCLUSIONS: The use of CT intensity is an effective approach for observing and comparing early tissue reactions such as newly synthesized bone, newly synthesized cartilage, and graft materials after lumbar intertransverse process fusion in a rabbit model

    Polylactides in orthopaedic surgery and their potential for the fixation of porotic bones

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    Resorbable polymers in various configurations have been extensively studied for their possible biomedical applications as suture materials and internal fixation devices for bone fractures to ensure satisfactory fracture stability in the areas of restricted load over the period of time required for healing. Experimental work on biodegradable osteosynthesis devices in the past 20 years was centered mainly on poly(c-hydroxy acids), in particular poly(glycolide) ( PGA) and poly(glycolide-co-lactide). Although these osteosyntheses initially appeared successful, subsequently problems and complications were reported such as secondary fracture dislocation, pin loosening, sterile sinus formation and osteolysis. ... Zie: Summary.

    Functional evaluation of megaprostheses replacing the proximal femur.

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    Between 1987 and 1991, 20 large proximal femoral replacements were performed in 19 patients (10 males and 9 females). The median age was 60 years (15 to 89 years). Four patients presented with a primary sarcoma involving the proximal femur; 15 had bone destruction secondary to metastatic disease. Twelve of the 20 had a pathological bone fracture. The average length of the proximal femoral resection was 12 cm (7 to 26 cm). Fourteen patients could be evaluated for pain and function according to the SICOT hip-evaluation score. All patients, except one with rapidly progressing local disease, were able to walk again independently using one or two crutches. Limping and a positive Trendelenburg sign were observed in all cases but two.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Cartilage tissue engineering for degenerative joint disease

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    Pain in the joint is often due to cartilage degeneration and represents a serious medical problem affecting people of all ages. Although many, mostly surgical techniques, are currently employed to treat cartilage lesions, none has given satisfactory results in the long term. Recent advances in biology and material science have brought tissue engineering to the forefront of new cartilage repair techniques. The combination of autologous cells, specifically designed scaffolds, bioreactors, mechanical stimulations and growth factors together with the knowledge that underlies the principles of cell biology offers promising avenues for cartilage tissue regeneration. The present review explores basic biology mechanisms for cartilage reconstruction and summarizes the advances in the tissue engineering approaches. Furthermore, the limits of the new methods and their potential application in the osteoarthritic conditions are discussed

    Multilineage differentiation potential of equine blood-derived fibroblast-like cells

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    Tissue engineering (TE) has emerged as a promising new therapy for the treatment of damaged tissues and organs. Adult stem cells are considered as an attractive candidate cell type for cell-based TE. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have been isolated from a variety of tissues and tested for differentiation into different cell lineages. While clinical trials still await the use of human MSC, horse tendon injuries are already being treated with autologous bone marrow-derived MSC. Given that the bone marrow is not an optimal source for MSC due to the painful and risk-containing sampling procedure, isolation of stem cells from peripheral blood would bring an attractive alternative. Adherent fibroblast-like cells have been previously isolated from equine peripheral blood. However, their responses to the differentiation conditions, established for human bone marrow MSC, were insufficient to fully confirm their multilineage potential. In this study, differentiation conditions were optimized to better evaluate the multilineage capacities of equine peripheral blood-derived fibroblast-like cells (ePB-FLC) into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic pathways. Adipogenic differentiation using rabbit serum resulted in a high number of large-size lipid droplets three days upon induction. Cells' expression of alkaline phosphatase and calcium deposition upon osteogenic induction confirmed their osteogenic differentiation capacities. Moreover, an increase of dexamethasone concentration resulted in faster osteogenic differentiation and matrix mineralization. Finally, induction of chondrogenesis in pellet cultures resulted in an increase in cartilage-specific gene expression, namely collagen II and aggrecan, followed by protein deposition after a longer induction period. This study therefore demonstrates that ePB-FLC have the potential to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic mesenchymal lineages. The presence of cells with confirmed multilineage capacities in peripheral blood has important clinical implications for cell-based TE therapies in horses

    Population doublings and percentage of S100-positive cells as predictors of in vitro chondrogenicity of expanded human articular chondrocytes

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the interconnection between the processes of proliferation, dedifferentiation, and intrinsic redifferentiation (chondrogenic) capacities of human articular chondrocyte (HAC), and to identify markers linking HAC dedifferentiation status with their chondrogenic potential. Cumulative population doublings (PD) of HAC expanded in monolayer culture were determined, and a threshold range of 3.57-4.19 PD was identified as indicative of HAC loss of intrinsic chondrogenic capacity in pellets incubated without added chondrogenic factors. While several specific gene and surface markers defined early HAC dedifferentiation process, no clear correlation with the loss of intrinsic chondrogenic potential could be established. CD90 expression during HAC monolayer culture revealed two subpopulations, with sorted CD90-negative cells showing lower proliferative capacity and higher chondrogenic potential compared to CD90-positive cells. Although these data further validated PD as critical for in vitro chondrogenesis, due to the early shift in expression, CD90 could not be considered for predicting chondrogenic potential of HAC expanded for several weeks. In contrast, an excellent mathematically modeled correlation was established between PD and the decline of HAC expressing the intracellular marker S100, providing a direct link between the number of cell divisions and dedifferentiation/loss of intrinsic chondrogenic capacity. Based on the dynamics of S100-positive HAC during expansion, we propose asymmetric cell division as a potential mechanism of HAC dedifferentiation, and S100 as a marker to assess chondrogenicity of HAC during expansion, of potential value for cell-based cartilage repair treatments