23 research outputs found

    Loss of Pax6 Causes Regional Changes in Dll1 Expression in Developing Cerebral Cortex

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    The transcription factor Pax6 controls multiple aspects of forebrain development. Conditional deletion of Pax6 in embryonic mouse cortex causes increased proliferation of cortical progenitor cells and a concomitant decrease in neural differentiation. Notch signaling regulates the balance between proliferation and differentiation of cortical progenitor cells, suggesting a possible connection between Pax6 and Notch signaling. We investigated how expression of the Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) is altered by loss of Pax6. Acute cortex-specific deletion of Pax6 resulted in a widespread decrease in the density of Dll1+ cells at embryonic days 12.5 and 13.5 (E12.5 and E13.5). In constitutive loss-of-function mutants, decreases in the densities of Dll1+ cells were more limited both spatially and temporally. Controlled over-expression of Pax6 had no detectable effect on Dll1 expression. The proneural transcription factor Neurog2 is a target of Pax6 that can activate Dll1 expression and we found clear co-expression of Neurog2 and Dll1 in radial glial progenitors, suggesting that Pax6’s effect on Dll1 could be mediated through Neurog2. However, we found no change in Dll1+ cells in Neurog2−/− cortex suggesting either that Neurog2 is not directly involved, or that its loss of function in embryonic cortex can be compensated for

    Sonic Hedgehog and Notch Signaling Can Cooperate to Regulate Neurogenic Divisions of Neocortical Progenitors

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and innate-like lymphocytes have important roles in immune responses in the context of infection, cancer, and autoimmunity. The factors involved in driving the differentiation and function of these cell types remain to be clearly defined. There are several cellular signaling pathways involved in embryogenesis, which continue to function in adult tissue. In particular, the WNT, NOTCH, and Hedgehog signaling pathways are emerging as regulators of hematopoietic cell development and differentiation. This review discusses the currently known roles of WNT, NOTCH, and Hedgehog signaling in the differentiation and function of ILCs and innate-like lymphocytes

    Direct cell–cell contact with the vascular niche maintains quiescent neural stem cells

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    The vasculature is a prominent component of the subventricular zone neural stem cell niche. Although quiescent neural stem cells physically contact blood vessels at specialised endfeet, the significance of this interaction is not understood. In contrast, it is well established that vasculature-secreted soluble factors promote lineage progression of committed progenitors. Here we specifically investigated the role of cell-cell contact-dependent signalling in the vascular niche. Unexpectedly, we find that direct cell-cell interactions with endothelial cells enforces quiescence and promotes stem cell identity. Mechanistically, endothelial ephrinB2 and Jagged1 mediate these effects by suppressing cell-cycle entry downstream of mitogens and inducing stemness genes to jointly inhibit differentiation. In vivo, endothelial-specific ablation of either of the genes which encode these proteins, Efnb2 and Jag1 respectively, aberrantly activates quiescent stem cells, resulting in depletion. Thus, we identify the vasculature as a critical niche compartment for stem cell maintenance, furthering our understanding of how anchorage to the niche maintains stem cells within a pro-differentiative microenvironment

    The exon junction complex component Magoh controls brain size by regulating neural stem cell division

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    Brain structure and size require precise division of neural stem cells (NSCs), which self-renew and generate intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) and neurons. The factors that regulate NSCs remain poorly understood, and mechanistic explanations of how aberrant NSC division causes the reduced brain size seen in microcephaly are lacking. Here we show that Magoh, a component of the exon junction complex (EJC) that binds RNA, controls mouse cerebral cortical size by regulating NSC division. Magoh haploinsufficiency causes microcephaly because of INP depletion and neuronal apoptosis. Defective mitosis underlies these phenotypes, as depletion of EJC components disrupts mitotic spindle orientation and integrity, chromosome number and genomic stability. In utero rescue experiments showed that a key function of Magoh is to control levels of the microcephaly-associated protein Lis1 during neurogenesis. Our results uncover requirements for the EJC in brain development, NSC maintenance and mitosis, thereby implicating this complex in the pathogenesis of microcephaly