16 research outputs found

    Composição corporal, atividade física e consumo alimentar de alunos do ensino fundamental e médio

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    The current study purpose is to evaluate the level of physical activity, the quality of school’s snack and the composition of students body’s from elementary and high school. In the studied 441 students were evaluate (219 male and 222 female), and average age 11,6+/-3 years. It was applied International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), that determines the time spent in minutes per week doing physical activities, classifying the students as sedentary, insufficiently active and very active. It was measured weight and heigh for the BMI calculation. Triciptal skinfold (TSF) and the arm’s circumference was measureds between acromium and olecranum, used to calculate the muscular area of the arm’s (MAA). The circumference of the waist was classified according to percentis. The intake of the school snack was evaluated by a frequency questionnaire and dietary recalls, it was calculated by software NutWin v.1.5. Excess of weight (>P85) was observed in 31% of the students (28% female e 33% male), with physical inactivity present in 60% (n=265) of the students. About 58% (n=235) had presented abdominal hiperadiposity (>P75, 59% female, 41% male) and the MAA was presented below of the P5 in 27% (n=118) of the pupils. The school snack contains 31±17% of lipids, 62±21% of carbohydrate and 8±6% of protein. The school snack is rich in sodium (410±348mg) and poor in fibers (2±2g), with lipidic distribution below of recommendation for poliinsaturated (5±5%) and in accordance with the recommendation for saturated and monoinsaturated (8±7% and 12±9%, respectively). Therefore, the excess of adiposity, sedentary lifestyle serve of alert schools provide programs of physical exercise and alimentary education.O presente estudo objetiva avaliar o nível de atividade física, qualidade alimentar do lanche escolar e composição corporal de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio. Foram estudados 441 indivíduos (219 masculino e 222 feminino), média de idade 11,6+/-3 anos. O diagnóstico do nível de atividade física foi feito pela aplicação do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ), que determina em minutos por semana o tempo gasto realizando atividades físicas, classificando os indivíduos como sedentários, insuficientemente ativos, ativos e muito ativos. Aferiu-se peso e estatura para cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC). Foram realizadas dobra cutânea triciptal (DCT) e circunferência do braço (CB), aferidas no ponto médio entre o acrômio e o olecrano, utilizadas no cálculo da área muscular do braço (AMB). A classificação da CC foi feita utilizando pontos de corte: P 85) em 33% (n=144) dos alunos, com inatividade física presente em 60% (n=265) destes. Cerca de 58% (n=235) apresentaram hiperadiposidade abdominal (>P 75) e a AMB apresentou-se abaixo do P5 em 27% (n=118) dos alunos. O lanche escolar contém 31±17% de lipídios, 62±21% de carboidrato e 8±6% de proteína. É rico em sódio (410±348mg) e pobre em fibras (2±2g), com distribuição lipídica abaixo da recomendação para poliinsaturada (5±5%) e dentro da recomendação para saturada e monoinsaturada (8±7% e 12±9%, respectivamente). Portanto, a elevada prevalência de sedentarismo e obesidade entre os alunos, serve de alerta para as escolas proporcionarem programas de exercício físico e educação alimentar

    Influência da suplementação sobre estresse oxidativo e processo inflamatório renal de animais com sobrecarga nutricional

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    The mechanisms linking obesity to kidney damage are unknown. The kidney is a target organ lesions caused by AGEs. The receptor of AGEs (RAGE) has proinflammatory stimuli and appears to play a role in the pathogenesis of renal disease. The study aimed to verify the effect of obesity on renal damage and the effect of lycopene on these complications. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to receive control diet (C, n = 7) or high fat plus sucrose (HD+S, n = 14) for 6 weeks. After this period, the HD+S animals were randomized into two groups: HD+S (n = 7) and HD+S supplemented with lycopene (HD+S+L, n = 7). The animals received corn oil (C and HD+S+L) and lycopene (HD+S+L, 10 mg/kg/5 times per week) for 6 weeks. At the end of the period 24h urine was collected, the animals euthanized and samples of blood and kidney were obtained for analysis. Biochemical, hemodynamic parameters, renal function, markers of oxidative stress and inflammation were assessed. The adiposity index increased in groups HD+S and HD+S+L (C: 5.8±1.8 < HD+S: 9.4±1.6 = HD+S+L: 9.7±1.7%, p <0.001). The HD+S and HD+S+L animals had insulin resistance (OGTT glucose levels after 150 min, C: 117.6±3.9 < HD+S: 138.1±5.1 = HD+S+L: 137.8±5.2 mg / dL, p = 0.01), but no changes in fasting glucose, lipids, SBP and renal function. Renal concentrations of RAGE and TNF-α increased in the HD+S group and lycopene supplementation restored these increased levels similar to the control group (RAGE values - C: 3.1±0.3 = HD+S+L: 3.1±0.3 < DH+S: 3.6±0.4 mg/g , p = 0.014; TNF-α - C: 227.8±2.7 = HD+S+L: 227.4±2 , 2 < HD+S: 238.7±3.0 ρg/mL, p = 0.014). Lycopene was able to decrease TNF-α RAGE and kidney. Thus, this carotenoid can be beneficial for the prevention and therapy of oxidative stress and inflammation in the kidneys resulting from obesityOs mecanismos que relacionam a obesidade aos danos renais são desconhecidos. O rim é um órgão alvo para lesões causadas por AGEs. O receptor de AGEs (RAGE) tem estímulo pró inflamatório e parece desempenhar um papel na patogênese da doença renal. O estudo objetivou verificar o efeito da obesidade sobre o dano renal e o efeito do licopeno sobre essas complicações. Ratos Wistar machos foram randomicamente divididos para receberem dieta controle (C, n =7) ou hiperlipídica mais sacarose (DH+S, n =14) por 6 semanas. Após este período, os animais DH+S foram randomizados em 2 grupos: DH+S (n=7) e DH+S suplementado com licopeno (DH+S+L, n=7). Os animais receberam óleo de milho (C e DH+S) ou licopeno (DH+S+L, 10 mg/kg peso/5 vezes por semana) por 6 semanas. Ao final do período urina de 24hs foi coletada, os animais eutanasiados e amostras de sangue e rim foram obtidas para as análises. Foram avaliados parâmetros bioquímicos, hemodinâmico, função renal, marcadores de estresse oxidativo e inflamação. O índice de adiposidade aumentou nos grupos DH+S e DH+S+L (C: 5,8±1,8 < DH+S: 9,4±1,6 = DH+S+L: 9,7±1,7 %; p<0,001). Os animais DH+S e DH+S+L apresentaram resistência insulínica (Glicemia OGTT após 150 min.; C: 117,6±3,9 < DH+S: 138,1±5,1 = DH+S+L: 137,8±5,2 mg/dL; p=0,01), porém, sem alterações em glicemia de jejum, lipidemia, PAS e função renal. As concentrações renais de RAGE e TNF-α aumentaram no grupo DH+S e a suplementação de licopeno restaurou estes níveis aumentados para valores semelhantes ao grupo controle (RAGE - C: 3,1±0,3 = DH+S+L: 3,1±0,3 < DH+S: 3,6±0,4 μg/g; p=0,014; TNF- α - C: 227,8±2,7 = DH+S+L: 227,4±2,2 < DH+S: 238,7±3,0 ρg/mL; p=0,014). O licopeno foi capaz de diminuir RAGE e TNF- α no rim. Assim, esse carotenóide pode ser benéfico para a prevenção e terapia do estresse oxidativo e inflamação nos rins decorrente da obesidadeCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    The role of oxidative stress in renal injury related to obesity

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    The mechanisms linking obesity to kidney damage are unknown. AGEs are responsible for renal damage in obese individuals. The receptor AGEs (RAGE) contributes to nuclear transcription factors that result in the production of proinflammatory cytokines and this seems to contribute to the development of renal disease. Thus, intervention with antioxidant can have an important effect in the prevention and treatment of pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory state in the kidneys resulting from obesity

    DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients undergoing anti-tuberculosis treatment

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    Tuberculosis (TB), a chronic infectious disease, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Expression of iNOS and consequent production of NO during the inflammatory process is an important defense mechanism against TB bacteria. We have tested whether pulmonary TB patients undergoing anti-tuberculosis treatment present DNA damage, and whether this damage is related to oxidative stress, by evaluating total hydrophilic antioxidant capacity and iNOS expression. DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients and healthy tuberculin test (PPD) positive controls was evaluated by single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay), and iNOS expression was measured by qPCR. We also evaluated total hydrophilic antioxidant capacity in plasma from patients and controls. Compared to controls, pulmonary TB patients under treatment presented increased DNA damage, which diminished during treatment. Also, the antioxidant capacity of these individuals was increased at the start of treatment, and reduced during treatment. TB patients showed lower iNOS expression, but expression tended to increase during treatment. Our results indicate that pulmonary TB patients under anti-TB treatment exhibit elevated DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This damage was not related to nitric oxide but may be due to other free radicals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved