44 research outputs found

    ā€žKao misnikā€ i ā€žkao Turci iz Smail-ageā€. Funkcja pokarmĆ³w w nowoczesnej i ponowoczesnej narracji Lepszej połowy odwagi Ivana Slamniga

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    In the novel entitled The Better Half of Courage, Ivan Slamnig elaborates on two types of narrative namely, a traditional internal story derived from the poetics of realism and a postmodern frame story streaked with the elements of the jeans prose. In the article, culinary motifs presented in both narratives are taken into consideration in order to expose their function in Slamnigā€™s novel. The article also tries to answer the question whether the dietary code is subordinated to the both forms of discourse. The analysis of the culinary themes reveals a process of braking off with tradition in the so-called traditional narrative, and attempts of retaining tradition in the postmodern narrative. In consequence, an apparently traditional modern pilgrim, who does not respect the order of traditional rituals and remains cautious in his consumption behaviour, turns out to be condemned to painful results of his choices while a postmodern vagrant as an unfulfilled consumer-glutton keeps drawing from tradition as well as from the present day what provides him with various pleasures. Furthermore, the analysis of the culinary code of the novel allows the authoress to confirm a thesis on the presence of postmodern effects in the both ā€œpartsā€ of the novel.In the novel entitled The Better Half of Courage, Ivan Slamnig elaborates on two types of narrative namely, a traditional internal story derived from the poetics of realism and a postmodern frame story streaked with the elements of the jeans prose. In the article, culinary motifs presented in both narratives are taken into consideration in order to expose their function in Slamnigā€™s novel. The article also tries to answer the question whether the dietary code is subordinated to the both forms of discourse. The analysis of the culinary themes reveals a process of braking off with tradition in the so-called traditional narrative, and attempts of retaining tradition in the postmodern narrative. In consequence, an apparently traditional modern pilgrim, who does not respect the order of traditional rituals and remains cautious in his consumption behaviour, turns out to be condemned to painful results of his choices while a postmodern vagrant as an unfulfilled consumer-glutton keeps drawing from tradition as well as from the present day what provides him with various pleasures. Furthermore, the analysis of the culinary code of the novel allows the authoress to confirm a thesis on the presence of postmodern effects in the both ā€œpartsā€ of the novel


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    The aim of the article is to discuss how elements of food narratives, such as meals and kitchen tools used for cooking are used in order to consolidate and shape Croatian cultural memory, especially in the context of its Mediterranean heritage. For this reason, the texts by Veljko Barbieri, collected in the four volumes under the common and significant title Kuharski kanconijer. Gurmanska sjećanja Mediterana, are analysed. His circum-culinary narratives are a combination of encyclopaedic knowledge, references to historical and literary sources, personal memories and literary fiction. They can be easily inscribed in the Croatian (collective and individual) identity discourse since they are able to strengthen the collective (either national and supranational, or geo-regional) identity, and to construct the cultural memory. They also show Croatiaā€™s affiliation to the Western world along with its cultural-civilization rooting in antiquity, the Mediterranean region and Christianity, thus forming a part of the founding memory that develops a narrative about the very beginnings of Croatian presence on this land. The gastronomic narratives serve to create the cultural memory and this a version of history which serves to stabilize the social identity described by Pierre Nora and Andreas Huyssen. Through his stories, Barbieri shapes memory based on the representation of the past. In the analysed narratives, the memory carriers are dishes and plates which find reference to the oldest history of Croatia rendered by myths and other narratives. Associated with dishes, the pots enable the narrator to recall the past and the identity encoded in individual dishes. They also participate in the processes of repeating, storage and remembering, which generates a symbiotic relationship between man and thing. The memory carriers, that is food and plates depicted in Barbieriā€™s culinary narratives, do not convey their content in a neutral way, but construct their marked images.U ovome je radu riječ o upotrebi prehrambenog koda (jela i predmeta koji su neophodni za njihovu pripremu) s ciljem oblikovanja i utvrđivanja hrvatskog kulturnog pamćenja, prije svega pamćenja o pripadanju mediteranskome krugu. Predmet analize su tekstovi Veljka Barbierija sabrani u četiri sveska pod zajedničkim, znakovitim naslovom Kuharski kanconijer. Gurmanska sjećanja Mediterana. Kulinarski eseji ā€“ u kojima je osim enciklopedijskog znanja, pozivanja na povijesne i književne izvore ili osobne uspomene prisutna i književna fikcija ā€“ upisuju se u hrvatski identitetski diskurs (kolektivni i individualni), osnažuju kolektivni identitet (nacionalni i nadnacionalni, georegionalni) i oblikuju kulturno pamćenje. Nositelji su pamćenja u istraživanim naracijama jela i posuđe, a njihovo pamćenje obuhvaća najstariju povijest prostora na kojem se odigravaju ispričane priče (uključujući mitove) i gdje se jedu s njima povezana jela. Nositelji pamćenja, koji su hrana i posuđe, kao i mediji pamćenja, koji su Barbierijeve kulinarske naracije (eseji), slično drugim nositeljima (medijima) pamćenja nisu neutralan prijenosnik sadržaja nego čimbenik koji konstruira predodžbe o njima

    The Travelling of Slavs and Through the Slavic Worlds

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    Izdavačka kuća SveučiliÅ”ta Adama Mickiewicza u Poznańu 2019. je godine objavila knjigu Ewe Szperlik Chorwacka (nie)pamięć o Jugosławii. Przemilczenia, pominięcia i odpamiętanie w prozie chorwackiej po roku 1991 (Hrvatsko (ne)pamćenje o Jugoslaviji. PreÅ”ućivanja, izostavljanja i vraćanje pamćenju u hrvatskoj prozi nakon 1991. godine), koja je posvećena temama zabranjenima u službenom jugoslavenskom diskursu. Nesumnjivo, radi se o pionirskom djelu u poljskoj kroatistici, ali i općenito u kroatističkim istraživanjima