93 research outputs found

    Sex-Specific Hip Movement Is Correlated With Pelvis and Upper Body Rotation During Running

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    There is a sex bias for common overuse running injuries that are associated with sex-specific hip kinematics. Gait retraining programs aimed at altering hip kinematics may be more efficient if they incorporated an understanding of how hip kinematics are correlated with the movement of the remaining body segments. We applied a principal component analysis to structure the whole-body running kinematics of 23 runners (12 ♀) into k = 12 principal movements (PMk), describing correlated patterns of upper and lower body movements. We compared the time-dependent movement amplitudes with respect to each PMk between males and females using a waveform analysis and interpreted our findings according to stick figure animations. The movement amplitudes of two PMs (PM6 and PM8) showed statistically significant effects of “sex,” which were independent of running speed. According to PM8, females showed more hip adduction, which correlated with increased transverse rotation of the pelvis and upper body compared to men. We propose that increased hip adduction and upper body rotation in female runners may be a strategy to compensate for a less efficient arm and upper body swing compared to men. Gait interventions aimed at reducing hip adduction and running-related injuries in female runners should consider instructions for both upper and lower body to maximize training efficacy

    Control of blood pressure in the cold: Differentiation of skin and skeletal muscle vascular resistance

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    Abstract The primary aim of this investigation was to determine the individual contribution of the cutaneous and skeletal muscle circulations to the cold‐induced pressor response. To address this, we examined local vascular resistances in the cutaneous and skeletal muscle of the arm and leg. Thirty‐four healthy individuals underwent three different protocols, whereby cold air to clamp skin temperature (27°C) was passed over (1) the whole‐body, (2) the whole‐body, but with the forearm pre‐cooled to clamp cutaneous vascular resistance, and (3) the face. Cold exposure applied to the whole body or isolated to the face increased mean arterial pressure (all, P < 0.001) and total peripheral resistance (all, P < 0.047) compared to thermal neutral baseline. Whole‐body cooling increased femoral (P < 0.005) and brachial artery resistance (P < 0.003) compared to thermoneutral baseline. Moreover, when the forearm was pre‐cooled to remove the contribution of cutaneous resistance (P = 0.991), there was a further increase in lower arm vasoconstriction (P = 0.036) when whole‐body cooling was superimposed. Face cooling also caused a reflex increase in lower arm cutaneous (P = 0.009) and brachial resistance (P = 0.050), yet there was no change in femoral resistance (P = 0.815) despite a reflex increase in leg cutaneous resistance (P = 0.010). Cold stress causes an increase in blood pressure through a change in total peripheral resistance that is largely due to cutaneous vasoconstriction with face cooling, but there is additional vasoconstriction in the skeletal muscle vasculature with whole‐body cooling

    Numerical modelling of the separation of complex shaped particles in an optical belt sorter using a DEM-CFD approach and comparison with experiments

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    In the growing field of bulk solids handling, automated optical sorting systems are of increasing importance. However, the initial sorter calibration is still very time consuming and the precise optical sorting of many materials still remains challenging. In order to investigate the impact of different operating parameters on the sorting quality, a numerical model of an existing modular optical belt sorter is presented in this study. The sorter and particle interaction is described with the Discrete Element Method (DEM) while the air nozzles required for deflecting undesired material fractions are modelled with Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The correct representation of the resulting particle–fluid interaction is realized through a one–way coupling of the DEM with CFD. Complex shaped particle clusters are employed to model peppercorns also used in experimental investigations. To test the correct implementation of the utilized models, the particle mass flow within the sorter is compared between experiment and simulation. The particle separation results of the developed numerical model of the optical sorting system are compared with matching experimental investigations. The findings show that the numerical model is able to predict the sorting quality of the optical sorting system with reasonable accuracy

    Improving optical sorting of bulk materials using sophisticated motion models

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    Visuelle Eigenschaften sind mĂ€chtige Merkmale zur Klassifikation von SchĂŒttgĂŒtern, auf Basis derer man defekte oder unbrauchbare Teilchen erkennen kann. Die Verwendung optischer Bandsortieranlagen ist eine etablierte Technik zur Sortierung basierend auf diesen Merkmalen. Derartiger Sortierer leiden jedoch unter Verzögerungen zwischen der gleichzeitigen Klassifikation und Lokalisierung und der darauffolgenden Separation. Dadurch entsteht die Notwendigkeit fĂŒr akkurate Modelle der Teilchenbewegung, mittels derer diese LĂŒcke ĂŒberbrĂŒcktwerden kann. In dieser Veröffentlichung stellen wir unser Konzept vor, mittels hochentwickelter Simulationen genaue Modelle herzuleiten und den Teilchenstrom durch Optimierungen im Design des Sortierers zu verbessern. Dies ermöglicht die Verbesserung der SortiergĂŒte und Kosteneffizienz. Abschließend prĂ€sentieren wir erste Ergebnisse

    Real-time multitarget tracking for sensor-based sorting – A new implementation of the auction algorithm for graphics processing units

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    Utilizing parallel algorithms is an established way of increasing performance in systems that are bound to real-time restrictions. Sensor-based sorting is a machine vision application for which firm real-time requirements need to be respected in order to reliably remove potentially harmful entities from a material feed. Recently, employing a predictive tracking approach using multitarget tracking in order to decrease the error in the physical separation in optical sorting has been proposed. For implementations that use hard associations between measurements and tracks, a linear assignment problem has to be solved for each frame recorded by a camera. The auction algorithm can be utilized for this purpose, which also has the advantage of being well suited for parallel architectures. In this paper, an improved implementation of this algorithm for a graphics processing unit (GPU) is presented. The resulting algorithm is implemented in both an OpenCL and a CUDA based environment. By using an optimized data structure, the presented algorithm outperforms recently proposed implementations in terms of speed while retaining the quality of output of the algorithm. Furthermore, memory requirements are significantly decreased, which is important for embedded systems. Experimental results are provided for two different GPUs and six datasets. It is shown that the proposed approach is of particular interest for applications dealing with comparatively large problem sizes
